My Summons Can Learn Skills

Chapter 345 Six Clan of the Underworld, the truth about the world

"Netherworld Raksha tribe?!!!"

Before Xu Wanniang finished speaking, she was interrupted by Chen Gou in astonishment: "Behind you Huayuelou is the underworld? The underworld with eighteen layers of hell? Does the Holy See know?"

It is necessary to know that the awakened can open up the unique law and priesthood of each abyss, so as to establish a close relationship with the forces in the abyss.

But a Huayuelou without the background of the Holy See, but with the support of the abyss forces developed to the level of famous Canglan, it is simply incredible.

In theory, the Holy See should not have ignored such a big threat.

Huiguang fluttered in Xu Wanniang's eyes. Looking at Chen Gou's expression, she guessed that although he was the pupil of the abyss, he didn't come into contact with many upper-level secrets.

So Wei Wei sorted out her thoughts, and then said: "In fact, behind Canglan, many big families or organizations have the shadow of the abyssal forces, even the Holy See!

Those small and medium-sized abysses that the Holy See has enough power to conquer will naturally completely conquer and occupy them.

But what about abysses such as underworld or hell, heaven, and heaven?Even if the Holy See first discovered the gate of the abyss and built a fort to block it, it would still not be able to stop the erosion of the abyss...

When Canglan wanted to conquer the abyss, the abyss had been slowly changing Canglan, and the Holy See was also unable to avoid this influence. Over time, some things even became public secrets at the upper levels.

For example, the Heavenly Feather Saint Clan has the shadow of heaven behind it, and the Platinum Lin family has the shadow of the Heavenly Court Moon Immortal. The Saint Heaven Alliance is almost divided according to the power of the hell devil. Even a small family like the Sang family is obviously transformed by the Fallen Angel Clan. Up.

Even... I heard that the current Pope, with the support of a certain ancient god of the abyss, won the original competition among the three saints and became the pope!"

When Chen Gou heard this, his heart was already shocked.

It turns out that this is the real relationship between Canglan and Abyss?

Many questions that were hidden in my heart before have all been solved.

I remember that the Hades King Acha once told him that in the Canglan world, big figures had reached a certain agreement with the underworld.

It now seems that it is more than an agreement, it is estimated that it has already been tied together through interest!

Looking back and thinking about the relationship between myself and the Palace of Hades, I realized that this is actually inevitable...

Compared with the top-level abysses such as the underground palace and the heavenly court, the time of Canglan World's development is still too short and the strength is not enough.

And when people go to high places, once those top-level abysses throw olive branches, no matter if it is a rule, a skill, or a technique, few people can resist the temptation.

Hasn't he already actually joined the Hall of Hades?

However, this addition hasn't had much impact on Canglan for the time being.

The first is because his current strength is not enough, and his influence in the Canglan world itself is limited.

The second reason is that Acha, the Hades, does not seem to value Canglan very much. Thinking of her relationship with Chi You, it is estimated that her energy has been placed on the heavens and the mountains...

While Chen Gou was meditating, Xu Wanniang continued: "So, it is normal for Huayuelou to have support from the underworld, otherwise it would not be possible to develop to the present level. It’s just that the underworld is complicated, and all we get is Rakshasa. The support of the clan..."

Chen Gou naturally understood the situation of the underworld.

In addition to the largest number of ghost races, there are five major races: Huang Ming, Yan Luo, Shura, Yin Yao, and Raksha.

Huang Ming and Yan Luo belong to the royal family, respectively in charge of the Hall of the Hades and the Hall of Yama.

Among them, the Huangming clan is the most mysterious and ancient, and Chen Gou did not know their origin before.

But since knowing the relationship between Chi You and Pluto, he speculated that this tribe was probably the remnant Jiuli tribe who entered the underworld after Chi You was defeated in the battle!

As for the Yan Luo tribe, this is the birth of the human body, soul, and gong body after the human practitioner enters the underworld.

Most of the high-ranking members of the Yan Wang Palace, such as Yan Jun and Judge, came from this family.

Rakshasa and Shura are the main fighting races, a powerful primordial spirit, magic spells, a tyrannical body, invincible melee.

The generals in the underworld army are mostly from these two groups.

Yin Yao, as the name suggests, is the monster race of the underworld.

Such as the cow head horse noodles, and even the old demon of Black Mountain belong to this family.

Most of the middle and low-level ghost positions in the Hall of Hades and Hades are held by them.

As for the ghost clan, the number is the largest, but the strength is uneven.

Most of them are haunting little ghosts, and many have been rushed to reincarnate directly, or suffer in 18 hells.

Therefore, although the underworld army is mostly composed of ghost soldiers or ghost soldiers, its status in the underworld is relatively the lowest.

In general, the Raksha tribe ranks in the middle among the six tribes of the underworld, below the Nether and Yan Luo tribes, but above the Yin demons and the ghost tribe.

