"I am busy."

Regardless of Si Yue's psychological activities, Fu Yunruo quickly gave an order to chase away guests. Although Wen Wen was not here to watch, she had promised that Wen Wen would not get closer to Si, and would do it.

Otherwise, the little guy gets angry, but it's not easy to coax.

"I'll come to you later." Si Yue didn't bother too much, then left the flower garden, and then got into a black restrained motorhome parked on the side of the road.

Si Yue got into the car, leaned back in the chair, and pressed his temples with a headache.

Yuanxin in the front row asked, "How was the conversation?"

"Both are ancestors." Si Yue's tone was full of sweet troubles.

After the little guy learned about the incident, he still treated him with noses and eyes in the morning, which was beyond Si Yue's expectations.

This is different from what he imagined. Wouldn't Wen Wen accept it happily?Even if it was awkward, it was only awkward for a day or two. He had just coaxed it off, and who knew he was so repelled?He can even feel the little guy's hostility towards him.

This mother and son were born to restrain him, right?

"That's not what you asked for?" Yuanxin gloated, seeing Si Yue, who had always been strategizing, stumbling again, he was so happy that he could eat three more bowls of rice, and finally someone could cure this dog man!

Yuan was very happy, and happily drove to the crew with an untuned whistle.

Si Yue twisted his eyebrows and thought, Yuan Xin is floating!So he said: "You are gone for this month's bonus."

The whistle stopped abruptly.

Yuanxin cursed secretly, dog man!

Si Yueke didn't care about Yuanxin's psychological activities, he was thinking about what went wrong.

For children, it is easy to reject and accept a complete stranger suddenly becoming their own blood father?He spent so much thought to communicate with Wen Wen to deepen his feelings. He can clearly see Wen Wen's dependence and admiration on him. At this time, if the true relationship between the two is made public, Wen Wen should be more receptive. Yes.

How can the attitude be completely opposite?

Can he be worthy of being a mother and son?The exact same reaction, one hostility, one alienation, completely out of his script, did he do something wrong before?

The car drove on the road properly. The car was quiet for a while, when Yuan Xin suddenly said, "Si Yue, let me say something from a bystander."

Yuan Xin and Si Yue's partner for more than ten years couldn't bear to see if he could get out of the dead end alone. Although he looked confident in handling Fu Yunruo's mother and son, he could not achieve the expected results!The effect is very happy, but after all these years of friendship, he also hopes that the three of them can let go of their misunderstanding and truly become a family.

"You work step by step in the mall, and you can control a project from the beginning to the future as you wish, but you can’t count feelings like that. The world of the mall is different from the world of feelings. You feel that you have laid the groundwork for the front. Well, they will naturally accept it happily, but people’s thoughts are the most uncontrollable. Interpreting from another aspect, perhaps they think you are scheming, and you can even calculate your feelings. The good you were to them in the past were all with reason……"

"Think about it, if a person tries hard to approach you and you accept his existence, he even becomes one of the most important people in your life, but in the end you find that his approach is purposeful, do you think Betrayed? Think that your trust and feelings were just a joke?"

"It's not easy to build trust between two people, but it collapses in an instant."

"I stand in the middle of speaking, and you are not doing this honestly. It is easy to misunderstand."

Si Yue couldn't deny that his approach was calculated at the beginning, even if he was really sentimental... He thoughtfully said for a moment: "You have this month's bonus."

Yuan Xin was immediately happy, "Do you double it?" It seemed that his saliva was not wasted.

Si Yue laughed, "Think beautifully."

Yuan Xin: "..." Oh, he shouldn't talk so much nonsense, he should make more detours!

Wen Wen sat in a small chair with his elbows on the desk, holding a fleshy chin, with a melancholy expression.

Behind me is a group of children who are chasing me with joyful laughter.

Teacher Su and Life Teacher watched the children play around, and then noticed Wen Wen who was out of place sitting alone.

Teacher Su walked over and asked gently: "Wen Wen, what's the matter? Are you unhappy? Can you talk to the teacher?"

Wen Wen glanced at Teacher Su and shook his head, "Teacher, I'm fine." The ugliness of the family should not be publicized. How could he tell the teacher?This kind of thing, he has no one to share.

He still feels unreal and thinks this matter is absurd.

If he really is, what about the previous life?Why has he never appeared in his life?Why didn't you help a bunch of mothers?

What worries him most is why he hasn't appeared until his mother is gone?

