My sister is Fudi Mo

Chapter 622? Receiving again

At this time, everyone is in one, it is difficult to say.

After all, they start from the battle, that is, people constantly surrender, this is incredible.

And now, they have been surrounded, so many people are siege, they can't run.

"Liao Yufan, you are so crazy, sinned us so many families, even if you win today, you can guarantee, can you resist the attack of the super forces? If you can resist it, you can resist it."

Mingzong's two elders shot this time.

Now, Mingzong's second elders and others are in a state of crazy and desperate. After all, they feel that they must die, how can they not desperate?

"You don't need to scare me, there is no need, since I am right with you, then I will not be afraid, then say, you have these forces, I am not afraid, I am not afraid."

Liao Yufan said very calmly, the posture is also the kind of appearance of people, this kind of him, naturally it is stimulating the eldest old old,

He is the second elders of the world's strongest congestion, and now I am despised by others, even my own zone, it is also a direct ridicule, it is really fire.

This kind of person must be a lesson, otherwise it is a thorough shame.


Mingzong's second elderly said that the whole person is in an angry state, but it can only be unable to furious.

And Liao Yufan responded his Ming King, very easy, Liao Yufan did not use full, use the shadow, directly abandon the weapon, with the palm of the anti-Ming Wang, the palm is a heaven, then Liao Yufan is a natural power, so this time , Liao Yufan's palm is suppressed with the Ming King of the Elder of Mingzong.

"You are also playing me now, so I will give up directly, I will stand down, you can still live."

Liao Yufan is not a murder, but in order to make our strengths, it is more and more powerful.

"You don't kill us? In turn to surrender? Are you really heart, or a false?"

Mingzong's two elders have some doubts, so I quickly asked Liao Yufan for a while.

He wants to know that Liao Yufan is not really letting them, as long as it is surrendered, can you let them? After all, no one doesn't want to live, now there is a chance to live, then naturally go alive.

During this time, Liao Yufan has to reply to how many people, it is really helpless.

"You can ask the king's person, happy people, or to surrender my martial arts, such as swords and others, I have a difficulty? Are they not living well? So, you have an idea I can ask them directly. "

Liao Yufan is very light at this time, still talking at it.

At this time, in fact, everyone stopped fighting, because the gap between the two sides is too big.

Nowadays, there are a lot of people, plus the Wang family and Xiaoyao are surrendered, and then the two of the Ximen family suddenly turned into the hit, it is really no enemy.

There is no significance to continue fighting.

The people of the Eastern family, the people of the magic gates, the people of these four families, they are no longer doing, and they are surrounded, they know that they have no chance to run.

"Dear, surrender, follow Liao Men, there is a good future."

At this time, as a surrender, naturally should take the initiative to open, persuade others, then speak loudly.

And this person is not someone else, is the most dissatisfied Liao Yufan, the most disgusted Liao Yufan's Wang Tongtian.

Now Wang Tong Tian, ​​it is completely entering this role, directly avatars as a licking dog of Liao Yufan.

Wang Tian said, other people said at this time, reminding them to surrender, as if the surrender is a bright road, otherwise it will only regret it.

Then the Mingzong two elders this time, it is an incredible.

After all, there are so many people, he is familiar with people, those who are noble, people who don't have one, this time is warning them, reminding them to speak for Liao Yufan.

At this time, Liao Yufan also exposed a smile, said to everyone: "You also heard it? So I will give you three seconds, make a decision, don't worry, I am joking, surrendering, surrender, no surrender The sword in my hands will not be left, do you understand? "

Liao Yufan's words are very straightforward, and it is very domineering, so that they are more dissatisfied with them, but they are angry in their hearts, but they don't dare to say more.

I hesitated again, Zhang Jia's Wuhou is directly surrendered, I saw him bent over and said: "I am willing to surrender, I hope you can perform promise."

"Reassure, I am talking about it."

Liao Yufan said very lightly.

"Well, then I also surrendered."

The so-called military don't want to have a long life? The more practicing, the time is also the longest, so why should they be killed for the face hard?

Isn't that a fool?

So they all feel that as long as they live, then cultivation is not a white fee.

The Magic Tunar is also surrendered, and now there is only the master of the elders and the owner of the Oriental family.

Mingzong's two elders, frowned, and then said: "I also surrendered."

Although he surrendered, it is still very busy, of course, these surrender people, which is willing to surrender?

Everyone is the same, it is forced to be influenced by murderous, and then the surrender of fear.

"So, everyone surrendered, is a smart person, then the people of the Oriental family?"

Liao Yufan suddenly looked at the oriental family at this time, it means that it is deep and long.

At this time, people who don't want to surrender are the oriental family, after all, he is killed by Wumen.

This is an enemies. If he has surrendered by a homeowner, the oriental family is also finished.

After all, in addition to the Westwarda family came to the boss, the other forces did not come to the boss. At this time, he surrendered, representing the Eastern Family surrendered.

So this time, he is very entangled, and his face is particularly ugly.

At this time, everyone looked at him and looked at her. At this time, how much is somewhat embarrassing.

Of course, more is anger.

"Liao Men, your martial arts kills my oriental family too many people, I am the owner of the Oriental family, can you easily surrender?"

At this time, the Orientalist's owner seems to have a little hard.

In fact, Liao Yu Fan came out, this guy is to face, so say this, the heart is also willing to surrender.

"Do you have a few people in the oriental family, is it better than being an extinguishing? Or die more people?"

Liao Yufan smiled at him at this time, then the cold and said.

At this time, he was smiling, very straightforward, and a little scary, in short, everyone looked at Liao Yufan scared.