"You've come a lot. Sorry to call you overlapping."

His Majesty Alfred's voice greets us when we enter the room.

Waiting for us there were His Majesty and the Angelica Knights Commander, who followed several of his men's orders.

Is it still what I imagined it would be?

Me and Garnett have greeted each other with courtesy and decided to wait for His Majesty to hang the words.

"If I can, I guess I should finish all my errands at once, but it's not convenient. It's something that won't stay."

"There is no annihilation. Your Majesty's convenience should prevail."

"That's not how it works. Do, for this matter... Sir Angelica"

His Majesty Alfred urges Captain Angelica to speak.

"I'm in awe. I'd like to start by talking about the collaborative actions of the Knights of Honeyscales and the White Wolf Knights in the Dungeon" Ark of Elements. "

"Yes, please"

Will it still be this topic at first?

Once you've finished matching up with the Knights of the Neon Scale, you should be able to align yourself with all the Knights involved in that dungeon.

"The way we interact with the 'Ark of Elements' is dominated by research and research into ancient magical civilizations. My original official duties are under the command of the Temple."

"I know. You started to study the relationship between faith and skill in the gods, and you extended your hand to research in a variety of fields."

"Inevitably, the constituents working on the ground will be members of the team studying ancient magical civilizations… which means that they will be limited to the Hilds they have already dispatched and that it will also be at Hilds discretion to secure personnel, etc."

While many other Knights devoted themselves to official duties in specific areas, Honeyscales were also beginning to make contributions in another area, namely, temple supervision and security, because manpower was needed but the effort itself was not so great.

Various research themes are addressed for each constituent, for example in the case of Hild, ancient magic civilization is the subject of research.

"So the neon scale and white wolf collaboration in the" Ark of Elements "means the collaboration between Hild and you."

"Are you saying that the study of ancient magic civilizations is a research theme for Hilde individuals, so I give them a budget but not a mouth......?

"In short, it will. Because Hild has enough authority, and he can't be impeccable in his abilities."

Given that research is not an original official business, it may be taken for granted in a way that that happens.

The content itself was natural and convincing, but only one question comes to mind.

If that's all, you could have told him at a previous meeting.

I wondered why I needed to stay out of it, and Captain Angelica went on saying things without going between them.

"But there's one thing I'd like you to know… to be precise."

"What to watch out for, is...?

I see, I shall concentrate my consciousness so that I do not miss what Captain Angelica has to say, keeping in mind that this is the main issue.

"As Hild progresses with his research, various facts will be revealed, the contents of which will also be communicated to Commander Luke in turn. But if you publish such information or not, make sure you listen to Hild's decision."


Even if no, I couldn't help but recall interacting with Ayle Sethroomnil.

The possibility of not publishing the facts revealed in the study - in other words, the fact that publication must be withheld may be revealed.

"... Senator Ayle said, you might dig up information that humans on earth shouldn't know... is that what you mean?

"Yeah, I think the possibilities are well thought out. It is by no means unnatural to imagine that the information that might have been obtained by passing through the 'right eye' of the alphazule can also be obtained from the dungeons produced by the alphazule…"


His Majesty's heavily and often passing voice cracks and enters.

"Sir Luke is on the front line. Even though we can't reveal the truth, shouldn't we tell them until one step ahead of us?

"... I'm in awe. You may be right."

It felt like the air in the room had changed somewhat.

The garnet standing next door is also sensitive to changes in the atmosphere and awaits the words of Captain Angelica with much breath.

"The 'truth' that coalition senator Ayr Sethroomnil was referring to, supposedly humans shouldn't know... we... no, I and His Majesty probably know who it is"


To my great surprise, both Garnett and I raise our voices that we can't take care of.

"... what the hell is that..."

"I'm sorry. As it stands, you shouldn't know the details either. Not so much, because it's a matter that can shake the backbone of human society."

Now His Majesty also did not pinch his mouth and affirmed with silence what Captain Angelica had said.

The silence of those who immediately add what is needed from time to time is felt to mean a great deal just that.

"Of course, we didn't get confirmation from Congressman Ayle, so it's possible we're eating the wrong things that we think of each other. But if that's what we know about the 'truth', it's also true that we don't feel compelled to differ from Senator Ayle's cover-up policy."

"Well... that's why His Majesty the King didn't strongly blame Senator Ayle for the leap..."

The decision was not a compromise for His Majesty to water the case of working magical maneuvers on the Knights Commander with multiple concessions, starting with providing information as a high elf, that the war might resume if one step was wrong.

The fact that I grasped the 'truth' known to His Majesty was not a desirable development for His Majesty either, and Ayle's cover-up turned out to be convenient.

But on the face of it, I didn't show such a bare hand, I took it to the negotiation of giving me information and concessions because I would compromise and pour it into the water, and it meant that I achieved results unilaterally without letting go of essentially anything.

Absolutely - they have enough.

You're the one who doesn't want to turn to the enemy by mistake.

"Does that mean Congressman Ayle was going to let me dance on the palm of his hand, and in fact he was dancing on the palm of His Majesty's hand too"

"Dude, that's a big deal. Do I look that bad?

When His Majesty said so deliberately, he lifted the edge of his mouth and made him laugh.