My Summons Can Learn Skills

Shelf description!

Suddenly received a notice, it was put on the shelves in the early morning of March 1, which was very daunting.

Due to the influence of various factors during the Chinese New Year, it took a month for the stand-alone computer to get the first recommendation, and the second recommendation after it is hot and popular.

This week I was forced to push hard, and it was about to be put on the shelves. I thought I could wait two rounds...

But the editor has decided, and we can only accept it.

The deposit is meager, but I will do my best to update a few more chapters after 12 o'clock tomorrow night, begging to subscribe!

The first order is very, very important for a new book!!

I hope that even book friends who are not prepared for a long-term subscription can book a chapter to support...

I beg you^^

I am pleased with tears in my eyes^^