My Summons Can Learn Skills

Chapter 563 Shanhai is shocked to see his old friend!

Liubo Mountain in the East China Sea, the sky is high and the sea is wide, and there are no clouds.

The Book of Mountains and Seas·The Great Wilderness: "In the East China Sea, there is a mountain of Liubo, which enters the sea for seven thousand miles. There are beasts on it, like a cow, with a blue body without horns, one foot, and the water will be wind and rain, and its light is like the sun and the moon, and its sound Like thunder, its name is Kui. The Yellow Emperor got it, using its skin as a drum, and its prongs with the bones of thunder beasts.

Originally, the Kuiniu clan near this sea area was the overlord, and there were few disturbances.

But now, why are the wood gods and the water gods competing here, and their swords drawn?

Chung Bao was born?

Think too much.

Many people couldn't even believe the original cause.

It's just because a detached young tribe of the Water God tribe was practicing near the sea area of ​​Liubo Mountain, whether the sun was big in the morning or the sun at noon...

There was a quarrel with four young people from the same environment of the Wood God tribe, and then a conflict broke out.

The result was naturally outnumbered and was severely humiliated.

The multitude of people of the Wood God Race was still restrained and did not want their lives.

But the young detached monk of the Water God tribe still couldn't bear this tone. His clan was only a fourth-rank tribe of the Water God tribe, and his ancestral land was in the Northern Wilderness.

Therefore, only relying on the strength of the clan, it is naturally difficult to find the wood god clan to get back a place in the East China Sea near the Eastern Desolation.

Therefore, he decisively found the son of the Tang clan of the second grade tribe of the Water God tribe with whom they had always been close, and naturally added some oil and jealousy, saying that the Mu God tribe did not take the Water God tribe in their eyes...

To say that this Tang clan's aunt is also really strong and strong.

After hearing this, he was instantly angry, and immediately brought a dozen people back to kill, and beat the four of the Wood Gods who were still practicing near Liubo Mountain.

This is the frying pan!

Although Liubo Mountain is located in the East China Sea, it is only 7,000 miles away from the shore of the East Outer Wilderness. The Mu Gods have always regarded it as their back garden.

As a result, he was beaten by outsiders in his own home, how could the Wood Gods bear it?

Isn't it better than people?

After all, the distance of the wood gods is closer, and the support is naturally faster!

Several major and second-tier clans of the Wood God Clan joined forces, and nearly a hundred young people from the detached and demi-god realm swarmed to Liubo Mountain. Naturally, without any suspense, the dozen people of the Wood God Clan were ravaged both physically and spiritually. A meal.

However, is this over?


Why should the water gods swallow this sulking breath?

The Yushi concubine, known as the Sage Demon Girl of the Water Race, led several of the strongest young arrogances of the Water God Clan in the present age, and came with a strong presence. Only four or five people swept through nearly a hundred of the Wood God Clan.

But is there no evildoer of this level in the Wood God Race?

The youngest son of Mu Shenju Mang was furious, and shouted, the young and powerful Mu Shenzu gathered together after hearing the wind, and rushed to Liubo Mountain aggressively...

"Isn't it typical to hit grandson and come to dad, and hit dad and then grandpa?"

Chen Gou was quite speechless when he knew the whole story.

Unexpectedly, Shanhai God Realm had such a thing.

If in normal times, the Water God tribe and the Wood God tribe are fighting, and standing on the side of the Yan God tribe, you still have to be happy. It's not a bad idea to move a small bench over and watch the show happily.

Because the relationship between the two races and the Yan God race is not very good.

The Wood Gods once stood side by side with the Yan Gods alliance, but they also joined the alliance that persecuted the Yan Gods after the fall of Emperor Zhu Rongtian, and they can still be called enemies and friends.

The Water God Race can only be described as a "mortal enemy".

Water and fire are inherently incompatible with each other in terms of laws and power attributes.

