My Room Has Become a Dungeon’s Rest Area
Viewing the starry sky and the ocean at night
"Mr. Playboy. The rear is involved. Don't you have to help!?
Deet makes fun of me.
"No, I was going to go, but I have a recruiting interview... I wish Deet would go"
"Why would I send salt to my enemies? It's about Tool. Tool, go!
"Enemies are such..."
Deet pushes me on the back.
I don't know why Deet gets along with Leah.
You're still worried about me.
Well, Leah might be in trouble, but there's really nothing to worry about.
I go to Leah and the young aristocrats with that in mind.
"I want you to come."
"I'd like to thank you for your time."
I heard you two talking.
"Don't you want that, too?
Deet pushes me hard on the back and I pop out in front of both of them.
"T, Dear Tor"
"Are you the rumored sage?"
appropriately greeted the nobility.
There were many nobles who would call me greeting, but not the nobles in front of me.
"Aria. Think about the example. Now if you'll excuse me."
"Oh, um..."
The young nobleman left without even hearing Leah's reply.
Do you know each other for a moment?
"Someone you know?
I wanted to ask you a few questions, but Leah's face is serious.
Maybe I shouldn't ask.
"He's the Duke."
The greatest of the nobles when it comes to the Duke.
Isn't it better than Sir Lamberto or Lord Altobello?
◆ ◆ ◆
"Dear Tool. That's amazing. It's been decades since a complete civilian was granted countenance."
Ellie, chairman of the Full Brem Chamber of Commerce, is surprised.
"It just feels like we've been pushed through some nasty territory. It's a dungeon."
"But profits are overwhelming over other territories. It's like having a gold mine."
"If I can do it well, maybe I will."
"Dear Tool, you can do well. We at the Fulbrem Chamber of Commerce will cooperate, and Mr. Lyla is a celebrity in territorial management. Right?"
I asked Mr. Bean, who Ellie is practically partitioning the Full Blem Chamber of Commerce.
"Right. I'm sure Mr. Tool can do well. If Mr. Tool becomes Uncle Yomi, it will be easier to invest in shopping malls in the dungeons, as well as eliminating hemp water."
Goblin Zamurai nodded.
"Ningennokotoja yokwakaranugato oldnoga mitomera letanoka. Milmega Arningen Moirnodana"
Shizuku stopped by me. [M]
"Your husband will be much better."
Deet had a red face after drinking too much from the dinner party.
"Isn't it bad to be Lord of the Dungeons by human rules? My towel is going to be a dungeon master."
I completely forgot about the Dungeon Master.
Everyone is laughing. Ellie said.
"I envy you, Mr. Deet. My towel."
"You know what? I didn't say that."
"Huh? I said it. My towel can handle a dungeon or something."
"I didn't say it. I didn't say it. I didn't say it."
"I told you, didn't I? Mr. Leah."
Shaken Leah had a glass with a drink in it and her face was laughing, but it also looks in the sky above.
"Huh? Yeah."
"See, that's what Mr. Leah says."
"What are you talking about?
Apparently I hadn't heard.
"Because Leah doesn't have to know! Prepare for your voyage."
Deet said the meeting was open.
Time for the ship to leave is approaching.
You are supposed to return by boat to Harbor Street near Herculeon, where the Yomi dungeon is located.
The time we boarded the ship was already falling.
◆ ◆ ◆
I sleep in a hammock the night of the sailing trip.
The hammock moves in tune with the ship's left and right movements, making it convenient.
Still, I wake up sometimes because I can't say I'm comfortable with Japanese people. [M]
"Is that it? What about Leah?
The cabin is lit thin with magic stones.
Deet seems to be asleep, but the hammock where Leah was supposed to be was empty.
I wonder where he went.
Find inside the ship with the iPhone lights.
Leah was at the barge on the deck of the ship.
"What are you doing?
"Ah, Master Thor. I was watching the stars in the night breeze."
There is wind on the ship.
Leah's golden hair was in the wind.
The starry sky is far more beautiful than Earth, and there is no shield because it is above the sea.
"Oh well."
I wanted to ask Leah something.
The Duke asked me to marry him.
"Kiyu, propose? What are you talking about?
Oh, you didn't? But...
"The nobleman I knew told me to come to you."
"Oh, that's Monica's husband from the Carche family I used to serve."
"Huh? Yeah?
Leah was serving as a knight to a man named Monica of the Earl of Kirche family.
Mr. Monica married the Duke when the Carche family was destroyed.
The Duke wouldn't be surprised to be here for a Miyagi dinner party.
The Duke is not surprised to hear from his wife Monica about Leah's loyalty.
"What do you mean, you want me to come?
"Yes, I was talking about serving Monica and the Duke as knights again."
"That means Leah can go back to being an official knight, right?
"Yes... you will"
Leah has a personality that values honor, so I guess she wants to go back a little bit.
Her house seems to have been a knight for generations, so it's also called home reconstruction.
Then we may have no choice......
"But I say no."
"Already! You're just gonna get angry! Why, what is it?
"'Cause it's gonna be a home reconstruction for the Eldorax family, isn't it?
Leah swells her face.
"I was a knight in the service of the Count. Master Thor can be Count Yomi, can't he?
"Oh well. Do you think I can appoint a knight or something?
"Yes, but that's not the only reason I'm following Tor."
There's an orphanage.
Leah laughs.
I was relieved. [M]
"If it hadn't been in Leah first... I don't think I would have been so involved in this world"
Open your eyes like Leah was surprised.
"Is that true?
"Yeah. I guess even if I was involved, it would take a different form. I would never have taken over dungeon territory."
"Oh, sorry"
"No, you're not. I'm glad this happened for everyone. Maybe he grew up. I'm glad you met Leah."
"Dear Tor..."
Apparently I can finally say what Leah would love to hear. [M]
We stood together and watched the starry sky and the ocean at night for hours.