Therefore, Huayuelou was supported by the Raksha tribe, and it was considered a great backer.

But compared with the entire underworld, this kind of support is naturally not enough.

"Of course, we are not a direct organization of the Holy See after all, so we have been hiding very well, and basically never let outsiders know. I have also heard from the poster that the Holy See has already been lined with hills and contradictions..."

Xu Wanniang's Zhu lips were lightly opened, her voice was soft, and she spoke without rush, which made people feel that they were better than singing.

But what Chen Gou is more concerned about now is what is said in the voice.

There are many hills inside the Holy See, he knows this, and he can feel it from many places.

For example, the relationship between the Knights of Judgment and the Holy Sky Alliance, such as the battle between the Knights of the Abyss and the Bernard family and the forces behind it.

If it is a united and lawful organization, how can the two giants fight in such open and secret fights?

Moreover, this situation has been destined from the beginning and cannot be avoided.

Because behind Tianyu, Lin's family, Bernard, and even the Pope, there are shadows of the top abyssal world.

Then as the influence of these abyssal forces gradually deepened, and their respective demands for Canglan diverged... then various frictions and collisions became inevitable.

What Chen Gou is even more worried about is that the major families or organizations can still maintain relative independence in the face of the abyssal forces, and therefore maintain the Vatican this behemoth under the constraints of righteousness...

But with the passage of time, these family organizations have been eroded more and more severely by the abyss, and after they have completely reduced to believing in the attachment of those gods or demons, can the Holy See survive?

Maybe one day the score will fall apart and collapse!

What will become of Canglan World at that time?

Carve up the legacy, stand up for each other, and rise together!

At that time, I am afraid it will be the darkest, turbulent, and disorderly era in this world since the invasion of evil spirits.

In fact, some gods in the abyss need only faith and surrender.

But abysses such as hell are completely different. Demons are manic and chaotic by nature, and they want blood, death, and soul.

If the world is dominated by them, it will be a doomsday catastrophe, and ordinary people will be completely reduced to livestock and left to slaughter.

At least from this aspect, Chen Gou does not want the Holy See to collapse.

"This is really a crisis of survival. It needs a hero to turn out to be born, turn the tide, and help the mansion!"

Chen Gou groaned helplessly. He had guessed that there were many problems within the Holy See, but he didn't expect it to be so serious.

At this time, in fact, if the senior leaders of the Holy See who are aware of the problem can work together to rectify and reform, there is still a chance.

However, the only lesson that mankind has learned from history is that mankind has never learned from history.

Aristocratic families, as well as those with high positions, these vested interests are like capitalists, and it is harder for them to attack themselves than to reach the sky.

It is hard to return, and every dynasty cannot escape this rule from rise to fall.

However, after Chen Gou thought it through, he didn't struggle with this matter for too long.

In any case, the Holy See is still the overlord of Canglan, at least on the surface, powerful and prosperous.

Even if it really starts to go downhill from the peak, there will still be a relatively long process, and it's impossible to fall apart.

And this period of time should be enough for Chen Gou to grow as much as possible and have enough capital to cope with the dramatic changes that may come in the future.

What's more, if the ship of the Holy See is really going to sink, it will have to work harder to climb up. Can the great priest of the abyss and a silver knight get the same assets in the branch of the Holy See?

Of course, all of this is in the final analysis only Chen Gou's speculation based on the existing information.

Maybe the problem is not that serious.

Besides, what he could think of, how could the people of insight at the top of the Holy See not.

Although there are many self-interested people, there are no lack of people with lofty and ideals, and they will naturally find ways to save them.

Maybe someday there will be a world-famous hero dressed in auspicious clouds...

In short, it is not yet his turn to worry for nothing.

But we still need to plan ahead...

Thinking of this, Chen Gou converged his thoughts and returned to reality, and then looked at the beautiful woman who was standing opposite with a smile: "You know so much. I'm afraid you are not low in the Huayue Tower. What is your identity?

"Hua Yue Lou has always been three flowers with the moon, the moon is the owner, and the flower is the moon shadow. He is the owner's most trusted person. I used to be one of the three flowers. I made a big mistake last month and I was sent here... …"

Xu Wanniang is curly and Nana, she has a quiet and calm expression on her body, but her favored bright eyes seem to flash with a strange look.

Chen Gou also had to admit that this woman had an inexplicable charm, and she seemed to be more attractive as she watched.

Obviously born in Fengyue, but every move is not gaudy, but an elegant temperament, natural behavior also affects the mood of the people around from time to time, as if a natural introverted charming show.

This unique temperament is indeed very strange to appear in the Fengchen woman.

But what Chen Gou didn't know was that Xu Wanniang was not like Qingyu. She was raised in a brothel since she was a child. She was a young lady until she was eighteen...

At this time, Chen Gou didn't have the energy to think about it.

Because as Zhenzi's soul crystals were refined, more and more laws and original mysteries were absorbed, and special changes in addition to basic attributes began.

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