My spirit of Douluo is a spirit ring

Douluo My Martial Spirit is a Soul Ring Chapter 571

"You tell me, why are you hiding from me and must take me to the Soul Master Competition?"

Xiao Wu just wanted to keep her mother alive, but now, she suddenly felt heartache.

"I thought no one would recognize you." Tang San said.

"Do you think? Just because you think you are going to take Xiao Wu on an adventure, have you ever thought about it, what if you are discovered?

Or you have never thought about it at all, you just want to compete for the championship and get the soul bone of the Wuhun Hall, for your own way of being strong, and for fulfilling the grace of your teacher!"

Arou poked through the road without mercy.

Xiao Wu shuddered when she heard the words, and turned to look at Tang San.

"Little San, you tell me, is that right? You didn't think of me at all, you only thought of yourself and your teacher!"

Tang San opened his mouth, feeling full of bitterness.

At this time, Xiao Jiu sneered and said, "Xiao Wu, where did he think of you? He has his parents to revenge and needs strength!"

"He is more brotherly, teacher-student. As for you, he can't think about it at all. Even if he considers it, he chooses to ignore it."

"Go to Wuhun City to participate in the competition, he is taking risks, but if he really loves you and cares about your safety, he shouldn't go to the Soul Master Competition all his life!"

"In the Hall of Spirits, there are more than ten Title Douluo!"

"Even if Tang Hao is there, there is Pope Bibi Dong in the Wuhun Hall, a waste of the Clear Sky School, who dares to come to Wuhun City to go wild, that would be death!"

"If the Spirit Hall really wants to kill you, it would be like pinching an ant to death!"

"You think about it, if you change positions, would you take Tang San to die for your dream?"

Xiao Jiu's words pierced all Tang San's lies and cover-ups, leaving Tang San no more excuses.

The matter is clear, the strength of the enemy and the enemy is clear, a clear-headed person, not a person with big ambitions, who wants to fight with his life?

Tang San went with Xiao Wu and almost died.

Facts speak louder than words!

Xiao Wu shook her head in pain. She didn't expect that in Tang San's eyes, she could not match the masters.

"It turns out that what you mean by being good to me is just talking! Mom is right, you are not willing to change anything for me. In your eyes, your persistence and your principles are more important than me!"

"You will only lie to me with witty words!"

Xiao Wu was extremely sad. She gave up everything for Tang San, but Tang San refused to do anything for her!

She has heard from human beings that a billionaire gives you 10,000 gold soul coins, and Bing can't say that he loves you!But if someone only has 10,000 gold soul coins, but returns it to you, that is true love!

Love is not because of how much you give, but how much can he give for you?How much are you willing to pay for you?

"Xiao Wu, don't listen to Xiao Jiu's provocation!" Tang San said heartbroken.

"No need to provoke!"

Xiao Wu shook her head and said with a disappointed look: "If you are willing to give up revenge for me and stay away from me, nothing will happen!"

"But, are you willing?"

"After Tang Hao died, how many times have I begged you, but you always said that the hatred of killing his father is not shared!"

"In front of love and family affection, you did not hesitate to choose family affection!"

"Do you know that Tang Hao wanted to watch the seventh elders kill me at the beginning. He has been watching cold-bloodedly, wishing that I would die and become the spirit ring soul bone of the Clear Sky School!"

"Have you ever thought about killing Tang Hao for me?"

Xiao Wu asked.

"That's my father!" Tang San was stunned, and said angrily: "How can you let me..."

"Yes, so you let your father kill me?" Xiao Wu shook her head painfully, "What your father does is right!"

"So, if he wants to kill Brother Nine, Brother Nine must let him kill!"

"This is your logic!"

"Why do you want to avenge Tang Hao when it's obviously wrong? Do you only allow you to kill and not allow others to kill you?"

"I hate you!"

At this moment, Xiao Wu was full of resentment. Everything was because of Tang San. She knew that Tang Hao deserved to die, but she had to avenge him. This made her mother die miserably!

Tang San was speechless, he clenched his fist, killing his father without revenge, why is he a person?This is what Xuantian's general outline says, using blood for blood and tooth for tooth is not wrong, absolutely not wrong!

Bone Douluo curled his lips, this is what Tang San deserves, Tang Hao's kind of trash, he will die if he dies, he must take revenge!

The most nonsense is that you still have revenge if you are not strong enough. If Xiao Jiu had not been the kind of killer character who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, you would have been killed!

"Xiao Jiu! Come." A Rou waved her hand, and she felt that her life was almost swallowed by the magic sickle.

Xiao Jiu immediately flew down the city wall and squatted down beside Aunt Rou.

Tang San saw Xiao Jiu's canthus cracking, he wanted to take the Seagod Trident and crucify Xiao Jiu, but Xiao Wu stood in front of him and said angrily: "Go away!"

"Xiao Wu!~~" Tang San only felt his painstaking effort, uncomfortable.

Arou said to Xiao Jiu: "Xiao Wu has a simple mind and is easy to admit death and be deceived. Don't blame her! From now on, Xiao Wu will belong to you. You will get married today, okay?"

"No! I object!" Tang San roared.

Chapter 478 Xiao Wu, if you want Aunt Rou to live, you can do it yourself!

"Do you object to usefulness?"

Xiao Jiu looked at Tang San, who was becoming more and more paranoid by the influence of Raksha's god position, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then, he said to Aunt Rou: "Don't worry, I will take care of Xiao Wu just because of your face, and I will marry Xiao Wu when I return to the city."

"Okay, good boy!" A Rou smiled.

"Little nine! ~~ I'm going to kill you!"

At this moment, Tang San exuded a strong Raksha power, his mentality had gradually lost his composure, and he was drawn into a state of mind like Bibi Dong, full of desire for destruction.

Tang San was about to stab Xiao Jiu to death while holding the Seagod Trident, but just as he lifted the trident, he was stunned.

Because Xiao Wu opened her arms in front of him.