Request from the Grey Eagle Knights and the enhancement means proposed by Ambrose - often after completing two types of experiments, involving two organizations: the White Wolf Shop and the White Wolf Knights.

I decided to talk to Sophia in the office of the Knights headquarters to make a report on an example.

Sophia is originally part of the Blue Peacock Knights, which is tasked with auditing each Knights.

Since I've been here, I've been responsible not only for ordinary clerical work, but also for making sure that there are no deficiencies or irregularities in our activities.

So naturally, I also decided to explain how this happened...

"... what do you call this..."

As she glanced at the report she had prepared for Ambrose, Sophia exposed her confusion by clouding her words.

"Apply the Wizard's knowledge of self-modifying techniques to bring out the Warcraft Factor sealed in the Medallion and [synthesize] it with Sir Garnett's flesh with Captain Luke's skills... what the hell kind of head would you come up with"

"This is all Sir Ambrose's talent... because I've only tried as he tells me."

As I put it, Ambrose was the first to come up with a way to do it, and I just thought he was looking at the world from a different perspective than we did.

No, I don't actually have to make such a big statement, but maybe it's just a difference between the perception of an expert and a gatekeeper.

"But while Sir Garnett's appearance did not leave man, it is described as a feat of Captain Luke"

"He said it just happened when I tried. I mean, what does that say? In some cases, we need to correct it before sending it to the King's Capital."

Even though I was even expected to look like a monster, if I opened the lid, that was such a substitute for the aesthetic value that would come out of it.

A wolf's ear with the same color as his golden hair, a tail that moves to match the ups and downs of his emotions, and a fang that often stands out when he laughs.

Ambrose also seemed totally unexpected, so it seems that the cause is either on me or Garnett, but I'd much rather disagree with the theory that my hobby preferences reflect.

"Sir Garnett. You really don't see the negative effects of being fused with the Warcraft factor, do you?

Sophia shifted her gaze to Garnett sitting next to me.

"Nothing in particular. I'm not feeling better, and I'm not feeling worse. It's exactly the way it was."

"I hope so… the report also does not confirm the type of sequelae"

"The White Wolf's [repaired] it. It must be a mistake."

It's true that I didn't see any anomalies in Garnett's body, but when I can trust him so far, he's going to feel more responsible and heavily pressured than happy.

No, I guess if we're going to use this method in action, we have to come with a firm sense of responsibility.

"I'll keep the report for now. We'll load it again later and return it with any shortcomings or doubts."

As Sophia tried to cut the story off, the office door was inadvertently knocked and Mark's voice was thrown from the outside.

"Captain Luke, it's a customer. Sir Oswald of the Grey Eagle Knights is here."

"Sir Oswald did?

"For once, I'll be waiting for you in the reception room..."

"Okay, I'm going now. Sophia, you need to get to work."

I broke up with Sophia, who nodded and expressed his appreciation, and I decided to take Garnett to the reception room.

Nevertheless, it is unexpected that Sir Oswald will come to HQ (this way).

I had no particular advance contact, so I guess I had some sudden errands and got to my feet, but as the White Wolf Knights, I don't know what to do.

The answer is as soon as we meet in person.

When I opened the door to the reception room and went inside, Sylvia was just pouring tea into Oswald, who sat in a chair for visitors.

"Sylvia? What's going on here?"

"Ah, Mr. Luke. I was just getting ready for lunch, so Mark asked me to serve you some tea."

"... him. It's not Sylvia's job to respond to visitors."

"I don't care anymore."

With me back on my ass, Sylvia walked out of the reception room greeting Sir Oswald the way she was used to.

Only the billboard daughter of the best inn in town, and customer service is a treat.

Oswald opened his mouth slightly sorry after seeing that the door to the reception room had been properly closed.

"I'm sorry I suddenly pushed you. I was wondering if I should change the day."

"I don't mind. So, what can I do for you? Is it still about prototypes of cold equipment?"

If Sir Oswald has business with me, it's a matter of ten to eighty-nine.

And then Sir Oswald shook his head small and vertical, affirming my expectations.

"At first, I was given a visit to the White Wolf Shop, but I heard Sir Luke was going to headquarters (this way) on a Knights errand."

I try not to confuse the work of the Knights with that of an arms dealer, but I can't push it to my client.

Convinced that this would happen once in a while, this time half-specially, I decided to talk about the White Wolf Shop job in the reception room at the Knights headquarters.

"Two types of prototypes, both of which had great performance. We already have suggestions for improvements to the problem, and it's really impeccable."

"Thanks for that. The people in charge will be delighted."

"But the first proposal, which is inexpensive but disposable in a day, the second proposal, which is expensive but usable for a long time... it is up to the headquarters to decide which one will be adopted, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm going to propose a third proposal to the headquarters"

After pinching a slightly reminiscent forward gesture, Sir Oswald went out of his way to cut the point, which is why he visited here.

"I would like to employ both as formal gear. It's our conclusion after we've ascertained the performance."

"Is that true? Does that mean… use it separately according to the circumstances?"

"Mm-hmm. It would give a type of spelling scroll for operations that end in a short period of time, and a type of trickery for prolonged operations"

Or maybe it's a good idea to reward the latter for merit - that's what Sir Oswald said and loosened his mouth.

"Sir Luke. Thank you very much. We'll be ready by the next winter."

"If you appreciate it, make it noir and alexia. It's because of them that I finished it so quickly."

This one makes me smile unexpectedly.

That was not because I was appreciated myself, nor because I was able to complete the task of ordering from the Knights - a joy that the work of Noir and Alexia was becoming widely recognized.