My Room Has Become a Dungeon’s Rest Area
About confessing to the Elf Lady Wizard.
The Witch Wizard rolled around holding me from the bottom and at some point she was made to go down. They compress my face with a very large slime, though from the top of my black leather clothes.
"Yeah, yeah!? What kind of situation is this?
"No, are you?
"I don't hate it, but I don't know what it means!
When me and the witch wizard are rampaged, the Japanese room drawer suddenly opens in parn.
"Master Thor? Where have you been?! Suddenly he's gone, so I'm worried and worried!
I heard Leah cry.
The three of them simultaneously said, "" "Huh?" "He looked at her face and opened his eyes round.
But I was the fastest recoverer.
"Oh, oh, I'll introduce you. We were both down in the dungeon..."
The moment I say that, the wizard sees Kiri and Leah.
Hey, why?
"Aria the moderator knight? Why are you here?
Heh? Does the Witch Wizard know about Leah? Leah yells at the witch wizard in Leah.
"Mr. Deet, the solo wizard!? What are you doing to Master Thor!
"Oh, that? You two know each other?
◆ ◆ ◆
By dawn it was time for my dining table, which I had just moved, to be a meeting place.
"Well, you two are members of the Adventurer Guild in the Labyrinth City... and I don't know... I found out that we're not very close."
Apparently, these two people know each other, but there's a fatal difference between the style of exploring the labyrinth or the policy, and it's a mouthless relationship.
I'm still sitting in the chair across the street, and I'm not even trying to look at you.
"But. Now we're both down in the dungeon, and this is how we're gonna be together, and we're gonna get along. Anyway, let's go to sleep now. You should both get some rest."
Leah opened her mouth. He wants to dissatisfy Deet.
"I don't mind getting along if Master Thor says so, but Mr. Deet does something weird to Master Thor!
But the mouth is better with Deet.
"Oh, I'm nothing strange. We don't do a lot of elves, but isn't that what humans do? Haven't you and Big Sage met yet?
●☓▲■ ▼◯◆☓
Leah argues with a voice that doesn't make sense.
How many times have you seen an exchange between two people similar to this? The story was grand. I decide to ignore it already and move on.
"Woman magic...... you should sleep alone in bed because mr. Dieto would be the most damaging to your body. Me and Leah are gonna sleep in tatami. Come on."
"That's good! I like that!
Leah agreed with my suggestion with a full grin.
But the witch wizard Deet disagrees with it.
"Leah! No! Oh, no!"
"You can't take the best bedding (newbie) away from the Great Sage. Are you still a knight? The Great Sage will sleep alone in bed, and the two of us will sleep in that tatami."
Deet has poked where it would hurt the most for the knight Leah.
The rear is half-baked and doesn't make any noise. I wanted to sleep with Leah. I was half-baked, too.
◆ ◆ ◆
Much has passed since then. I was lying in a dark bed.
I'm sure Leah and Deet will be asleep already in the next Japanese-style room.
"Ah, I'm tired..."
I'm tired but I can't sleep inside.
That's right. There's a beautiful girl and a beautiful woman staying in my room like you haven't seen in just one day.
Besides, Mr. Dieto, the Witch Wizard, says she's an elf.
"What was it that you were telling me to have it? Hit me... Mr. Deet's... No, no, that's stupid..."
At this age, I know what I am.
I know that my grandmother told me that Tool looked good in her body, not in the public.
I've never actually been hot.
"I guess the feeling that Leah just likes me a little bit is also due to her misunderstanding of me as a great sage, not a romantic sentiment. Sad...... let's go to sleep"
Only to sleep unfaithfully and forget. I fell asleep sideways from a straight back position.
But when I lay sideways in bed, I realized someone was lying face to face with me.
My mouth was prevented by my hand when I was about to scream loudly.
"Shh, shh, shh. Dear Great Sage,"
It was Mr. Deet. That surprised me, too, and I wanted to complain. [M]
"Mr. Deet. What is it! We talked about sleeping alone, right?
"Uh-huh. I wonder what you want me to get? I think it's what the Great Sage imagined, isn't it?
Yeah, yeah, yeah! Were you listening to yourself earlier!?
How long have you been this guy?
Mr. Deet exhales hot.
Apparently this guy can exude colour with just his voice in the dark.
"Hey, hey! Come on, man! I'll be angry!
"Shh. I'm sorry. She's gonna wake up. The truth is, I've been meaning to talk to you two for a while."
"Talk? What are you talking about?
"Dear Thor, you're not a great sage, are you? Yeah, he was whining to himself."
Ugh... did you find out? I don't know how to whine.
I don't know if it's because super beauties exhale hot, or because they're going to find out they're not big sage, thrilling and heartbeat.
But as it turns out, it's not a good thing to fool people. I lied to Mr. Deet earlier to get him to rest in his room. I don't even need that anymore now.
I looked into Deet's eyes and said:
"I'm sorry. I'm not a big sage."
She also becomes serious when I honestly tell the truth. [M]
Although the contents were not.
"Well, not only is Mr. Towel cute, but he's a man."
"Don't make fun of me"
"I really think so... otherwise I'd give it to you..."
"I say it too because Master Tor told me the truth, but it's me, the elf, and I haven't done anything with anyone yet..."
"Yeah, yeah?
I'm surprised I'm such an idiot in this color. [M]
Speaking of which, however, it's like Elves of Long-lived Species said little or nothing about doing that.
Deet said something else to delude him with a rubbed voice.
"Wow, wow, I look like this, and unlike Leah, I'm familiar with artifacts. But I've never seen any of the artifacts in this room. Can I ask you to tell me what you mean?
Leah said. Deet is a strange and dangerous dungeon explorer called the solo wizard. He hates partying with people and always seems to be me.
I also thought I could tell someone like that about this apartment, but I don't think Deet's exchange earlier was a lie.
I tried to talk about what I experienced today. [M]
◆ ◆ ◆
"Another world? It's not even the fairy kingdom, I mean, the phantom kingdom, right?
"Maybe, no. I don't think my world is such a fantasy world as the fairy world. There's no such thing as a fairy world, is there?
Remove the smartphone iPhone from your pocket. Play small music while glowing.
Deet's surprise was conveyed almost even in the dark.
"No... Wow. But I don't think there's a god world, and I can't believe there's another world."
"No, I couldn't believe it either.... disillusioned to know that I'm some ordinary person in the world who's not a great sage or anything?
I said to myself in a mockery. I'm scared of Deet's reaction, but it's dark, so I don't even know what she looks like.
Waiting for Deet to say something, he felt soft and slightly damp on his forehead.
"Already...... What does the kindness and courage of that ordinary man, Thor, for his great adventure in saving my life have to do with not being a great sage?"
Her voice and exhale reveal that her face and face were closer.
I close my eyes without meaning even though it's dark thinking there's a continuation.
But apparently, it didn't go on.
"Well, let's go before that kid wakes up, shall we?
"To? Where?
"It's a dungeon! I'll tell you about my skills and the other world."
It was a little sad that there was no continuation, but that would be greatly appreciated.
"Tell me about the world over here instead," Deet laughed joyfully.