My Super Estate

Chapter 3499 - Blocked by someone?

-Chapter 3,287 is blocked?

"This, this is the tenth Origin Dao Avatar?"

Wang Yang was a bit confused.

Surprisingly, such a thing could happen.

Wang Yang had never thought of that. In his mind, the biggest possibility of this kind of Dao fire was that it would directly wipe out his own Dao of Death.

Now it seems, perhaps, Zu Yang made his move.

Or maybe, his own luck is very good.

Or maybe, there really is some mystery that you don't know?

"Now you listen."

His own problem has been solved.

However, Wang Yang had not forgotten what he had come forward for.


Wang Yang wanted to remind the Tree of Death and the others.

However, his words had not yet been spoken, when suddenly, a loud laugh directly rang out.

"Who are you guys?"

How could there be such an unexpected visitor?

Staring at these guys, surprisingly, do not know much.

But, one by one, the strength, are all extremely powerful.

At the very least, they are giants of the universe.

And, the number, is still a lot.

One Two Three ......

One by one count, however, reached thirteen.

"Lord of the Four Directions, just know, you are the scourge of the legacy of a thousand years, to die so easily, extremely difficult."

"Oh!" On the surface, Wang Yang's eyes were still on these unexpected visitors, but Wang Yang's mind was still on the Death God Tree and the Seven Sons of Death God.

At this time, the Death God Tree's mind was already blurred.

By the raging fire of the Dao, burning back and forth, her will had long been blurred.

However, she always remembered the command of the Father God: "Remember, you are cultivated by my own hands, call me Father God, you must believe in me, we will create miracles.

In the same way, I will bring you to work miracles and live again.

Obviously, she could no longer hold on, but in her heart, she remembered the Father's command again, and then, she held on again.

It was just that this was not the way out.

The brain is getting fuzzy.

I could see that I would not be able to hold on any longer.

Finally, the voice of the Father resounded again.

"In your heart, contemplate death supreme, quickly!"

Awareness of Juyang?

Obviously, it is completely impossible, the power of Ancestral Sun is very powerful, Ancestral Sun is a round of purple sun, these, all are known.

However, what kind of divine essence of Ancestral Sun is, no one knows.

It is obviously impossible to imagine Zuyang without this kind of divine essence.

In comparison, the Death Supreme God is the most effective.

Wang Yang knew that the Death Supreme God was a rule incarnation.

But, again, on Death Supreme God, there was still a trace of a great existence's divine soul.

This was enough.

Hearing the voice of the Father God, the Tree of Death did not pause much, and naturally, it recalled the Death God.

Once, the death god descended, and at that time, it was the death supreme god who descended.

That kind of divine essence is too clear.

As a matter of fact, when I thought of Death, I immediately felt that my heart and soul were blessed with a power.

Likewise, one's own Death Dao, as if it had been blessed with the power of a rule, shone brightly.

In contrast, the other three Dao of Death did not receive such treatment at all.

Then, it could be seen that one dao, naturally, was all refined by the fire of the dao, and turned into a single origin.

Such a situation was very different from Wang Yang's. Wang Yang was under some kind of mysterious power.

Wang Yang is under the blessing of some mysterious power, the entire Avenue of Death is directly transformed into a kind of rule-based origin talisman.

In other words, although Wang Yang was only a Dao of Creation, he himself had a rule-based divine ability.

Although the consumption of this rule-type supernatural power may be extremely terrifying, but a rule-type supernatural power is a rule-type supernatural power.

There must be an essential difference.

However, the Death God Tree clearly did not have such treatment.

All three of her Perfection Dao were transformed into a kind of origin.

With the blessing of such a source, she could, perhaps, directly undergo three spiritual transformations in a very short period of time.

The case of the Seventh Son of Death is also extremely similar.

For a time, there were all kinds of them here, as if the heavens had opened up.

The momentum was extremely vast.

"Damn it, can't let them succeed."

Huamu Zun, was definitely a rising star of the Demon Race.

His strength, even among the giants of the universe, was also extremely outstanding.

According to legend, he was once extremely lucky, and in the midst of the chaos, he obtained a kind of devil blood.

The magic blood emitted nine colors and was suspected to be immortal blood.

At that time, he just encountered, is to see, magic blood naturally swallowed chaos, in growing bamboo carvings, but also has a terrifying pressure Lord, hidden, suppress all the back cut dare to approach the person.

At that time, the Honorable Hua Mu was already extremely lucky to have encountered such a kind of demon blood, how could he give it up?

It must be said that this encounter created a legend.

After surpassing the emperor and achieving the mastery of a thousand worlds, all the paths were related to dao lineage and the worlds opened up.

Dao line is a symbol of one's own strength, a product of the fusion of cultivation realms.

The size of the world you open up is the key to the strength of your spiritual world.

The combination of the two is the ultimate limit of the strength that can explode.

A physical battle body?

The profoundness of the Dharma power rises with Dao cultivation.

Specialized cultivation methods, basically, are extremely rare.

Even the top bloodline in the universe, at this level, has extremely limited influence.

This is also the reason why Wang Yang is invincible in the universe.

His mind world is fifteen times that of others.

Under such conditions, he was absolutely invincible.

However, there are always some surprises in everything.

This Hua Mu Zun Zi was an absolute accidental existence.

In the midst of the chaos, he had obtained a kind of demon blood.

The devil blood that emitted nine-colored immortal light.

Bathed in the demon blood and reborn, he possessed a physical battle body that was far superior to others, with the same dao lineage and three or four times the explosive power of others.

Throughout the universe, none of the enemies he encountered was his opponent.

The Lord of the Four Directions?

Hmph, that's because, he hadn't met himself yet, otherwise, he definitely would have been dead or alive.

"Lord of the Four Directions, come and suffer death!"

It must be said that his peerlessness created his belief in invincibility.

He did not even pay much attention to the presence of a near-immortal Daolord like Venerable Wen Ruo.

"Huh? Afraid of you?"

Wang Yang sneers.

But a cosmic giant.

I've even killed over a hundred near Immortal Daoist masters, but you, a cosmic giant, dare to be rude?

I'll beat you to death.