My Summons Can Learn Skills

Chapter 353-The Day of Angels, Going to Auction

() You can search "My summons can learn skills ()" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!In the next few days, Chen Gou lived in Huayuelou.As soon as I came here, there was free food and king-level service... Yueluo gave Chen Gou a promise that the suite named Wanhuaxuan on the top floor where Xu Wanniang lived before will always be reserved for them.Moreover, he personally enjoys lifelong free treatment in Huayuelou.This is the only time in the history of Huayuelou.Many people in Huayuelou, including a few Huaying, were puzzled.Only Yueluo knew that she was planning ahead.When the rain is about to come, it has long been rumored that the pope has been overdrafted too hard because of previous battles, and for some reason, his body has an irreversible problem!Now things are getting worse...If it is true, then no one can say that the blue sky will burst into pieces in the future.Now the competition of the three saints is in an extremely anxious state, and no one has an absolute advantage.Once the Holy See has no leader, the consequences are simply unimaginable.And Chen Gou was naturally happy and convenient.Although the two houses arranged for him by the headquarters of the Knights of the Abyss had all the furnishings available, there was no one.Therefore, it must be a hassle to move.He least likes living in a big empty house. He speaks at night with echoes, like a haunt.The fifth day... Chen Gou sat cross-legged in the bedroom of Wanhuaxuan.There is no bed in the whole room. The three walls and the roof are all huge mirrors, and the wall next to the window is also the kind of transparent crystal glass.The ground was covered with a huge silver-white glowing snow fox fur blanket, which was said to be cut from the entire fur of a six-level fox demon at level 50. There was no crack or patch on it.There are many similar fox fur Tanhuayuelou, at least in the rooms of the top ten oirans.

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