My Super Estate

Chapter 1002 Sealed Land?

Chapter 946 The Land of Seals?

"Fat man, how do you come in?"

Seeing Wang Yang and Shenwu fat coming in, Xianling'er was very happy.

Seven days ago, he entered the Demon Battlefield, and the channel was disturbed by a force. Immortal Linger and Wang Yang and others had separated and landed directly in the thunder domain.

The terrifying thunder domain is enough to let the immortal spirits who are not involved in the world collapse their hearts.

The terrible thunder, even the earth is burned into crystals under high temperature, if the fairy wants to survive, he must always practise repairs and isolate the thunder with his own anger.

The most terrifying thing is that all kinds of monsters are emerging one after another. The huge Warcraft and the strange blood spirit once made Linger desperate.

The talent is good, and everyone has high hopes. However, in the end, he is not very old, and he is not deep in the world. In the face of his horror, he has not collapsed directly. It is already her strong performance and strong spiritual support.

"Master, you don't know, Linger was almost desperate when he first entered this minefield.

The most important thing is that a giant wolf with the size of a house has thighs like an elephant supporting a giant column. A roar can make a thinking tiger.

But terrible."

In despair, Ling'er can see Master and the fat man again, and she has evoked endless joy all over again, as if the horror before has all disappeared.

A strong heart allows her to be in despair without losing her direction.

"Ling'er is the most powerful. What kind of giant wolf and elephant are not in front of Linger?"

Seeing that Linger was well, the anxious fat man who had disappeared before disappeared again.

He is like Linger, he is of extraordinary background, and his knowledge is even more extraordinary. He has always set goals for his life, supporting each other and helping each other. As long as there is each other, they always feel that the sun of tomorrow is bright.

"No, the giant wolf is fierce and has his teeth bent. It wants to eat Ling'er, but, later, it was eaten by the big tiger.

The most terrible, the blood spirit, at that time, the fierce big tiger looked at me fiercely, but surprised me, and finally, the blood spirit that appeared suddenly, directly devoured the big tiger .

At that time, Ling'er was scared, so terrible.

In the end, the Ten Thousand Beast Demon King suddenly appeared, extinguished the Blood Spirit, brought me the Thousand Beast Demon Hall, and shut me down.

At that time, he seemed to say that the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Palace was sealed in the Thunder Domain, and he had never seen the human race. He was allowed to let those demon disciples to see the human race, taste the blood of the human race, and inspire them. The magic in the heart."


I heard that the Ten Thousand Beast Demon King dared to treat Linger in this way. Shenwu was so fat and angry that he wanted to go out now and directly cut all those demons.

"Okay, Ling'er, do you know what this secret realm is all about?"

The size of the secret area is not certain.

For example, the mysterious realm in front of me looks like a hall.

Yes, this mysterious realm is simply a huge hall, all around it are all bronze walls.

"Master, here, it is very likely that the grandfather of Tianwu Supreme, my grandfather once told me-Tianwu Supreme Tower.

According to legend, in the war that was thousands of years ago, the Shura Demon Clan and the Thousand Beasts Demon Palace joined forces to directly break through the gates of the Tianwu World.

In the end, Tianwu Supreme led the Tianwu Continent to rise up to resist, and finally, with the help of the Celestial Realm, the Celestial Lei Emperor was dispatched.

In this way, double contact can save the Tianwu Continent.

However, even if this is the case, the Tianwu Continent at that time was also badly damaged, and both Tianwu Supreme and Lei Di fell."

Wang Yang said: Not only is the Tianwu Supreme and Lei Di both deceased, and even the entire Tianwu continent has been cut off from the earth and has become a lost continent.

However, Wang Yang cleverly did not say so.

"Tianwu Supreme Tower?"

"Yes, Master, come and see!"

Then, Wang Yang walked towards the bronze wall.

There was even a bronze monument.

"Grandpa Ling, Linger came to see you again."

When he came to the bronze monument, Linger called out loudly.

The bronze monument changes for a while, from which a white-bearded old man emerges.

"Ling'er, you are here."

"Yeah, Grandpa Ling, Linger is here. Look, my master is here, and the big fat is here."

Seeing the old man with a white beard appearing on the monument, Ling'er said cheerfully.

Sure enough, after hearing Linger's words, Taring turned his eyes to Wang Yang. On an old face, there were a pair of star-like eyes.

"Jin Dan's seven turns?"

Ta Ling was really extraordinary, just one glance, he saw Wang Yang's cultivation behavior.

"Impossible, according to the current strength of the Tianwu Continent, it is absolutely impossible to have such a practice.

How could your little doll have such a powerful cultivation behavior?"

Wang Yang said in his heart, "Seniors have high opinions. If it is normal, it is indeed impossible for this kind of cultivation practice to appear.

It's just that I have good luck in the next time, and I have inherited the Ziyang emperor's heritage."

"What? Emperor Ziyang?

Did you get the inheritance of Emperor Ziyang?How is it possible, how can you get the inheritance of Emperor Ziyang?"

Taring shook his head again and again, saying that he would never believe it.

How is it possible, Emperor Ziyang, who is the first person in the Gods List, with strong strength, even the demon king of the overbearing Demon Realm, in the face of such terrible characters, they have to retreat Sanshe, how can such a character like him easily Send the inheritance?

"Boy, did you really get the inheritance of Emperor Ziyang?"

Even if Wang Yang had already said it himself, Taring was still unbelievable.

Emperor Ziyang, how might he inherit his inheritance?

"Yes, I already got it."

Wang Yang nodded affirmatively.

In this world, there are so many powerful inheritances that even the emperor can hardly survive for a long time.

After Grand Master, those who are truly aspiring to become immortals will never follow the same path as others.

Similarly, the truly powerful Supreme Divine Devil, they will never easily leave the inheritance after the Grand Master.

What they want is to cultivate a real supreme fight on Chengxian Road, not a grass bag. Therefore, many of them, when they leave the lineage, will dredge their own lineage, only to help the heirs lay the most solid The foundation, the inheritance after Grand Master, is very rare.

That is why, in this world, there are really many powerful inheritances, but, in the same way, there are few inheritances that can really make people disregard all competition.

Facing the inquiry from Taring, Wang Yang certainly didn't hide anything.

"Then, can you plant thousands of beast fruit trees?"

The beast fruit tree?

Wang Yang moved.

Could it be that there is a lot of Warcraft sealed here?