My sister is a black widow

Chapter 346 339, questioning and awakening

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"Every time I have gone through the charming imperial building, I will see tens of thousands of high-grain scenes. I will always lane our lives in a great country." Toke retains basic smiles, passing through the strict imperial building, came to It belongs to the heart of the new star empire, "So why don't you believe that I am telling, even if I am going to save this country?"

"Toke -" The guard has been long, "You need to convince me, but our chief, our glamorous, cold, ice, of course, I don't believe it is."

"Okay." Toke was instantly, he took some evictions, "So, can you say that I can believe that the small mixed phone of the jailbreak, really have a stone to destroy the planet? And Still in the hands of Luo Nan? And the first stop is the Shandal Star under our feet? "

When I arrived at the door, I stressed in the guard booth around Toke. "I don't know, of course, I believe that you already have your own choice, so you will come here, buddy, even if this is just a bad joke But if this is true, you are the savior of Shan Dal, you will be promoted! "

"Okay." The chubby face squeezed a hard smile. "I would rather believe that this is not true."

Then Totk took a deep breath and pushed the door.

There is a huge gold white elliptical long table in the room, and the table is surrounded by the high-rise of the Sanda Shan Darith, seeing Toke coming in, all of the faces are different.

At the top of the ellipse long table, Toke is in the direction of Toke, but the exterior looks glamorous and laughing, and I have seen it.

The Toke gave birth to the thoughts that turned out almost a moment, but he still strongly walked to the table.

"Hey, Toke, I heard that you have a big case in your hand?" A guy is strange, "Oh, it is a top secret intelligence, and it is from a legendary thief called Xiangjue?"

This guy deliberately aggressive in the four words of "secret" and "legend".

"Resting the focus." Another guy patted his shoulders, low laughed, "Totuo is so long because of the people in the hands, just being smashed by the head, salary is also revoked, these days are sad, it is sad. So long, maybe it is a joke and teasing, happy. "

Laugh laughs around.

Toke can't laugh, he can only be used as he didn't hear, walking hard to the long office.

"Talk, the intelligence of the thief named Quender is handed over, how much is the degree of reliability?" Asked the chief.

"He said that Luo Nan found unlimited original stone, it is an old legend in the universe, and infinite original stone has a strong reaction force for organisms. The greater the quality of organisms, the stronger the power of the reaction, as long as the original stone is close to the surface of the planet, The strength of the planet is enough to destroy this planet ... "Toke did not dare to say, repeat the words of Kuil," He said that he is not a liar, after all, he has been caught by us. If you have to run back from the voyage network because a bad mischievance, then he is a full-end idiots, and emphasizes him that he can't be a stupid goods. "

"Stop." The beautiful chief official wrinkled and was worried. "Determine whether he said infinite stone?"

Toke is silent, and it is found that the word in Kuilkou has determined that "unlimited original stone" is heavy, "Yes, I am sure that he is saying."

The beauty of the beautiful woman in the side is silent, and it will sigh.

I saw the atmosphere of this side, and the other sided guys realized that things didn't seem to be, they were serious.

"Do you really have an unlimited original stone this kind of thing? Chief official." The guy who started to ridicutroke asked, "This ... is unbelievable."

"If the ancient literature of the Nova Legion is not wrong." The cold chief is coming around, "then we can't exclude the possibility of unlimited stone does not exist, and this dangerous thing exists, whether it is in Luo Nan, The security of the new star empire causes the threat that cannot be abrupt, so - all, no matter what is a joke, it is a bad news, we all need to be prepared, if the information is right, this may be a thousand thousands of Shandal Stars The biggest test in the year, we have to welcome a rushing war in the nearly land, throw away all of you, don't care, I will announce the Nova army to open the highest level security alert, Toke! "

The called Toke is shaking, "to!"

"You go to the logistic agency to prepare the people's orderly evacuation, there is also the settings of the safety site. If this is a joke, you are ready to stay in the logistics, if this is not a joke -" Chief Executive The sound slowed down, "Everyone will not forget the solemn reminder from Toke!"

It is solemn, and the Toke receives Quene's call, and he has enabled his only emergency safety request in his life, and the high-level brain of the Nova Legion will listen to the information from Quene!

Before Totk, he was only responsible for the small leaders of the internal security patrols of the Sanda, and the Nova Army was barely calculated on the top, but the other people participated in the interstellar combat, or the responsibilities of the anti-terrorism attack, Totk is just in Shan Dal Star. The street command will arrest those little criminals who steal chicken!

But his position, as a "high-level position" of the Nova Legion, but there is a special regulations, and after repeated thinking of Quene, after the severity of the consequences, this will grasp the Yinhe Guardian and the universe prison. The fat guy is still an adventure to start the emergency safety request!

"Received! Chief!" Totk expression is serious, "please also ask you, refusal to the enemy outside the mountain!"

"..." Scene is somewhat quiet, everyone looks at the solemn expression of Toke, the original play or the mood, which gradually retire, in case it is true, this fat man is also a Nova Legion Old fritters, if there is no possibility, how he dares to take this insurance ...

"Zeasse, Andr, you are responsible for the front line Nova flight line ..." The chief saw the watch, nodded, turned around, the long table is a giant mountain. Darn panorama simulates images, with the elaborate movement of the scene.