Since the Yan Emperor proclaimed himself the emperor, the Water God Clan was firmly suppressed by the Yan God Clan.

After the Yan and Huang emperors retreated, Zhu Rong defeated Gonggong again and ascended the throne of the Emperor of Heaven.

At that time, the Shui Emperors worked together with grief and anger, and ran into the mountain without death.

The water gods should have completely fallen into this, and fell into a long period of weakness,

After that, the Water God Race took the brunt of it and launched a frantic counterattack against the Yan God Race, which was originally domineering and almost to become the first God Race.

In the end, it caused drastic changes within the Yan God clan and its strength was greatly damaged.

In this way, how can the Yan God race not hate the Shui race?

Therefore, if in normal times, the more intense the fighting between the two races, the happier Chen Gou and others will naturally be.

What left him speechless was that the emperor's elite guard who was cursed as a bird happened to be resting on Liubo Mountain now!

I don't know when it will fly out...

If Chen Gou wants to take the initiative to see him, it is inevitable that the young Tianjiao of the Wood God Race and the Water God Race who are facing each other in Liubo Mountain will meet.

At that time, it's okay not to be recognized.

Once discovered, in this situation, no one knows what will happen.

It is not impossible to be besieged by the two clans as a flash point.


Chen Gou hid in the void dozens of miles away in Liubo Mountain, looking at the two waves of men and horses facing each other from a distance, and couldn't help but caressed his forehead and sighed.

From a rational point of view, all he can do now is wait.

Either wait for Jingwei to fly out by himself, or wait for the two groups of firecrackers to go back to each house and find each mother.

But no one knows how long to wait!

First of all, although the emperor is reclaiming the sea from the Eastern Wilderness Rank Stone under the forbidden hoops of the curse, it is not always flying.

When I am tired, I will find a place to rest on the way, and there is no fixed time for rest.

Secondly, the wood gods and water gods who are facing each other are actually too hard to get off.

In order to respect the prestige of the family, neither of the two sides can give in.

But once the strongest young men of the two races really fought and made all-out efforts, the consequences would be unpredictable.

As long as a seed of the first five levels is killed in battle, this blood feud may become the fuse of an all-out conflict between the two clans.

Two great Protoss battle!

No one can bear this kind of responsibility.

"The dignified mountain and sea gods, what do they look like, I have to help them fight."

Chen Gou looked worried and duty-bound.

He has done a lot of things like fanning the flames and then fishing in troubled waters, and he is also very skilled.

But the problem now is that there is no suitable executive candidate.

Whether it is him or the other people who come with him, his mana has powerful fluctuations in the law of fire.

Among the Mu and Shui people, this is as conspicuous as a beacon in the dark, and one shot is 100% recognized!

If it's someone else, you will almost give up at this time, just wait for peace of mind.

Chen Gou was the kind of loneliness that couldn't bear, and while he was pondering, the candle's eyes were always drifting away from the confronting members.

On the side of the Wood God tribe, in addition to the son of the wood god Jumang with the human face of the bird body, there are also two young strong men who have manifested their heads and snake bodies after they emerged from the Taoist body.

Not surprisingly, these belonged to the Nuwa Fuxi clan, the emperor of the Mu God clan!

When he was in the world of Zhuxian, Chen Gou knew from the remnant soul of the prince Changqin that before Zhu Rong, there were three generations of four heavenly emperors in the Mountain Sea God Realm.

The first generation of Emperor Jun, the third generation of Yandi and Huangdi shared the sky.

And that mysterious second-generation Heavenly Emperor, Chen Gou had already known after entering the Mountain Sea God Realm, it was Fuxi!

Fuxi and Nuwa are brothers and sisters, both with a human head and a snake body, so the snake tail has become the most obvious feature of the wood gods.

Looking at the two Fuxi and Nuwa tribesmen, Chen Gou couldn't help touching his chin, his eyes darkened.

In the world of White Snake, he planted a branch of the sacred tree with the devil fruit of the Eudemons species, and only needs to water the blood of the gods to produce the corresponding shape of the devil fruit.

