My sister is Fudi Mo

Chapter 767 Dust

"I can tell you, I also have all the allies behind me, and not only a super forion, but the super forces that are not distinguished from the cold moon, so when the cold moon will join it, it is three super forces, plus We don't seem to be too weak. The most important thing, I will go to the other super forces, I can guarantee that I don't pull the enemy's strength, and the people of the M countries, I don't You will not be discovered at the same time. "

Liao Yufan naturally will not tell them who you have, after all, if there is an traitor, isn't it exposed?

When your union is not set up, if you are discovered, it will only be broken by each.

So Liao Yufan did not float, he was still more cautious.

The women of the cold moon, heard Liao Yufan's words, and didn't know if it should be believed. After all, according to the normal people's ideas, what will be supported by Liao Yufan?

This is impossible, will the cold moon will support it? The answer is also impossible, although everyone is crimped, but the cold moon will have a more powerful person, so the ultimately forced the real big mu of appearance, Liao Yufan only can't eat a pocket.

However, I saw that Liao Yufan was so confident, and the self-confidence appearance, I felt that he said true, so this time, everyone should not believe that Liao Yufan, this is a very important situation.

"You may not believe what I said, but you will do it."

Liao Yu Fan said with a smile, and the whole person is confident.

"In fact, it is our voting, agree to cooperate with you, and finally can work together, but also look at the big , the cold moon will real big , understand?"

At this time, the enemy of the fourth quadruple is reminded by Liao Yufan.

Liao Yufan at this time, a smile, can he not know this situation?

No matter what super forion, there is Wu Wang, but in Liao Yufan's view, Wu Wang is coming, he is not worried, after all, it is true all the allies, and there is a weak Wu Wang, Liao Yufan is appropriate to show proper display Out of your true strength.

Liao Yufan found that he could not just advance the strength when fighting. When he was resting, it was able to advance strength. This is what Liao Yufan has never thought of.

Can you cultivate yourself? And Liao Yufan also absorbed a lot of aura, Liao Yufan felt that he defeated several powerful invincible kings, and he could reach half a step to break through the realm of Wu Wang.

"This doesn't need you worry, your cold moon will really go to lobby, you agree that Wu Wang will be influenced by you, so now you can consider, give you a minute, time, time is very precious Don't waste it. "

Liao Yufan said very seriously.

The whole person is in a high-top posture, he is warning them, after all, I only gave a minute.

This urgency is that they feel panic.

Is there anyone refuted? Who dares to refute? Perhaps no one is refuted, after all, it is pure to find a deadline.

Liao Yufan at this time, standing in the eye-catching position, his whole people are emitting the most dazzling light. The spring eyes have been watching Liao Yufan, and they don't see other places. Liao Yufan continues to exude charm.

And others are afraid of Liao Yufan. After all, Liao Yufan learned two people, one of them swelling faces, no matter what strength, or what kind of age, eventually is a woman, as long as it is Women, eventually love beauty, so this time, everyone is afraid of Liao Yufan.

The chief of the cold moon also did not think that Liao Yufan's way of negotiations is really a bitter.

One minute, according to it, the speed is very fast, but this moment, the people have a pressure, and the speed seems to be very slow, and their mental is very difficult.

Everyone is also secretly conveying, talking about how to do, how to make a minute after a minute, and now less than a minute.

Liao Yufan at this time, look at everyone calmly, he can guarantee that it can be affirmed that these people will eventually agree.

He has just turned a role, so this time, Liao Yufan is very casual.

I haven't played a group of gods just now, and Liao Yufan does not want to really let them hate. In the next day, Liao Yufan also needs them to help.

It's okay to shock, there is no need to be too spicy, which will only be counterproductive.

"Okay, one minute."

Liao Yufan is calm, but there is a little cold.

"So do you have a decision?"

Liao Yufan then said.

Since the opening is asked, everyone needs to make a choice, so this time there is a representative.

"Liao Master, we are willing to cooperate with you, I hope that you don't lie to us, after all, this world is really chaotic, once you go out, then you are not your life."

The representative is not someone else, still is the fourth unfavorable king with Liao Yufan.

After all, others didn't dare to say, worried that Liao Yufan is angry. If Liao Yufan is angry, they will not eat, this is very important.

"I don't have to lie to you, you are all put around, not only don't do things, but you will get more things, you are all invincible, I want to break through the martial arts realm? Only participate in war , Defeat the enemy, can break through the realm of Wu Wang, the opportunity will be very large. "

Liao Yufan at this time, starting to paint cake, this time you must draw cakes, otherwise these people are too uncomfortable, Liao Yufan needs to be stable.

"We believe in you, Liao Master."

At this time, a woman who was taught by Liao Yufan, and the earliest anti-Yu Fan's woman said.

And others don't say anything, I agree.

After all, I don't agree, it is very important.

At this time, spring is also a lot of unusual, because her hopes happened, all this is worth it, so she is particularly happy.

Liao Yufan continued his routine, and it was also looking at spring day.

How much is a little bit of meaning.

After all, it is not just a cold moon, and R countries is also very important.

As for the other super forces, Liao Yufan needs himself to pull it, and then he wants to focus on the southeast area.

Regardless, you must have a good alliance before the other super forces.