My Room Has Become a Dungeon’s Rest Area
Cooperate in attracting Bandit Alliance stores
Mr. Tachishi and I went into the basement with Shizuku, who had become leather armor again.
"Wow - construction was already under way"
Like Takashi said, a large number of people were drilling holes in the stone floor of the planned redevelopment.
I'm sure it's foundation work.
"In the meantime, shall we go to the headquarters of the Bandit Guild"
The three of us went for bandit guild headquarters.
As soon as I got to HQ, Mr. Noela greeted me.
"Construction has begun with funding from the Fulbrem Chamber of Commerce. And thanks to you, Mr. Tool."
"No, me or something. Besides, if the redevelopment concept doesn't succeed, it won't solve the Bandit Guild problem."
"That's what we're working on."
"Huh? Really?
According to Noela's story, Mr. Bean of the Fulbrem Chamber of Commerce sprinkled money on politicians who were gaining rights from the Adventurer's and Adventurer's guilds, who were using their political power to publicly manage the dungeons.
This led to the idea of creating a shopping mall that would bust through the ground of Laclaion to the redevelopment district of the Bandit Guild.
"So neither the Merchant Guild nor the Mercenary Guild could reach us. Safe independent underground shops want to be under our umbrella or directly run and branch out into the mall"
"That's good to hear."
"Yes! Thank you so much"
It illuminates me when I get praised by Noela, a cool beauty.
The face of another cool beauty, Takashi, was cold. Maybe it's my usual face.
"By the way, how are Millie and Leah and Deet doing?
"Actually, I'm going to explain the idea of building a mall in an independent store in the basement that is still lost in judgment. Because I am familiar with Japanese stores."
I'm familiar with it...
I think there might be a misunderstanding of Japan.
And the three of them don't seem to be good at explaining that hand either.
You'd be better at flirting with swords, magic and daggers one way or another.
"Kind of worrying"
"Yes. Actually, so did I... I thought so. But when I found out I had a job like this, Millie and you two would stick it out."
Three brave men with good intentions and Noela with the face that they have gone.
"Shall I go around, too?
"Will you go?
"Yeah, like everybody else."
"Thank you! So this is a list and a map of the stores that you're likely to hear about independently."
As such, I decided to solicit myself into a shopping mall at an independent store in the basement.
"You're excited it looks like Sima's expanding."
Mr. Tachishi speaks a telepathic language because he has come to another world.
I'm sure the line would have a wolf emoticon on it.
"Let's not put it that way"
"It's like a mafia."
Sure, there are some competing aspects of the Bandit Guild and the Caution Bar Guild.
It's possible that those threesomes really just think about it.
The truth is, if you politely preach profits, there are many stores that will surely join you, and you have to.
Let's hurry.
The underground shops are divided into four main parts.
Direct Bandit Guild stores and stores that pay for protection, similar Merchant Guild stores, similar Mercenary Guild stores. And I'm paying or not paying for any of the guilds, but it's an independent store.
Noela gave me a list of independent stores.
There seem to be many shops in the Bandit Guild that are independent, even if they are paying for protection, or they are not paying anywhere.
"Which way do you want to go?
"Of course it's from a store that's paying for the Bandit Guild."
Mr. Takashi asked me what I thought.
"I guess stores that don't pay for protection in every underground guild have a lot of temper. It can be harder to take money than a merchant's guild or a mercenary's guild tells you to take money from a store you're still paying for."
"Maybe... Yeah, I'm sure you are. Mr. Suzuki, clever!
I was wondering if that's what a store that hasn't paid for protection to any underground guild, but Tatsuishi endorsed it and made me feel confident.
"Why don't you just go to Materialist Matthew"
According to the list I got, Materialist Matthew seems to be paying for his protection to the Bandit Guild, and it's close to here.
In addition, it is not difficult to show high school girls what the store does.
"No, Millie's here, and suddenly she wants me to open a new building."
The owner, Matthew, laughed bitterly.
Millie must have had a rather forceful business meeting.
There's still no idea how many stores in this world would fit into a single building like a department store or a mall.
At best, it seems that traders wholesale multiple different products in the merchant hall or something to that extent.
"We're not on a scale where we can branch out, because we just buy out the dungeon material and resell it at a thin profit. Can you tell Millie to say no to you if I tell her to change the location of the store?
"Is Mr. Matthew familiar with the material in the dungeon?
"Well... I've been out of the store for thirty years. Anyway, if it's high-end material, you can't fool me with herbs and stuff like that."
There are a lot of people living in the basement, and it wouldn't be a lie to talk about having opened a store for thirty years.
Mr. Matthew's eyesight would be quite certain, too.
Maybe Noela hasn't put a store on the list that would be unprofitable either.
All right, then.
"What do you think? Inside the mall of the Bandit Guild, security is safe for business with the Bandit Guild and the Adventurer Guild, or more importantly, the ink of the Kingdom of Francis."
"Oh, really? Millie didn't say that."
"Haven't you heard about the rumors that the Bandit Guild is building a big building with funding from the Full Blem Chamber of Commerce?
"Oh, I heard that"
"The Fulblem Chamber of Commerce is the biggest Chamber of Commerce on earth. I've got your permission."
"Maybe I can feel much safer than doing business here. Actually, I'm here to protect you from the stick guild."
Just one more breath.
And you're going to open a shop in a building connected to the ground, so you can do business with merchants and customers on the ground.
"Oh well."
The profit should be small simply by buying the material collected by the adventurer in the dungeon and selling it underground as it is.
It's a big profit to just take it to the ground.
"But if you have the money to move..."
"I'll tell Noela about it. Let's talk about the tenant bill."
"Ho, is that true? Please."
Me and Mr. Tachishi left Matthew the material store.
"I wonder if Matthew the Materialist is going to manage for now"
"Suzuki, wow!
Even if Tachishi always tells me he's amazing at the top of the Buddha.
In the first place, we're opening a shop with no guarantee in the basement of a lawless dungeon.
"You should do business in a safe, well-inked place where you can get in and out of local chambers of commerce and merchants."
"I see. Right."
"Come on, let's find the three of us as we go around the store more and more"
Do you want to go to Yomi Potion next?