My Summons Can Learn Skills

Chapter 364: Genius Ideas

() "My summons can learn skills ()" Find the latest chapter!Not only has the number doubled than others, but also has many more skill combinations, which can no longer be described as horror, it is simply abnormal.It is precisely because of the breakthrough of bloodline skills that they have jumped from the eighth and ninth places of the Knights Templar to the top seeds eligible to compete for the top three.Become the hidden killer of the Knights Templar.Faced with this kind of cheating ability, Zion was helpless in defeat.And there is no way to blame, after all, people say that the brothers were never separated since they were born.As the leader of the Knights Templar, the Insribo of the Temple had obviously guessed this result a long time ago. When everyone was watching and walking to the center of the venue, the corners of his mouth were always smiling.Then, after looking at Chen Gou and Augustine respectively, he smiled and said, "We choose the ultimate evil demon Baal in the fifth small world." This result was expected. After all, Baer who killed Act 5 was not only the highest in points, but also theoretically. The violent equipment is also the best.Next, it was the second-ranked Knights of Abyss to choose."We choose Diablo, the ultimate demon in the fourth small world." Chen Gou also had a smile on his face, as if he was very satisfied with the result.The reason is that there are angels in the fourth act!It is not the NPC archangel Tyrael that will appear in the game, but a small dark gold BOSS named "Izuel".In this ordinary world, Tyrael would not be there.The dark abyss of ordinary level has been opened several times, and this has long been proved.But as a monster, Izuel will definitely be refreshed.Izuel was once the lieutenant of the archangel Tyrael, holding a holy sword in blue anger, brave and good at fighting.Later, he was trapped in hell during the battle, causing his soul to fall completely and become a fallen angel.Chen Gou is still not sure whether his blood can be used to improve the skill level of "Silver Sun Heaven".

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