My Summons Can Learn Skills

Chapter 357: Obsessive Mask

() You can search "My summons can learn skills ()" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!When Chen Gou left, the male eyes looking from behind were almost full of envy.They didn't know what was behind the unknown reasons. What they saw in their eyes was that Lin Xi volunteered to go up the mountain for him.Soon after Chen Gou and Xu Wanniang left, an even more shocking news spread throughout the holy city and was received by those still in the hall."The original disciple of Mr. Guanruo in the academy, Qing Yu, and Augustine, the Light of Judgment, have entered into a marriage contract, and they will be married when the latter returns from the Dark Abyss!" "So it is, no wonder Lin Xi can apprentice..." It’s so interesting. One had just kidnapped a female disciple of a college and went down the mountain, and the other had a female disciple going up the mountain for him." "I think the world is too unfair, due to waterlogging, and drought due to drought." "..." Chen Gou, who had already returned to Huayue Tower, also knew the news.But he didn't take it too seriously.Whether he has any personal grievances with the light of Judgment who claimed to be the strongest in thirty years, at best, he is about to compete in the dark abyss.Directly into the Wanhuaxuan, after taking a shower and washing under the service of Xu Wanniang, Chen Gou, who was refreshed, sat down on the fox fur carpet in the bedroom.Then he took the broken bronze mask in his hand and groaned.This mask has a metallic texture when held in the hand, but it is actually light and light.Like other obsession objects, there is a sense of illusion.But once activated as a rule prop, it will become extremely real.After a while, Chen Gou dropped his blood on it, but he didn't respond."Is the previous induction just an illusion?" Chen Gou was a bit unwilling, he really liked this mask, mainly because the smiley face on it was very artistic.Just like life, looking at all smiles,

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