My Room Has Become a Dungeon’s Rest Area
Meetings of underground guilds
I persuaded the independent stores of the underground slums one after the other.
"Alright! Yomipotion, Alice Demon Stone Shop, Grocery Store Tess, Al's Arrow Shop..."
"Mr. Suzuki. You had such a talent."
Mr. Tachishi looked surprised.
"No, it's not me, it's the Fulbrem Chamber of Commerce."
The effect of the name of the Fulblem Chamber of Commerce, which is also a political business, was immense.
In the first place, the underground slam shops are very unstable, even if they are paying for protection to any underground guild.
If you get your eyes on it, you may be suspended from business.
An underground guild, which is not authorised by the state, was of no use at such times.
"But Suzuki came up with that."
I don't know.
I'm talking about Leah and Deet and Millie not working at all.
"That's what I know better about department stores and shopping malls."
I'm done with the list of stores that Noela gave me that are likely to participate in the attraction, so I'm headed to the Bandit Guild headquarters to report it.
Deet was all over the couch in the lobby today.
Deet should have gone to persuade you to attract him, too, but I'm sure at that rate.
"Oh, Tool? What are you doing?
"We're here to attract you too."
"Uh yeah. You couldn't have done it at all."
"That's not true. Most of the lists I got."
"Er!? You're lying, right? Show me the list. Who knew?"
"Yomipotion, Alice's Demon Stone Shop"
Point to the store that accepted me while showing me the list and the map.
"Yeah, yeah! Alice, the Demon Stone Shop, too? I went because I'm a regular! You said no!
"Did I tell you that it's properly funded by the Fulbright Chamber of Commerce?
"... I'm not talking"
"The more you try from an underground slam store, the more hands you want from the back shield of the Full Blem Chamber of Commerce or something like that out of your throat. I have to explain that."
"Uh-oh. Tell me about that first. - Tooru. I bet against Leah and Millie."
What is it about?
"Did you bet? Do what?
Deet keeps his mouth shut. Suspicious.
"What did you bet?
"I don't know"
Apparently Deet is going to be deluded.
I used to work out measures with Shizuku for this time. [M]
"Yes! Master!
"Huh? Sizuk? Are you there?"
With the decree, my leather armor instantly changed shape in the form of an amoeba, and the momentum covered it with deet.
"Hey, what!? Ahhh!"
Sizuk slipped between Deet's leather clothes. Hehe.
"Eh, hey! Ah, ahhh."
"Do the sizzle. Tickle mode is weak!
The flank part of Deet's perfect black leather garment ripples like a twist.
"Ah, ah-ha. Shizuku, don't stop, haha"
"I'm sorry... your husband's orders are absolute!"
"Come on, throw up! You're gonna throw up fast!
Dieto still didn't say that.
"Tickle Mode Strong"
It was so vibrating that I couldn't see Deet's flank.
I'm in tears.
"Hahahahahahaha! Word Uhaha. Say it! If you win, you can use the towel room! hahahahahaha!
"Huh? Why don't we all just use my room if we don't bet?
"Hahaha! So, you and Tool are together. Ha, ha! Eh, I can't even do it. Ha! You didn't just do me. Hahahahahaha!
Ugh. I was impressed.
"Hahaha! Stop it. Hahahahaha!
I can't believe Deet thought so much of me.
Would it have been better if it wasn't in tickle mode?
Shizku covered my upper body with leather armor again, away from Deet.
I lifted Deet to lie down on the floor and put him to sleep on the couch.
I walked into the back of a bandit guild. [M]
The eyes of Mr. Takashi in Cool Beauty stared at me. [M]
"I'm sorry! With a towel."
"Ah, yes. Go ahead -"
Beyond the door is Mr. Noela. It was buried in huge amounts of paperwork.
"I've persuaded you."
"Oh, thank you. How many stores did you respond to?
"Almost all of the list, except a few shops"
"Yeah, yeah? Is that true? It's essentially more successful than I was when the leader came out."
"Eh heh. No, well."
It was harder to say to the representatives of the Bandit Guild that they persuaded the Full Blem Chamber of Commerce to come forward than to give the name of the Bandit Guild.
"If this many stores come in, that's the least you can do. You can do a shopping mall. Regular people from each store will also be able to come. Thank you so much. Dear Tool."
Also, the eyes of Mr. Takashi, the cool beauty, were a glimpse of me.
But suddenly Mr. Tachishi turned his heel back and stuffed Mr. Noela.
"Hey, what is it?
"Give me a list of stores!
"To? Why?
"They're deciding the order in which Leah and the others are going to use Suzuki's room by the number of people who convinced the store!
"Come on, come on!
"Then take this..."
"Thank you!
Mr. Tachishi turned to the underground slam with great joy.
"Hey, hey! It's dangerous if you're alone!
He grabs my arm when I try to follow Mr. Takashi. [M]
"Mr. Noela."
"Fair enough. Because I gave you a list of safe zones. Whoa!"
Mr. Noela said, "Whoa!" As soon as I spoke, a man entered the room.
He would be a bandit guild guilder.
"What about the girl who just popped out?
"I'm wearing an escort."
"Great. Never put me in danger"
It's so powerful.
I thought Mr. Noela was an intelligent beauty, but she was still acting on behalf of an illegal underground guild representative.
The guilder leaves the room.
"Dear Tool, by the way"
I can talk to Mr. Noela. I was a little freaked out.
"I have a lot more stores than Millie and the others have convinced me, but you can go to Mr. Towel's room first, right?
"Huh? No, well..."
Seriously? Like happy, like scared.
Mr. Noela laughed when she was confused.
"Shit. It's a joke."
"Oh, right"
It's like a relief, a shame.
"I need you to hang out with me for a bit instead."
"Duh, where is it?
"Actually, there was a meeting tonight that brought together representatives of the underground guild."
"Huh? Why me?"
According to Mr. Noela, this is what happened.
Apparently, the underground guilds are gathered to discuss that when they have something on their agenda.
Usually Noela seems to be going with her secretary, Paulie, but she's sick today.
Since the mercenary guild would like to talk about the mall on this agenda, it was easy to explain something when you go with me.
"Master Towel is also negotiating."
The meeting location was the Adventurer Guild, which manages the Yomi dungeon.
There is no danger that all guilds will be accompanied by only one representative.
I don't even have a part-time job tomorrow for now.
"I see. If that's the case, I'll give it to you."
"Thank you! It's a trip for two! I'm counting on you!
"Huh? Isn't it okay to go to the Adventurer Guild in large numbers?
"I'm making a deal that when we get out of the Yomi dungeon, we'll have to go together. You see, adventurers, in front of guilds, guilders don't have a problem with each other becoming Isakoza."
I see.
"Come on. Millie and the others will be back, so let's go."
"Maybe Deet's sleeping in the lobby."
"From the back door, then"
I headed to the Adventurer's Guild in Herculeon, the earthly city of the Yomi dungeon with Noela.