"... that I'm going to need a lot of misrills to get it done. Of course I will pay for it, could you please make it convenient for me to stock it..."

I see, I'm convinced on the inside that that was the case.

There were a few candidates for what I was likely to be asked to do by Sakura, but all this is a difficult project to take with me besides me.

Mithril has a high affinity with magic and is the best material to combine with magic and magic props, but it is disastrous that it is basically a rare metal only available in dungeons, whose distribution and handling are severely restricted by law.

Collection, processing and sale… Not only does royal palace authorisation be required at all stages, but there are constraints on each quantity, and it is now difficult for artisans to even obtain a consolidated quantity.

In the case of the Wang capital, for example, Mithril has adopted a method whereby the Wang capital's artisan union purchases collectively and distributes them to the union's artisans, but has not been able to satisfy the demand of all artisans at the same time.

This is even the capital of Wang, the largest city in the Western continent in terms of both fame, so the situation of other lands is speculative.

In that regard, I can [disassemble] the walls of the Mithrill dungeon disguised as the first tier of the "Millennial Corridor of Naruto", the "Ark of Elements", and obtain a steady amount of Mithrills.

"Of course I'm not saying I can't. Lord Luke has a cap on the amount of Mithrills he can collect, and he needs to prepare for the fight against Agate Rams, so it's only natural that I don't have the Mithrills to accommodate him personally."

Sakura's right, I'm not able to collect unlimited misrills either, and that cap has a legal tie.

Given the future increase in demand, we can't waste it......

"Don't worry about it. Of course, I'll let you have as much as you need, and if anything, I want you to help me develop it."

"Ho, is that true!?

Sakura embarked on a dew of joy, but soon regained her mind and calmed her attitude.

"No, thank you very much, are you sure? Besides, until development cooperation…"

"Of course it's a suggestion because it's beneficial even for me. If you complete the magic artifact that suppresses the influence of divine descent, you'll be thankful."

Needless to say, this is specially because I've been looking after Sakura for a long time... what a judgment not for reasons that would give me awkwardness.

As the manager of the White Wolf store, as the head of the White Wolf Knights, I'm just trying to get on board fully because Sakura's proposal was a ship across the street.

"Of course Sakura remembers that the Agate Lamb puppets have the means to attack with a scorching light. I had a chance the other day to actually put the weapon Agate Lamb used to destroy the Demon King's Army around my eyes... that was a really powerful substitute"

"... Rumors only spy on me from fellow adventurers. Anything was a one-on-one substitute for the Warlord or A-rank."

"In my view, if it's still one-on-one, I wonder if Dustin has a minute. Of course, it is now possible that it has been further strengthened from the battle against the Demon King's Army, and most importantly, at the point where the unity of enemy soldiers is at that level... hey, that's off the record."

Cough gently before pulling the story back to business.

"Anyway, I have a duty as manager and captain to provide everyone who comes to the battle against Agate Lamb with an arm that can cross with that level of enemy. Even if we don't win one-on-one, the minimum we can manage to achieve is a mass battle."

As Garnett had absorbed the hotline with the power of Warcraft Scoll, Sakura would also be able to deactivate that if he activated the divine descent, but it makes no sense if only one or two were resistant.

Even the puppets who raided the neutral city (Athlopolis) are probably just a handful of the total.

It is decided that only a few elites can defeat them from the front.

"But as you know, Agate Lamb's weapons are digit-resistant. Even if they survive a series of hotlines from afar just you or Garnett, that's a disastrous defeat as a battle. At least make a means to protect yourself from ranged attacks or you'll have no winning eyes."

This is also evident from the defeat of the Demon King's Army to Agate Lamb.

Sakura nods and agrees with me.

"If it was about the wall that prevented the hotline, you would have made ice norzuli and dirt vestri. If you are the owner of a flesh that does not unintentionally cross a hotline, you have a tin of fire. The ability of the storm Austri could have overshadowed even with a few disadvantages... Despite this, the Demon King's Army has been defeated..."

"There's no better prospect of conveniently pulling 'means to beat Agate Lamb' out of there than even the Demon King's Army couldn't resist the full season. So whether or not the human side can fight properly has unfortunately hung on my shoulder..."

Sakura gives a sympathetic, respectful, pitiful, mixed look at the weight of the role I've been carrying.

With such a straight look back at Sakura's eyes, I raised the edge of my mouth and proclaimed.

"That's why I want to help you. A magic guide that not only suppresses the rampage of divine descent, but even prevents the aftermath of burning heat. If you can stop the damage from inside, you should literally return the back and (...) or (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...)) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...

"... I see!

Sakura rose out of her chair with her eyes round to her surprise.

"It may indeed be possible! The total amount of burning emitted as the aftermath of a true divine descent is only my estimate, but it should have surpassed the calories of the hotline weapons witnessed in the neutral city (Athlopolis)......!

"Of course it's not always possible to divert it as it is. But at least it should be based on improvements. Besides, even the Royal Palace will raise the amount of Mithrill handling if it is to develop and manufacture gear for Agate Rams."

I was happy with Sakura's reaction, but I gave her my hand.

"Will you cooperate, Sakura"

"Yes, of course! Happy!"

And Sakura held his hand back forcefully.