That tree was prepared by him for Xiao Xier.

And it has long been decided to water with Nuwa's blood.

As far as he knew after entering the mountain and sea god realm, Nuwa had already fallen in the battle of the god Zhu Rongtian that year.

But within the Wood God Clan, her blood is likely to be retained!

This thing must be the treasure of the Mu people. It is naturally not easy to ask for even a drop.

Chen Gou needs to cut the entrance, and the two Nuwa Tianjiao in front of him are just right!

It's just that you must not act rashly, you have to consider long-term plans...

Chen Gou's gaze gradually moved away from the Wood God Race and fell on the Water God Race.

He didn't have much interest in the rest of the clan, and his attention was all attracted by the demon girl Yushi concubine.

The great demon female rain teacher concubine!

This name made Chen Gou suddenly think of the two novels "Sou Shen Ji" and "Wild Wild Ji", which also contain the five tribes of Jin, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, and Five Great Emperors, and they are also set in the Shanhaijing.

Before Chen Gou entered the Mountain Sea God Realm, he also wondered whether this Mountain Sea God Realm would be related to those two worlds.

As a result, his investigation in the Yan God Clan found that there was basically no contact except for the names of a few powerful people such as Chi Di and the Great Demon.

And, in fact, whether it is Chi Di Chi Biao An, Bai Di Bai Zhao refused, Hei Di Juice Koki, etc., the names do not come from those two novels, but have appeared in myths long ago.

Even the Yushi concubine, Shan Hai Jing has records!

Shan Hai Jing·Overseas East Jing Yun: Yu Shi's concubine is in the north, she is black, with a snake in each hand, a green snake in the left ear, and a red snake in the right ear.

Obviously, in the Shanhaijing, Yushi concubine is a country name.

In Sou Shen Ji, she is one of the ten great witches of the Great Wilderness!

At this moment, what appeared in front of Chen Gou was a water god clan demon girl named Yushi concubine.

This made him have to guess whether this mountain and sea god realm... was also a fusion?

The Yushi concubine is known as the first beauty of the water gods in the contemporary era. She is barefoot in red, her skin is snowy, her gauze collar obliquely reaches her abdomen, and her chest is half exposed.

A jasper ring is a button, which is cut under the waist, and the white and slender jade legs are swayed. The style is very charming and charming...

It really deserves its name!

But beside her, there was a woman in white with a body and temperament comparable to her.

Unlike Yu Shi's concubine, this woman's eyes are indifferent, like the water under the moon, but out of dust.

The white-clothed woman was covered with a veil on her face and couldn't see her true face, but Chen Gou felt an extremely familiar breath from her body.

I thought about it for a moment, and then the whole person froze in place.

"It turned out to be her?!"

Almost exclaimed, because Chen Gou recognized the woman in white next to Master Yu, who was Lin Xi!

"Why is she here?"

Chen Gou's doubts arose, but when he thought about it, the answer was in his mind.

In the world of Canglan, the academy has mastered a passage to the mountain and sea god realm, and announced to the outside world that it will select the most outstanding young members of the Holy See to enter the development together.

This caused Chen Gou to fall into a misunderstanding of thinking, thinking that the academy had never sent people to explore the Shanhai God Realm.

But how is this possible?

Now it seems that before Chen Gou and the others entered, the academy disciples had already entered.

Lin Xi hadn't seen any deeds since he entered the academy, and there was no news, but it turned out that he had entered the Mountain Sea God Realm one step ahead of time, and joined the Water God Clan, and he even had a significant status.

"After a few years, I didn't expect this to be the case for goodbye!"

Chen Gou looked at Lin Xi from a distance, with a sense of good fortune in his heart.

At the same time, unconsciously, a plan gradually formed in my heart.

Didn't he want to jump into the battle between the Water God Race and the Wood God Race?

At this moment, there is no more suitable candidate than Lin Xi!