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It's delicious, the wind stopped, snowing.

Jiang Yuqing and Bai Xue are unfortunately in 2011, the first snow is so rushing, and the sadness of their snow can not stick to it day.

Looking at the dead branches scattered on the ground, white snow sucked the nose and shouted: "My hand!"

Zhang Fan saw that Bai Xue started nerve, habitually reached out of her head, didn't have a good air: "Can you call such a cold, if you put it in the middle of the night, others still think that haunted!"

"Then I am a little gentle?" Snow asked.

It's not waiting for Zhang Fan to answer, swallow the water and clear the scorpion, and the hands pick up Zhang Fan's right hand held in the chest, slightly smashed, and asked softly: "Gonggong, slave's hand!"

The eyes of Snow are full of love, and the sound is charming.

She was stared at such a way that Zhang Fan didn't consciously swallowed a sight. This girl is not a reincarnation?

At this time, I can't see it. I can't see it. I picked up the branches on the ground. I was hit by Zhang Fan and Snow's head. He said coldly: "The sky is not black? I will give you Ventilate. "

Packing these two people, she said, "Nowadays, at 6:15 in the afternoon, our three do not have lessons this evening, and the bedroom is closed ..."

"Don't worry, get on the bus."

The words of Jiang Yi have only to say half, Zhang Fan has already rode on the bicycle, and speaks to her hurry to sit.

White snow is sitting in the throne behind Zhang Fan.

Teenage girls are ignorant of sexual food, if they have the opportunity to come today, they will naturally wait until tomorrow.

One week later, the three people stayed in their new houses in the bedroom or classroom.

At the same time, when Zhang Fan is busy with his two daughter-in-law, Yuan Lin and Gu Yongsheng's momentum is also more and more fierce.

In the current green wooden garden, there is no one who knows their deeds.

With the barbar of a mysterious person from the hydrangea year, the two push the two people.

"Shocked! Two big new students have become a millionaire for two months."

The title of the post is the lace news of the gossip of the entertainment circle. The content of the post is full of dry goods, and there is a matter of his business: "Yuan Lin and Gu Yongsheng have signed a contract with an angel investor yesterday, each other Investing in five million yuan of shares, so that the shares of them have now worth 10 million, they will only get more and more money. "

This post has been issued, and immediately became the most popular post of Shuimu, one of the founders, and the following is that I have confirmed this matter.

"Hello everyone! I am Gu Yongsheng. This thing is true, we will hold this money to grow the education of Shenglin education, so as to help more poor students accept the best education, this is my old Yuan Dream. At the same time, he also welcomes people to join our entrepreneurial team. The company will be completed immediately in Wangjing International's office. It will definitely give you a beautiful and comfortable office environment that can be comparable to Google, Facebook.

After Gu Yongsheng comes, there are many people who returned to him in the middle of the building.

There is a big mind to take him through him.

There are also seniors and seniors to consult his future planning.

Some people asked him how much wages were prepared, and the vowed: "I will help others send a flyer for seven hours to earn one hundred and five yuan. Gu always as a young man will definitely not be more than him!"

Gu Yongsheng looked at this people who couldn't see his message, he and Yuan Lin did not want to give employees how much wages.

And he intends to open source.

Gu Yongsheng is not a fool, seeing his website to develop rapidly, naturally understand that the shares of the hand will not be diluted, and they will be ten times more than the current value.

If it is not the company's cash flow, it is already exhausted, and he will not have more money to continue to invest, and the harsh contract is not signed at all yesterday.

Whenever I think of it, Gu Yongsheng will always have a long breath.

"I blamed myself too stupid, let Yuan Lin's dog day take 50,000 shares."

Because Yuan Linhe may not invest in some people, it is necessary to follow the rules.

[Wait for ten minutes.

"I can pay a person, but you have to give me a part of the shares, after all, my money is not a big water."

Yuan Lin's small gas behavior Gu Yongsheng was dissatisfied with him.

Let Yuan Lin become a big shareholder, or accept an angel investment, Gu Yongsheng did not hesitate to choose the latter.

After seriously replied, several messages that made him taught at home, and thought of the temples in terms of those aspects.

"The rent and decoration of the office have already spent a big head, it seems that only saving costs."

When Gu Yongsheng was in the heart, Yuan Lin was wasted to waste money with Zhang Fan, and the mobile phone was ready to discuss one thing.

He has never taken a penny of salary now, and Yuan Lin's friends accounted for the shares and take salary. It is really like it.

At the same time, Zhang Fan, who has worked for a few days, after driving up, and almost fell to a flat place.

Looking at the red light, a charming Jiang Yuqing and Snow, he is a small body to experience only the exhausted cattle, there is no cultivated field.

"It seems that I have to be thrown." Zhang Fan sighed in his heart.

Jiang Yi turned back and noted that Zhang Fan Road was unstable, stopping the footsteps and asked seriously: "Do you want, give you two pork sons to make the body tomorrow?"

Bai Xue also promoted narrowly in the eyes: "Can be made of fried waist."

"Can't, starting from tomorrow, I have to study hard, have a lot of homework recently." Zhang Fan shook his head straight.

See him, two women can't help but laugh.

"In the past few days, we have a ridiculous, and this matter is still to know the temperance." Jiang Yuqing said.

"I also think so." White Snow nodded, she also understood the truth of the fine water.

Seeing that two daughter-in-laws are so kind, Zhang Fan has left the tears of moving.

"Mom, finally released."

So today, although he still stepped back to the bedroom, the color on his face was much better than yesterday.

It is only in his three roommates. Today, Zhang Fan is still excessive look.

Liu Huan closed the browser and reminded Zhang Fan: "Where the child, you don't have to force yourself, starting this business, you can't get the teacher ....."

"What do you say?" Wang Ruyu gladly Liu blind, and the sound interrupted his words.

Then took Zhang Fan's shoulder comfort: "Where the body, the body is the capital of the revolution."