When I tried to get out of the front door, the sandstorm ran in my sight again, and when I noticed it, I was moving to another place.

To be honest, I've gotten used to it and I can't even feel surprised.

Looks like this is the store Francinus runs.

We arrived early, and we don't see any other Wild Hunt members anywhere.

I don't know what I'm doing today, but I'm just trying to squander my time, and I'm going to sit down on the right chair.


An employee girl comes to pour free water.

I feel like I've heard it somewhere.

Is this also a fragment of Loki's memory - she casually looks at the girl while moisturizing her throat with cold water poured over her.

"... Bhah!

It sprays out unexpectedly, overflowing with water.

"So, are you okay!?

"Keho...! Are you sure you're okay?"

Simple yet loving look on a long wavy brown hair.

The girl who was working in service clothes was undoubtedly Erica, an employee of our store.

I would be surprised before such a wise idea, such as the sketch of others from a long time ago, or whether they only borrowed the appearance based on my proper memory.

A girl like Erica blinked for a while, then smiled like a surprise and peeked into my face as a boy.

"Wow, Luke? Ahahah... I wonder if dreaming was my weird hobby."

Erica laughs in trouble.

Definitely, this girl is not someone who borrowed Erica's appearance, but Erica herself, who dreams of this world.

In retrospect, when I was first dragged into this world, I was involved not only with Hilde, who tried to analyze me, but also with Garnet, who was just nearby.

Even if the same thing happened, there's no wonder...

"Hey, come here...!

"Huh? What?!?

I grabbed Erica's sleeve and forced her into the corner of the store.

And he crouched down in the shade and held his forehead down, and told him briefly about the situation in which they were placed.

"Look, Erica. This is not a dream. It's hard to explain, but just think of the spirit as being dragged into a fictional world."

"... eh? Um... eh?

Erica hardly seems to have come to talk about it, and her expression is gloomy as she sees a number of question marks on her head.

It's not impossible. I wouldn't even have understood if I hadn't had a real experience.

"Maybe we're being pushed into the position of the inhabitants of this world. You didn't see anyone around you feel uncomfortable, did you?

"Well, wait! Then what is this place? Why is this happening!?

"... the cause is my 'right eye'. The same thing happened before. The magical attempt to analyze the" Right Eye "triggered... and this world is a reproduction of ancient magical civilization."

"Come on, Maho...."

Erica repeated the words as if they were words, and sat perfectly on the spot.

"Ok, sure, I thought it was weird! There were tools rolling around like I never imagined! But... can we put it back together?!

"It's okay. When I was dragged in before, my garnet and I got back together, and nobody's gonna be able to sabotage me this time. It might take a little longer....."

The fact that the Alpha Zulu has taken over safely leaves me lying.

If you don't tell me so much, it'll just confuse Erica.

Now I'm going to ask Erica, who breathes a long breath of relief from the bottom of her heart, what I was worried about.

"Answer some of them. Where were you before you were dragged into this world?

"Before being dragged in... um, it's okay to remember the last place. Then... yeah, I was still at the store. It took a little longer to clean up."

Hold your head with one hand and shake your head.

Assuming you were involved with the people around you like the first incident, it's unlikely that the victim was Erica alone.

Alexia and Noir, who were in the same room, could almost certainly be considered to be in this world.

These two are still good. The aim was to come here from the beginning, and by now I may be enjoying myself somewhere.

"... I mean, you were with Garnett."

"Ha, yes! I got a lot of help from you...."

Garnett was not in the same room as Alexia and Noir when they tried to start analyzing the Right Eye.

If this were somewhere else, Garnett would be working with me around the clock to escort me, with the exception of the shop where I live.

We couldn't keep the Knights waiting for the Hilds, so when she came, we had to clean up the shop and leave the rest to Garnett and the others.

That's why I've never cared about Garnet's safety before.

I didn't even think of a reason to care in the first place.

However, the encounter with Erica overshadowed this premise.

"(Garnet is also involved in this phenomenon... it's possible, it's possible... Damn, should I have imagined it sooner...?

The doorbell rang towards the front door when I was bothering my head.

Apparently there are new visitors.

I summarized my thoughts and told Erica about the future course of action.

"Look, I want you to stay in the flow for the time being. An inadvertent behavior can cause unexpected events. When it's done, make sure everything goes back to normal. Don't worry, wait for me."