My Room Has Become a Dungeon’s Rest Area
Miso's best reward.
"In the meantime, shall we have dinner? Then Deeto will wait here.
"Is Tool going to make it even during the adventure?
"I'll take care of the fight. I've got a bunch of things in my backpack that I can make right away."
"Hey, look forward to it."
For your sake, this is a water field. Don't consume drinking water.
Quickly, use a portable stove of solid fuel to boil water in the pan.
Hehe. I wonder which one. Since I started living with Leah and the others, I've been trying to eat junk food that I never ate because I was properly self-catering.
"Bag noodle miso is the best! Let's just say I'm gonna eat you today!
It's 300 yen even though it contains five servings. I also tried adding noodles and powdered soup to the pan and freeze-dried dried vegetables.
Leah comes to see how it goes. By the way, Leah always looks at my dishes with intrigue. Sizuk remembers to cook once he sees it. Deet specializes in eating all the time.
"That smells so good. What is this?
Leah's right, I can't wait to smell it because I've been walked and hungry for so long.
"Miso is the best."
"Ah, it was miso soup, wasn't it"
Leah and Deet both loved miso soup.
"Well, this is more of a ramen than miso soup."
"Enjoy what you've done... I can do it now"
"Yes! Are you done yet?
"It's also an advantage to be early. Let's split up."
Divide the five-person ramen made at a time in a pan into a bowl of styrofoam. Hand out plastic forks as well. They are both light so they are convenient for your phone.
Shizuku decided to feed him on my claws.
I know it's okay because it's dark, but Sizuk shields my body and shadows me from the adventurer party earlier.
"Here you go"
I'll have Leah and Deet. I told you, I was watching how I ate.
I wrapped the dough around it with a plastic fork slightly over it, put it in my mouth, and rinsed it.
- Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
"Mmm, delicious. That's japanese instant noodles."
Leah and Deeto were pokant, but eventually they began to imitate me and scrape the noodles.
"Mm-hmm! It's a complicated flavor I've never had."
"Yeah. It's so delicious..."
Because it would have chemical condiments on tap. Hey.
Shizuku, who is riding on my agura, was also delighted when I gave him the best miso.
Leah was a little reluctant to rinse, but Deet was reluctant to rinse. Big deal.
"I can't believe you can make it so fast, but it tastes so complicated and it tastes so good"
"Hey, the vegetables are on tap."
They were eating like they were delicious, but they might have made a little too much.
I put five servings in the pan. They can eat as much shizuku as they want, but they usually only eat about half of us.
Pretty much left over.
Speaking of which, it looks like the group of adventurers in the example were eating too.
I turned around a bit because I was concerned about how things were going.
... Watching!
I'm looking at you so much!
That would be so. The most miso is the noise of soaking the noodles, and the aroma is strong!
"Hey. What are adventurers in this world eating when they're adventurous?
I think I heard a little before, but now once, I'll ask.
Deet said with a fed up face.
"At best, dried fruit and dried meat. Sometimes it's like salting white fish in pasa."
"I see. What about bad times?
"Could it be dried meat and dried bread back in hot water? Next, eat dried bread dipped in water. Worst case scenario is dry bread. There are times when you can't eat anything."
That's hard. I can't wait to hear and smell the best miso.
"Are there four adventurers over there?"
I take it out of my backpack and put the best miso left in the pan.
There were just four cups in the cup.
Deet looks strange.
"What do you do?
"Thought I'd put you on the other adventurers."
"Eh, don't do that."
"I'm out of it anyway."
Leah brightened her face painfully.
"Nice. I'll help, too."
"Oh, thank God"
It was difficult to carry four prakops at once with hot ramen in them.
Besides, it sucks when Leah comes, I feel safe when I rub it.
"I think you should stop."
"Then Deeto will wait here. Keep the shizuku."
Sizuk moves into Deet's shadow.
I approached the adventurers with a full smile. [M]
Apparently, your dietary situation is one of the worst steps ahead. I was hungry soaking my hard bread in water.
"Ah, uh. Hello."
Everyone, including Mr. Dan with the cross wounds, has obviously turned their suspicious eyes.
