My system depends on editing
My system is completely recipient of Chapter 189
Cang's star farm, and the earth gravity is different:
Coonscious, you can control your star.
The earth is not conscious, gravitational is constant.
"Is this the power of star strong?"
For mysterious star, Chu Fan is full of forward.
And star, just the strength of entrances in the universe.
At this moment, a boulder of a diameter decreased from the sky and smashed Chu Fail.
Chufan is doubtful, flashes next to it.
Although Cang has a star power field, it is clear that this is not strong, and Chu Sail cannot be moved.
The flying boulders follow the direction of Chufan dodge, direction direction.
The wings of the mental power behind Chu Fan, and the strong airflow let Chu sail transformed out.
The boulder rubs the body of Chu sail, bombards on a vine vine vine.
This vine is blindly broken, debris splashes.
This is a strong purple cloud vine and Chu sail fusion, which is first subjected to such damage.
Chu sail looked up and looked at the air in the air.
There is no other technique around, that is, this diameter of ten meters of boulders is the ability of Cang.
"This big worm is also the earthenware of the earth element?"
Chu San thought so, suddenly there were several flames in the air.
These fireballs are a big fireball in a diameter of ten meters. Burning the raging fire, flying with a rolling and waves to Chufan.
"What is this special?!"
Chu Sail has just thought that Cang has a soil element, but this has a huge fireball.
These fireballs, rotating in the air to Chu sail.
"Block them!"
Several vines extended, blocking the flying fireball.
Fireball bombards on a vine, cracking, spark four shots.
A few vines were blown away, and the vines of the fire fell to Chufan, and burned into ashes.
Ziyun vine to Chu sails pass "pain" ideology fluctuations, fire, is the grati of purple cloud.
Chu sails are dignified, this is the ability of star creatures:
Star force field, and the mental power of various properties!
What can Chu Fan let go of the battle against the championship?
"Star creature is really horrible. But I don't have a battle force."
Seeing all kinds of capabilities, Chu Feng is suddenly a water.
No matter how strong the enemy is strong, he is unfarent.
This battle, he will go all out!
The gentle thinking is rapidly thinking.
He has entered the first change of the gods.
At this moment, there is only one thought in his heart: fight!
One condition appears in Chufan thinking, he wants to calculate the way of winning according to these conditions.
"Star creature is very powerful, but Cangming just reached star, strength is very weak."
"Cang's star farm, can only limit my actions slightly."
"The way these elements attack, simple and rude, no skill."
"The ability it is going to fight, almost zero, very empty, strong defense."
These, gave Chufan wins possible.
"Ziyun vine, received."
Countless vines instantly narrow, disappearing in Chu sails.
With a purple cloud vine, Chu Sail can't close to Cang.
Only close to Cang, he can cause damage to the Cang.
The wings of the mind started, Chu Fan rose to the air and went to the pair.
There is no purple cloud vine, with his 7550 force and 5680 measures, it is enough to fight against the stars of the Cang.
Under the discropcs of the star power field, Chu Fan flew to Cang.
His speed is greatly slowed by the influence of the power field.
Cang saw Chu Fan's movements, obviously know what Chu Fan has to do.
It won't let Chu sail are close to it because it has no ability to fight.
In the sky, various elements attack generation, flying to Chu Fail.
This is another ability of star creatures.
The mind of star creatures evolve, and can force the elements of various attributes to form an attack.
Cangmo has no attribute mental power, but after evolution to a star, there is this ability.
But because of this, it is not good at each attribute element, and can only use a simple and rude way to form an attack.
Among the sky, a cyclone rolls to Chufan.
A piece of boulder squatted to Chufan.
A flank flies to Chu Fail.
Chufan full of god, dodge each attack.
These elements are attacked, simple and rude, but there is powerful.
Even if there is no skill, the elements of Cang attack, can also reach the power of the nineth stepkeeper.
This is the element bombing of nine-order license.
Chapter 239
"500 meters, four hundred meters ..."
There is only your own goal in Chu Fan: Cang!
Suddenly, Chu Fan has an unstable and forward direction.
A fireball of a diameter of ten meters appeared at this time, proved to bombing Chu sails.
"Boom", Chu Sail is swallowed by the bears, and the flame is flying.
Chu San rushed out from the flame, his clothes were burned into ashes, and they were smoked under all body, and the hair was slightly curled.
"This big worm is really delicious."
Just now, Qing suddenly changed the direction of the strength, Chu Fan did not respond, the body lost balance in a short time, and was bombarded by a fire.
"carry on!"
Chu Fan bites teeth and continues to go to the patron.
This fireball, but he smashed him, but also affected his strength.
In the power field, the original downward force suddenly turned up.
Above Chu sail, it is exhibiting a giant stone.
Chufan who has eaten a loss has presented, he timely controls the shape and avoids the boulder.
This boulder flew from Chu Sailou, Chufan took the opportunity to rush to Cang.
This time, Co did not attack Chu Fail, but because of the direction of the power field, Chu sail is suddenly accelerated.
Suddenly, the direction of the power field changed again, turned to be away from the direction.
The union is like a magnetic pole, and Chufan is free.
The direction of this power field is obvious to prevent Chu sails from being close.
Chu Fan has been repulsical, and forced to fly.
With his approach, the more expensive, and his speed is getting slower.
The star's star farm has reached the boundaries of its capabilities.
The closer, the more powerful it is.
The star of star creatures change with its own strength, and the strength of Cang is weak and can only do this.
A boulder in diameter, squat on Chu Fan.
The hard boulder crashed, turned into a piece of small stone, splashing out.
A green purple appears on the back of Chu Fan.
Whether he doesn't care, the tradition is straight towards the flying, and only two hundred meters left.
In this position, the repulsive force from Cang make Chu sails slow, which makes him getting more difficult to avoid various elements attacks.
Chu Fan's physical strength and removing speed consumption, at this moment, it is like a mountain peak climbing a thousand-meter-high.
When you are about to reach the top of the mountain, your strength is exhausted and can only be supported by the will.
"come on!"
"I am dead, but also to you!"
It is also a boulder, Chu sail, and floating into stone powder.
As Chu sail is constantly close, it is appreciative.
It was originally high, thinking that he would win the battle, was scared by Chu Sail.
Under normal circumstances, with its star strength, even Chu sail is close to it, it is difficult to hurt it.
He is still worried, worrying that Chu Fan has the ability to defeat its.
So, the Cang once again rose.
Under its role of its star farm, it breaks freely of the gravity of the earth, slowly up.
The body is too large and the speed is very slow.