"So, are you acting apart from the people you invited? I didn't see anyone while I was here."

As he shook away the air leaning in a strange direction, Garnett purposefully raised his voice as usual.

"Oh. I'm going to rendezvous after the ceremony. To all the green hollows in my hometown... yes, I'm going to tell everyone later that 'Garnett was turning to security at the venue,' but this is fine."

"Thank you. I'm going to reveal the identity of the knight soon, but I just can't reveal it yet."

Garnett scratched her hair in embarrassment.

The new Knights, to whom I will be entrusted, are expected to be seconded by up to one from the twelve Knights as early constituents, and Garnett plans to continue escorting them as he has done so far as a representative of the Silver Wings Knights.

With this, it was no longer necessary to hide the identity of the knights, so being a member of the Knights of the Silver Wings made it possible to make them public (oh dear).

But the true gender and the fact that she is the same person as her sister (Alma) must remain hidden in the future.

I had falsely joined the Silver Wings Knights, who defined their constituents as men only, on the basis of their gender, albeit the sister of the Knights Commander - if there was a time when I could publish this, it would be about when I lost the point of being detained by the Silver Wings Knights.

Meaning of detaining the Silver Wings Knights tasked with policing and criminal investigation.

That is to say, it is the organization that most certainly has access to the clues of the misrill trafficking organization, which is the mother's feud.

"Don't rub your hair too much. You're gonna ruin it even though you're clean."

Mouth another thing I wanted to make sure of as I did Garnett's hair with my hands.

"Hey, Garnett. Can't we make time soon after the ceremony?

"Am I right? Hurry up and get dressed, well that's quite..."

"I need you to make it before I change."

Frankly telling him that, Garnett let his gaze swim the way he perceived my intentions.

"Maybe... is that it? I want the others to meet 'Alma' or something like that..."

"That sort of thing. It's gonna be hard if this isn't an opportunity, isn't it?

If I miss this opportunity, I'll have to take the form of 'I invited Alma to Green Hollow', but then I'll have to figure out the most apparent reason why Garnett won't be present this time.

But today, I can make an excuse later when I reveal my knight's identity: 'I couldn't stay because I was working for you'.

"... maybe that's right, but don't you have to rush to meet me?

"If you're in a situation where you're supposed to see him, but you don't, the very credibility of all things can be questioned. Besides, it's time for me to brag to everyone."

Speaking frankly, Garnett slipped his gaze with a mouthful of mouth all the time.

I was light-hearted about what I said earlier, but I mean the other half.

There will be a minority of guys watching the girl in front of you who don't come to the same idea as me.

Of course, I prefer my usual outfit, because the garnet I wear is jumping through in a different direction than that.

"All right, all right! Anyway, from now on, Miss Pullback can't be tempted. I think it's a good way to get around this practice."

Garnett nodded as she reopened into a self-abandoning (quit) mood.

Just then, the clock in the room pointed to the time when he was due to leave the room.

When I was nervous and I was feeling the flow of time slowly, the time quickly passed just talking to Garnett.

"Whoa, it's time to leave. You wanna come with me?

"I'll follow you to the auditorium. Abigail and a few others, though. Then we'll do something else because the entrance is different between the attendees and the guests."

When the two of us left the room, Abigail, who was waiting in the hallway, rushed over and quickly fixed Garnett's appetite.

"That's it. Shit. So I told you not to disturb your clothes. My skirt was falling apart."

"Shut up, Temei says it in a strange way."

"Don't sweat too much. Your makeup will collapse. Shall I arrange a carriage to the venue?"

"I don't need it. Isn't that the end of your eyes and nose? You can't go through a carriage in the first place."

Shaking off Abigail overlapping her novels and worries with no expression, Garnett just left the inn on foot.

With a few offerings, starting with Abigail, me and Garnett walk towards the grand auditorium, which is really right around the corner.

Boulevard was overflowing with people with the same purpose as us.

Young men and women dressed in brand new costumes, visitors and dressed men and women are moving from all directions towards the Great Auditorium.

There was no clearance for carriages to pass through too many crowds, and those who carelessly tried to ride in carriages were forced to walk off the carriages outside the crowd.

"Lady Alma, please walk inside"


My dressed shoulders cling to my arms when you pushed the garnet inward.

Perfume or expensive soap?

A kind of fragrance that I would never do from my regular garnet fluttered and tickled my nose.

"... that's it with you. Our guests are coming from the front entrance, you guys go in from the back and wait."

"Lady as you cross the border. If you enter the venue, please perform to change the tone. Don't get spoken of as shit or anything by mistake."

"I don't even have to be told. You've decided to think and behave. Okay, White Wolf's. We'll rendezvous at the inn after the ceremony."

There is also a crude tone in the appearance of the deep-window maid herself, which in fact comes quite well (...) ru (...), but I kept my mouth shut to avoid misunderstandings by saying extra things.

Break up with Garnett and look up close to the grand auditorium, the venue for the joint recital ceremony.

It is a temple of great faith forces, or a building that was once used as a place of worship, and is breathtaking and brave.

I don't know how it happened, but because of the concentration of temple functions in the Wangdu Wan Temple throughout the Wang capital and various other circumstances, the building was no longer used as a place of faith.

Subsequently, the building became royal palace-owned, apparently a grand auditorium used for various gatherings and ceremonies.

"... All right, let's go"

The extra tension disappeared thanks to Garnett's coming.

I only took one big, deep breath before turning to the waiting room for the Cavalier candidate while I kept this feeling.