My Summons Can Learn Skills

Mid-month thanks

Asking for votes, I just thought of a project with a hundredfold return: each person lends me one hundred votes and pays back 10,000 in a hundred years.

Also... it's a tragedy!

You can only see the rewards after May 7th in the background. There are many from the 5th to the 6th, but I can't see them anymore!!

My fault will not happen in the future, kowtow to apologize.

Thanks book friend:

Gongsun Rumo rewarded 1000!!!!!!!

Fairy mummy rewards 2500!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey!Listen to your big reward 100!

Coffee rewards 2000!!!!!!!!!!!

Listen to the rain and read the text 100!

God Cry Hate 500!!!!!!

Let's watch Uncle 100 together!

wateryec 200!!

Nangong Han Yi 500!!!!!

Fuzzy Dragon 1000!!!!!!!!!!

The most is Tianya Mingyue &; 400!!!!!!!!

Fengyuan Love Dance 300!!!

oldrain 100!

Shura Ghost Saint 100!

Book friends 20200319151437067 100!

Gu Yue Zihui 500!!!!!!

TOEFL 6000 under the month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Book friends 161015232725819 100!

Just read 300!!!!!!!

The smiling big silver devil 100!

Tao Xiao Yaoqian 100!

Wild Boar Hou 100!

Book friends 20200229102815426 100!