My system automatically adds money

The end of the high school chapter~

You can search for "My System Automatically Add Money to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After fumbling around, I finished writing the high school article in Cakatonton Middle School.

My personal subjectivity is passing, I originally wanted to write more about campus life, such as jealous rivals, sports games, New Year's party, student union, etc. can all be written in detail.

Only after thinking about it, I didn't write it anymore. The high school article would have about 700-800,000 words. It was too slow to let the university article arrive earlier.

As for why the time after the college entrance examination should be attributed to the length of the university?

In my opinion, the end of the college entrance examination means the end of high school. From my personal experience, everyone doesn't have much memory of the past, and the content of the chat is more of the university.

As if overnight, we all became mature.

Ripped apart.

There are 100 chapters in high school, many chapters have been changed, not for the best, but for a clear conscience.

I can proudly say that I did not perfunctory.

But this is not good enough. After all, I am not high-level and can't do it all at once.

Today and tomorrow I will carefully review the plot of the university chapter, and write a simple outline at the same time, so that I will no longer be like this.

Last month, I promised to come on this month. The goal set at the beginning of the month was 300,000 words, but I didn't expect it to be only 110,000 words today.

I am speechless myself. In fact, I can write 300,000 words. Hydrology is still

But it's boring. I'm not happy to write. If you talk about it, it's better not to write.

I remember how pitiful I was when I first put it on the shelves, but I am much better now.

Although the book is not popular, there are many friends who have always liked it. Most of the people who vote every day are acquaintances and I am very happy.

There is no recommendation and there are about 200 new collections every day, and follow-up reading is very stable.

This is to compare the heart to the heart. There are many fine books that are not as good as I am. This book has grown up bit by bit under your care.

I'm also sorry, because sometimes I can only post chaotic chapters because of full attendance, which affects your reading experience.

Not surprisingly, the same is true today.Because there is no deposit.

I have ideas in my mind, but I haven't decided how to write it yet, and I don't have time to write. I have to write the outline first, so I can only fill it up tomorrow.

Full attendance is 600 yuan, it's a pity to break.

The last university chapter is the most exciting, so stay tuned~

PS: It's cold. Take care to prevent colds. I also caught a cold. I drank cold granules for two days.

Currently I owe 17 chapters~