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No matter when, netizens are bored.

Before the simple daily sentence "Jia Junpeng, your mother called you to go home for dinner", CCTV followed the stubbornness. Later, "Sister Milk Tea" and "Sister Tianxian" became the dream of countless otakus only by relying on a not very high-resolution picture. The lover.

This interview is also popular.

It's just that the interview itself is not what is hot, but also a picture of PS and the name "Zhang Fan".

A good-for-nothing netizen took a screenshot of a certain page in the interview and went to the post bar for help.

"God please P drop the boy in the middle, thank you very much, brother!"

In the photo, Zhang Fan stood in the center. Jiang Lanqing and Bai Xue, who stood beside him, tilted their heads in his direction at the same time, raised their chins, unconsciously showing a sweet smile at the corners of their mouths, looking at him with affectionate eyes.

This was a picture that made the FFF members angry. After removing him, who was in the way, immediately turned into a beautiful lily, which broke the hearts of countless male compatriots.

No matter when, the pursuit of beauty is human nature.

When the great god released this picture full of lily breath, the situation suddenly became like a flood of the Yellow River, out of control.

Someone saved it immediately, and then opened a new post.

"Yesterday my mother introduced me to two blind dates. Which one should I choose?"

Someone responded soon.

"Could your excellency be called Zhang Fan?"

Someone took the picture he just saved to Aoki University to post it to offer a reward.

"The specific information of these two girls on the way of offering 100 penguin coins."

It’s just that Aoki University’s post is not as lively as Li Yi’s, and it took a minute for someone to reply.

"I have saved the picture. In addition, I will tell you that the personal hobby of the girl on the left is one hundred yuan in our bedroom. Where do you come from?"

The reply is Zhou Chang, a freshman of the School of Economics and Management, a classmate of Jiang Lanqing.

After he left a message, Bai Xue left a message immediately.

"The picture has been set as the computer desktop. In addition, I will tell you that the internal price of the girl on the right is two hundred yuan in our department, which is double the price of the external department."

When Zhou Chang saw that the kid downstairs was deliberately picking things up, he became furious, and his fingers danced quickly on the keyboard.

"Don't brag, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that Jiang Lanqing is more beautiful than Bai Xue."

"I think you are blind, obviously Shirayuki is cuter."

Bai Xue's classmates are not to be outdone.

Then the two screamed at each other because of "beauty or cuteness is more important", and the onlookers who ate melons joined at this time, and they soon divided into two major parties, the "Qing Qing faction" and the "White Snow faction".

Seeing that the topic was completely off the track, the host weakly shouted, "I'll only have one hundred penguin coins. Will anyone join me to increase the price?"


Another netizen immediately replied after saving the picture.

This is just the case of a post. In Baidu Post Bar and, this photo after PS is constantly copied and pasted.

There are countless "AQ"s being born.

"For help, they all like me, I don't know who to choose as my wife."

There are also countless "Master Zhao" slaps.

"Could your excellency be called Zhang Fan?"

When it became popular on the Internet, Aoki University's on-campus forum was naturally screened by this picture, along with a question.

"Who is Zhang Fan?"

"Who is Zhang Fan, a person from Yizhou, who can read 5,000 words at the age of three, speaks seven-law poems at the age of five, is eight feet tall, looks better than Pan An..."

Looking at Zhang Fan's reply, Wang Ru took a breath, admiring him more than his thumb: "I don't think there is a brazen person like you in this world."

Then he asked in a low voice, "Aren't you worried? Now it's all about your two girlfriends' posts. Sooner or later you will be dug up by someone with a heart."

Zhang Fan knew what Wang Ru was talking about, smiled and shook his head.

"If there is anything to be afraid of, soldiers will come to cover the water and earth."

At first, when he knew that they had accidentally caught fire, it was indeed a breath of cold air from his tailbone straight down his spine to his forehead, as if the relationship between the three of them would become clear in the next second.

What followed was that his parents would carry the thickest stick in the family and fly over from Rongcheng overnight.

Jiang Lanqing's parents and Bai Xue's mother would sit on the same flight to Beijing with a kitchen knife.

The friends of the three of them will probably be silent and look at them with incredible eyes after the next meeting.

All this should have made him scared and horrified, but today he used a mentality of being a smasher, holding the hands of the two women to visit the Beijing Zoo, sitting side by side in the aquarium to watch the dolphin show.

In the evening he took their arms and walked on the prosperous street, watching the oncoming pedestrians walking in a hurry.

Although their eyes will be attracted by them, they do not stay too much on them.

At this moment, Zhang Fan suddenly realized that he and them are just ordinary members of the bustling crowd passing by, and no one really cares about their relationship.

Since they are the ones who eat melons, why should they care about what they think and say?

The world is so big, most people will only have one side bond with them

Think about it carefully, as long as you can persuade their parents to agree, in fact, this matter is not a big deal.

As for his parents, they are the only children in the family. They can't let the old Zhang's family be cut off, not to mention this is a matter of openness, maybe in the end they will be even more happy in their hearts.

What Zhang Fan wanted to understand was that Zhang Fan naturally no longer flinched like he used to, and he had the prank-like reply he had just given.

Of course, he was not stupid enough to take the initiative to provoke the relationship now. At least he had to wait until he became strong enough to shield them from the wind and rain.

The ancients said: "A fierce general matches a good horse. Beautiful women love heroes."

Although he can't be a general in modern times, he can't rely on a sword to fight the world, but he can make a lot of money.

By then, even if the truth is really revealed, the people who eat melons can only curse with envy and jealousy.

"This damn world, beautiful girls like rich people."

Maybe someone will take the initiative to help him retort: ​​"You can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour. If you are handsome and rich, I'm afraid you will find more girlfriends. Now that rich man is not three wives. Concubine, didn't watch the news!"

When I saw my message, I was immediately complained: "Are you Zhang Fan himself?"

Zhang Fan responded generously: "Yes."

Regarding his question "Do you like Jiang Lanqing or Baixue?", he pretended not to see it, and directly closed Shuimunianhua's web page and opened Baidu Post Bar to appreciate the pictures that netizens spoofed him.

The most of them are FFF team members who put him on the torture rack and are surrounded by a circle of FFF members wearing black pointed hats and holding torches high.

Wang Ru recalled what Zhang Fan said just now, and seeing that he was still in the mood to look at these pictures, he really believed in his "soldiers to stop, and water to cover."

Some admiringly said: "If I had your ability, I would have chased Shuyue a long time ago."

Zhang Fan looked back at Wang Ru and wanted to say, "Even if you have a thicker skin than me, there is no chance. People don't like you at all!"

It just became a lyric when the words reached the mouth.

"Unfortunately it's not me."

At the same time, Zhang Zhenzhen looked at the picture Wang Jiajia had sent her and immediately dialed Zhang Fan's phone.

Some things have always been that the emperor is not anxious and the eunuch is anxious.