Wen Wen's eyes were confused, unable to accept the person he had always liked to admire, he was a scum man who had been deeply rooted in his impression!male.

Even if it may be that they missed each other in the previous life, you can't blame him intellectually. Maybe he has never known the existence of their mother and child for so many years.

The trajectory of this life has changed, allowing them to meet and meet again...

But he still couldn't let him go, and he even felt wronged.

"Wen Wen, let's play together!" Kang Kangzhuang's small body fluttered at Wen Wen, almost pressing Wen Wen down.

Teacher Su hurriedly helped Kangkang up, "Kangkang, you can't rush other kids like this, you will get hurt?"

Kangkang chuckled a few times, his eyes rolled, and the plastic golden hoop in his hand, Sai Wenwen, said, "Wen Wen, let's fight monsters together!"

Lele squeezed over, holding a pink little fairy magic wand in her hand, and she pouted: "Wen Wen wants to be a little fairy with me."

Several children quarreled again for Wen Wen.

Wen Wen: "..." After finally coaxing this group of little sticky melons away to play, how long has he been cleaned up?Is there three minutes?

He just wants to be a quiet beautiful man, why is it so difficult?

Teacher Su smiled and watched, only this little quarrel will not stop them, they only need to pay attention to the proportions between the children, and it really quickly, the children shook hands and made peace, holding hands with Wen Wen to play together .

Teacher Su sees that although Wen Wen still plays with the children, she still flashes her mind from time to time, and looks very worried.

Teacher Su felt uneasy, and quickly told Fu Yunruo about Wen Wen's abnormal situation so that she could pay attention to the child's situation.

Wen Wen was not in high spirits, and after playing for a while, he threw down his friends and sat aside to watch them play.

Kangkang and the others played around with Wen and Wen, and then took Wen and Wen and started playing with building blocks.

Wen Wen took a piece or two meaningfully, and then watched them play.

Wen Wen sat quietly for a while, and couldn't help asking his friends: "Kangkang, do you think you have a father?"

Kangkang raised his head and said of course: "Of course it's okay! My dad treats me nicely! He comes to pick me up to school every day, sleeps at night and tells stories to coax me! He will buy me many toys!" He, but he is used to it, it doesn't hurt to be spanked.

Wen Wen recalled Kangkang's father, who was a tall man, if it weren't for Kangkang, he wouldn't be able to tell!Come to their house, the male lead inside the female lead outside.

Lele envied: "Your father is so good? My father is not good. He travels a lot. I haven't seen him for a long time. I also want a father who can tell me stories."

He pursed his lips in tears and said, "My father, my father doesn't tell me stories or buy me toys!" Kangkang's father is good!

"Kangkang, I'll give you my dad. Will you give me your dad?" Lele blinked, her big smoky eyes watery.

"My father can't give it to you." Kangkang thought for a while and said very generously, "You can lend it to you, but you must remember to pay me back."

Lele and cheering all around, the three children hugged each other.

Wen Wen: "..." I always feel that if Kang Kangzhen talks to his dad, a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots is indispensable.

"Wen Wen, isn't your father good to you? I lent you my father too!" Kang Kang did not forget his favorite friend.

Kangkang felt that Wen Wen was shy. He patted his chest and said, "I want it, they all agreed to Lele." After thinking about it, Kangkang was so shy that he squeezed the corner of his clothes and said: "Your mother lent me It's okay!" Wen Wen's mother is so gentle and beautiful, he doesn't mind his father exchanging with Wen Wen's mother.

Wen Wen: "!!! I refuse!!!" His mother didn't want to share it with others at all!

Kangkang opened his mouth and stared at Wen Wen in a daze, as if being bluffed by his sudden loud voice, for a long while, tears filled his eyes, "Wow! You are murdering me! You don't love me! Wow..."

Wen Wen: "..."

As soon as they heard crying, the other children didn't say anything, and immediately followed by howling.

Wen Wen: "..."

Suddenly, there was a turmoil in the classroom. In the end, Wen and Wen coaxed Kang Kang.

Kangkang held onto Wen Wen's clothes, and he drew them together.

Lele was also next to Wen Wen on the other side, holding Wen Wen's clothes with her little hands.

Behind him was occupied by Dudou and the sound of another delicate little boy, which was tightly glued.

Wen Wen felt that he was about to breathe... He looked up at the ceiling with his small face up, and his small expression was full of the words "Lifeless Love". Why did he pick up this topic?He shouldn't ask, wouldn't it be better not to speak quietly?He is so difficult...