"Oh, wow."
At first, he replies.
"Gentlemen, I've made too much soup, if you like."
I heard it after Mr. Dan shouted.
"How much?
"No, I'm not taking any money."
I give Dan and two bandit-style men a cup with the best miso in it. Leah also gave the cup to other wizard-style men and warrior-style men.
But, guys, I never try to eat just staring at a glass.
"What's wrong with you? I'll stretch."
"Duh, it's poisoned, isn't it?
"Yeah, yeah."
I'm starting to see what Deet's words mean earlier.
If you look closely, Leah also has a little shadow in her smile. Did you expect this to happen?
"I didn't poison you."
"Hey, why you, monster language. I've never seen it before. It's a costume and an artifact. I mean, I've never seen anything like this in the first place."
No, I forgot. Japanese was a monster language. It's the main cause of Leah's mistake for a goblin.
"Yes, no, that. But the rules of the Adventurer's Guild dictate that adventurers don't fight each other, right?
"Right. But it's not like there's a receptionist's eye in the basement four layers of the dungeon. Some say," No mouth for a dead man. "
Is the word "no mouth to the dead" also a different world?
What you were saying was also perfectly correct. Let's attack it another way.
"Leah is famous for being the crappy grill of the Adventurer Guild, isn't she? It's okay. It's delicious."
A bandit-style man said.
"I've only been a little cared for by Aria in the guild process"
Oh. Is that true? I thought so and saw Leah.
He looked surprised. You must have forgotten. Rumor has it he's burning his blame on every beginner.
"But I heard Aria's dead..."
I forgot this too. Is it rumored that Leah is dead in the Adventurer Guild?
"I'm alive. You see, this is it."
Leah was making a mysterious living appeal by exercising flexion.
I don't even know if this is a good idea.
Weird dressed man speaking monster language, rumored knight dead, food I've never even seen in the first place.
"Well, if you doubt it, you can throw it away."
I tried to get back with Tobotobo.
"No, I eat."
"Huh? Because it's poisonous."
"This scent, the cheating noise earlier, I can't stop! You don't mind if I die!
My fellow adventurer rushes to stop, but Dan, the cross wound, put his mouth on Prakop and rinsed the noodles as cheats.
"Ugh, yeah, yeah, yeah! What the hell is this!
"Whoa! What is this! What the hell is this!
Scent and because Dan kept eating miso best while making noise or did the other adventurers get impatient?
"True. What's this... seriously, it's delicious..."
"That's an unusual flavor."
A bandit-style man said he was taken care of by Leah like that.
"You guys, wait! Don't eat it all!
Gobbling adventurers. I said I didn't really put poison in it. [M]
"Maybe this soup. Soak the rocky bread you just ate and it'll taste amazing."
Me and Leah looked at each other and smiled nicely.
The adventurers were soaking and eating the driest bread in miso.
◆ ◆ ◆
Having taken a break, we greeted the adventurers lightly and set out first for the ground.
"No. I'm surprised. That level of adventurer is suspicious, isn't it? Higher levels make it easier to tell where to suspect."
Deet was surprised that the adventurers ate the best miso I had.
"Maybe Tool's peaceful feelings were good."
"Are you being praised or denigrated? I got flowers, too."
I showed Deet the flowers that I had thanked the adventurers for.
"It! It's not an ancient tree flower!
"Hmm? Is that a rare flower? The adventurer had a cup earlier."
"It's a middle potion ingredient. I see. You know what?"
According to Deet's story, ancient tree flowers are flowers with a good price, but only some adventurers know where to pick them.
Sometimes adventurers have money making stories that no one else knows about, not just dungeons.
"I mean, this is their message. Maybe there's a place on this floor where ancient tree flowers bloom, so look for them. I'm sure the flowers of the ancient trees will bloom in their roots."
"I see. Miso's the best reward."
"Aren't you so happy? Well, if I were there, I could make more efficient money than ancient tree flowers. Behave yourself again, miso."
Apparently, Deet also recognized the significance of behaving the most miso to those adventurers.
We walked willingly, smelling the flowers of an ancient tree.