Before sunset that day, we decided to get ready to attend the night club.

Apparently participants from the White Wolf Knights decided to borrow clothes from their respective sources, but I didn't have those back shields, so I decided to borrow courtesy clothes from either the Silver Wings Knights or the Argentian family.

Abigail, who had followed him as a squire, knocked on the door as he was allowed to use the royal palace's holding room and get himself through his sleeves in unfamiliar clothes.

"Master Luke. Alma, the lady has finished dressing. Can I see you?

"Ah...... oh, this one's fine too. I'm on my way."

He is guided by Abigail to another holding room as he responds openly and nervously.

"Lady Alma. We've brought Master Luke."

"Yep... Yep, I'm fine. Please come in."

I am greeted by a nervous voice like I just heard somewhere and step into Alma (Garnet) 's holding room.

Waiting there was a girl dressed in a pure white dress reminiscent of (...) night (...) of (...).

The length of the skirt is long and the more you go up, the easier it is to understand the contours of the body, but there is little exposure on the chest to hide the scars.

Instead, the necklace, which mimics the Mithril blades and wolf fangs I gave you, is flashing on a high-quality white cloth.

The golden hair, usually tied together in a white and silver outfit, looked like a veil hiding the neck muscles and couldn't help but catch my attention with nature.

"... why don't you say something?

Garnet stares at me blushing her cheeks.

"Wow, bad. I was accidentally in love."

It was too late when he accidentally leaked the truth, and when he thought it was over, Garnett let his gaze swim as he looked like he had chewed up a bitter bug.

"Ma'am, this will ruin your makeup."

"Shut up. There's nobody else here, so it's okay."

"Even though I applied it thinly, if it collapses, it will be redone"

Abigail continues to respond with the same attitude as usual to Garnett's disgruntled face and bare gestures that do not suit her outfit.

All I can say is that it's just great to get here.

Sounds like you have a perfect idea of how to handle garnets.

"By the way, Master Luke. Are you sure you have time for your next appointment?"

"Oh, there's still time before the meeting starts, and the people I want to meet are gonna be in the venue a little late."

To the Duke of Kingswell, Senator Ayre Sethroomnil of the Union of the North Tree Sea.

Both are busy with public and high-ranking figures, and even Senator Ayle is a dignitary who came for diplomacy from outside the country.

So I didn't have enough time to attend early in the meeting, and as soon as each errand was over, I would be entering the venue along the way...... I had been given an explanation in advance by the Royal Palace.

"First of all, His Majesty arranged a meeting with the Knights Commander stationed in Wang Du. So we had an exchange of views on the future exploration policy of" The Ark of Elements, "and when that was over, we went into the venue..."

"Meet Sylvia and the others at the venue, and then when the time comes, hide something and meet them. You don't seem to have time for this party, do you?

The amount of work that needs to be done at this evening's club is huge anyway, and it's all serious.

Whether there was a harvest or nothing to gain, the White Wolf Knights could barely even shape the future policy of the Hollow Bottom branch of the Adventurers Guild.

Realizing once again that a critical branch was approaching, biting the rising tension, Garnett slapped me hard on the back with his hand wrapped in a long-handbag.

"What's so hard about you... it might be hard to stick with you. You don't have a problem with that. I guarantee it."

"... thanks. If you trust me that much, how do I look if I don't respond?"

I felt my body's solidity unravel at the abusive encouragement released from my clear outfit.

I'm sure if I had come alone to the King's Capital, I might not have been able to stand and behave properly, being crushed by tension and heavy pressure.

But even if you just weren't talking about anything and you were there, or you were just in a different part of the same building, that just makes it easier for you to have Garnett.

"Master Luke. Will the lady also be present for this later meeting with the Knights Leaders?

Listen to the casual remarks made by Abigail and return to me, answering the questions while maintaining the broken feelings.

"No, only the Knights Leader will attend the meeting, so don't act separate from Garnett until you enter the venue. Of course, the Knights' Angelica captain's entourage is an exception."

Sir Angelica, who is losing his sight, has always taken several girl squires with him as an escort.

That is no exception on these occasions of meetings.

The other participants exchanged opinions on the assumption that the squire girl would keep the secret, and it was also a sort of implicit understanding that Sir Angelica would bring only those squire whom he decided he could undoubtedly trust.

"Then, in case the meeting was prolonged and you didn't make it to the opening meeting, what should the lady do?"

"I know it's only a little late for the opening, but in that case, you need to come into the venue first and rendezvous with Silvia and the others. That's right, miss, you won't be able to dress up alone, so can you ask Abigail to accompany you?

"I'm in awe. Let me be sincere."

Abigail gracefully compliments the dust.

I'm more accustomed to standing in public (formal) seats than I am.

Have you, as a servant of the Argentian family, long been present and experienced in such places?

"If I could, I'd like to come out to the meeting and follow up. All this is difficult for both titles... well, it doesn't mean there's nothing I can do about it because I have a brother."

Garnett glanced up at me with her shoulders clasped as she scratched her hair with her fingers over her long bag.

"Good luck, Luke"

The word was extraordinarily powerful than anything else, and it pushed my back.