The day after we arrived back in Greenhollow Town from Wang Du, we packed it into the conference room of the White Wolf Knights headquarters to surround the large table in order to summarize the results of our visit to Wang Du in a report.

Six of the faces here are members who went to Wang Capital, including me, one is a watchdog to see if we're doing our job properly, and the other two are wild horses who came to hear about the souvenirs.

"Phew... this is it"

It was Hild who finished the work first.

"That's fast. I thought you were the one who had to write the most."

When I spoke my candid thoughts, Hild smiled with a garlic under his hood to hide his elf-specific ears.

"Because I have finished the paperwork well in Wang Du. I was just finishing up when they told me to write the report again because it would only be a series of 'details refer to separate material'"

"That's right or what..."

Hild is a knight as well as a researcher.

I have heard that her research has moved a lot forward as Green Hollow's nearest dungeon, The Ark of Elements, has been found to be deeply involved with the ancient magical civilization that is the subject of Hild's research.

Naturally, the contents of the report would increase with that, but the area seemed familiar.

"Well... I have to finish it too"

Try to pull together your thoughts by turning to the report you are filling out.

The visit to the King's Capital as the White Wolf Knights could be said to have been successfully concluded in all respects.

Firstly, the most influential aspect of my normal work was still my decision to work with the other Knights.

Our official duties are to guide the adventurers exploring the Ark of Elements and to liaise with the Alliance and the Knights, but as the quest for dungeons progressed, it became necessary to work more closely together than ever before.

- The Golden Tooth Knights in charge of the military are to contact them promptly if they discover the remnants of the army of Demon King Gandalf, who was looking to invade the ground.

For them, the battle against the Demons in the dungeon is an irregular matter, and they're not going to stick their necks in too aggressively, but if the Demon King hasn't given up his plans for a ground invasion, the story is different.

- The Silver Wings Knights in charge of policing and criminal investigation have asked us to mediate a cooperative relationship with the adventurer in order to conduct an investigation into Agate Lamb, a Mithrill trafficking organization.

From the information we have obtained so far, it has become clear that Agate Lamb, who has illegally handled misrills on the ground, is in fact a group that has been lurking in the dungeon The Ark of Elements for a long time.

The Silver Wings Knights have a policy of finding and catching criminals trying to hide in the dungeons, but they just aren't used to working in the dungeons, so they want to get the help of real adventurers to hit the investigation.

- The Knights of Iron Dogs who monitor the forbidden areas on the ground promise to cooperate with each other if their goals are achieved.

A restricted area is the site of a country that was once destroyed when Gandalf explored a ground invasion and turned into a demonic nest.

Once our exploration of the "Ark of Elements" is complete, we can move from the basement to the deepest depths of the Forbidden Zone, and vice versa, once the Forbidden Zone Survey of the Iron Dog Knights is completed, we can move from the ground to the center of the "Ark of Elements".

We were taught that we could not lend a hand directly to each other, but that there could also be cooperation in this form.

- The Knights of Cui Eye (Cancer), who monitor the wizard's activities, share information about the wizard who came to Green Hollow.

The "Ark of Elements", with successive new discoveries, is expected to be pushed by many wizards from now on.

- And the Knights of the Neon Scale.

The Knights, who are responsible for the supervision and security of the temples throughout the continent, as well as conducting a wide range of studies such as faith in the gods and skill involvement, also naturally have a cooperative relationship.

The most noteworthy request received from the Neon Scale is still that we want Hild's decision on the publication of the facts found in his study of the "Ark of Elements" to be in accordance with his judgment.

"Lord Commander, how are things going?

Sir Sophia, who was mentoring my brother (Mark), approached me to ask what was going on with me.

"Sort of. I think I'm about half done. The others..."

Once I stop working, I look around the conference room.

With the exception of me, who is not formally educated as a knight, is Mark still the most struggling?

He is a rookie who was knighted at the same time as me, and although he has not gained practical experience in another industry (bokusha) like me, it is often noticeable that he has not yet been able to demonstrate his strengths.

It may seem a sight to envy from an unrelated third party, as if he's been given thorough guidance by Sophia, the clerk who was the answering machine, but as such, he only seems to feel under the guidance of a ghost instructor.

If you move your gaze further from there, there are two of them whose writing hands are completely stopped.

Chandler refuses to lend me his sword, a garnet that looks forward to seeing the sword of Adamant given to him by His Majesty the King.

Lionel, whose former affiliation is the Golden Tooth Knights, was also mixed up in that conversation, and all the White Wolf (of us) militants seemed to be attracted to that sword.

"I know that sword is awesome, so write the report properly."

"Even so, it's about the sword that I have to put on record."

"I will. I don't have too much to write about when I'm finished with my connections, and vice versa."

Chandler also endorses Garnett's remarks.

Next to it, Lionel was smiling indescribably.

"... Speaking of which, I also need to write down what His Majesty gave me."

During my stay in Wangdu, I exchanged words with His Majesty more than once, and received a number of important information and valuables.

Some of the information was so sensitive that it could not be kept on the White Wolf Knights record, but it should at least be stated after laying down the obtaining route with regard to the artifacts received with Adamant's sword.

I plan to put that into action, so it's just a matter of operating without putting the existence itself on the record.

"In the meantime... do you want me to write about the second medallion"

- Medallion.

A nucleus (core) that constitutes the flesh of being called a warcraft or divine beast, unlike the normal demons that inhabit the dungeon.

No one in this world must have ever thought that it was the identity of a mysterious artifact that was shown as a condition for His Majesty's succession to the throne.