Toke turned to the room and listened to some sideways behind him, and his footsteps were some heavy.

"Yinhe Guard ..." Totk's heart is inexplicably thinking, "Where are they now?"

The Yinhe Guard, who was chanting by Totom and Nova Army, was still on the Star Eagle's Star Eagle, but it was different from the necrotic star ship, and now the Star Eagle's Star Shine, followed by a large group like a locust, model The colorful small and medium-sized battleship is flying at full speed in the dark universe!

The star ship.

In dim cabin.

Rockets and Ca de launches the scene in front of it, and Qäques listened to his Walkman quietly in the corner, Leon and Carol slammed on the other side, looking at the bottom, Grut Comfortable to hide under shadow, steal the leaves that grow up on his shoulders.

As for the place around the people, a broken old red mat, Dracus is lying there, above the top of the Dracx, Afulalla is strange to pop up a miserable green Enter his eyebrow!

The Kagonra is inexplicably, and the passive sneaks have steady an eye, she remembers the scene of Sunos to play with the nebula, and replaces the scene of her sister body parts.

The rocket also has a heart, although not the same, but he still remembered the memory of the limbs in the laboratory by those who got wisdom.

Carol is more observing Aphrolla, which is said to be a magician girl makes her very curious. Of course, Aphrolla and Leon consciousness also let Carol give her more about her.

Leon is looking at the face of lying, it seems to be in great painful Dracus, perceived the strength of the surge in his body, and there is a near-red soul. When you look at the expression, you will look at the expression. Furola, a bit gentle.

He shrewd from the Earth, naturally in order to wake Dracus as soon as possible, if you can wake up his strength, it is better.

Of course, this thing is the best for Natasha in the monument of life, but Natasha and Vivan are being able to control the behavior of Luo South around Luonan.

Leon had to find Afulalla, after all, deal with these wonderful strange things, Afulalla seems to have a hand.

Sure enough, after understanding, Afrura quickly gave a solution.

The easiest rudeness is now this, using the evil soul flowers in the crazy multi-universe, let Drax who fall into a coma continue to repeat the most painful nightmare.

You know, many coma people are reluctant to wake up because of the subconscious escape, in a coma, the consciousness of frustration is sinking, the powerful subconscious controls the soul, in order to avoid more pain, the subconscious will weave better Fantasy and dreams.

The emergence of evil spirits will be completely smashed with this subconsciously protecting the body. If there is no guess, Dracus is going back to the memory of the wife and women in the past!

Until he couldn't stand it anymore, the subconscious could not continue to deceive the body, smash the nightmare! And woke up!

But the Afulalla's meaning is that Dracus has insisted for so long in the incomparably painful nightmare! This is also the reason why her expression is. If this method is useless, it can only be replaced another way.

In this mind, Drackers is really like Leon and Afulalla. He woke up every time, ecstatic discovery is about to return to his mother, see your wife. And the daughter, then fall as the spacecraft, found that the mother star has fallen into horror destruction, countless life mourning, flame and explosion cover the horizon, he is away from the spacecraft, finding his own home, but only find two Cold ice bodies, the expression of the corpse face is incomparable.

Dracus is more painful!

If a person is a dream, it is difficult to realize that he is dreaming, but if it is the second, the third time, even the first one hundred times!

Realizing that the possibility of being in the dream is greatly increased. Although Drac is do not know why you will repeat this terrible dream, this stubborn big head is not anxious from the dream, and he consciously ignores these just one Dream.

He is just getting faster, from the spacecraft, getting faster, leaving the spaceship, even from the high-altitude falling from the high altitude, desperately hurting the homes to fight the flame.

But every time I see is two bodies!

He has also fantasy, perhaps his wife and daughter died still not long, as long as she goes back in advance, maybe save them!

This also makes him in a deeper self-blame.

But no matter how long he uses the way, how long it takes in advance, every time I open the windy door, I saw it just the two pain and cold bodies.

This totem, looks fierce, but the man who is a little finale finally collapsed.

Or, he finally unlocked the inner bondage.

Not so much thousand, there is no so many regrets, no matter how he works, people who die, they will die.

Living people, to revenge!

Unable to escape, can't escape!

Never defeat like a dog in front of the enemy!

Dracus spent the last time, and ran to the wilderness of the war. I found the charm of the Rye conquered in the planet. The totem on his body flashed with the gem of red, and the fist as if roar. The beast, constantly destroying the enemy's body!

He gave a lot of the only mission of his own, destroying the tyrants and Luo South, and his disgusting hands!

To this end, he is willing to pay everything, when the crazy Drac is flying almost light speed on the female stars, after removing all the Kerman and Titan's army, he shook a horror shock wave, mother The starred red sky was forced to tear, as if a huge wound, the next moment, he finally woke up!

At the same time, in the Star Eagle's Star Ship, there is a sharp energy fluctuation, and there is a terror shock wave that is swayed from the fist who lifted by Dracz. It is just that Leon's eyes are fast. Transfer it to other unmanned spaces.

Then the Dracus flutter is red, and the totems on the body seem to be twisted by the Ringer. He suddenly opened his eyes and scared others. What kind of eyes!

Leon has some solemnly staring at him.

"I ... wake up." Dracothy voice and looked around and said slowly.