My two-dimensional life

My second yuan life chapter 231

Because of the too close, Guo Huang asked her incense, the heartbeat slightly accelerated, the tenant is happy and gentle, the celestial eyes and the leaves are different, she is very cheerful, very frank, sometimes silly very interesting When Guo Huang was spacked, Tianwei woven one end:

"How, will it be?"

"Ah? Oh? No problem."

Guo Huang also followed the weaving of her, and the girl returned to his position:

"After weaving a lot, then all the compilation is a big name."

Seeing Guo Huang hanked, Tianwu apologized:

"Ah ... I am sorry, is it boring?"

"No, I think I feel very interesting, are you not familiar? I feel very good."

"Yes? I woven is not very good, um, I used the hair of the leaflet to practice."

The celestial girl said with a smile, Guo Huang suddenly museled for three minutes, a long hair was tossing without light, saying that although many people were very strict, it seems to be very sad, actually The fact is often the opposite. It is a woman who is not a girl. Many of them make her shy, and the demands that can't be refused.

The two started silently weaving, and the straw rope that turned up was placed on one side, then let several grandfather weave a bigger rope look, let Guo Huang have admired, so big no rubber without rope can also bundle it. group.

"You, let us do the decoration of the ancestors."

Tianshi is very happy. It has been very happy. Daozu Shen Guo Huang is known, don't link China's Tai Shang Laojun, in fact, it is from China's road god, Dazu God, from China's "road road god".

Walking God, that is, Lu God, also known as "ancestors". Because it is closely related to people's daily homogeneous, it is one of the "five ", the princes are called "national bank". It is now the Guardian of the Japanese village. Establish next to the village side. It is said that the evil spirits will be prevented from entering the village.

The Dazu God is a male and female, and the yin and yang stone engraved into a male or female figure, and there is also a male genital shape. Legend has it, the man is "eight-year-old than the ancient god", and the woman is "eight-year-old than selling God." The two gods have been very ugly. As a result, the men can't get it, the woman can't marry, but the two gods have brought a very auspicious boy. It may be this reason, Dazu God is still the place where the children are playing, and he has become a child's guardian. Modern religion has been used as tourism and traffic safety gods.

"Come, You Jun, hold down below."

The celestial girls make Guo Huang hit the hand and prepared it just now.

"Well, next, rely on you. Then connect with me."

Guo Huang feels like this and the Chinese knot, and it is a bit of a bit of a bit of the grass arrow. There is not much place to play, and can only be done according to the words of the sky, the last two people's weaving things are practiced a circle, I finally finished, but I feel that the shape is not right, I feel a bit with the shape of the shape, I am going to ask if it is not a failure, but the girl is happy, reach the hand:

"Ah, haha, it is very cute, like a heart."

"Hey, can this be irregular?"

"Yes, yes, I think this is more interesting."

Looking at the words of the girl smile, Guo Huang can't hurt, the witch is not waiting for the gods? Do you really have a problem? I just want to hear the girl:

"Well, start cutting."

After the hands of the witches from both hands into the witches, remove the scissors to cut extra grass ropes.

"Ah, have you been with a scissors?"

"Oh?, Um, yes, because often help work, so with a variety of tools."

After that, she also took her hand in the clothes, then said:

"I remember this, um, this."

She took the scissors from the sleeves, beads, snacks, needleworks, cadres, wrenches, and things like mobile phones, Guo Huang couldn't help but spit, are you a machine cat? Is wrong, is it a "chemical language" battlefield original black instrument big lady?

Chapter 062, poor chement

"Hey, if there is a saw, hammer, the nail is perfect."

The celestial girl is still smiling, Guo Huang shook his head, these listening is like a weapon, Japan also controls the tools like Huaxia. You will be taken by the police uncle to the city.

"Ah, hey, have you had a mobile phone?"

"Not a mobile phone, this is a single machine, if there is a phone, if you have a phone, you don't have to run back."

Guo Huang looked at the direction of the shrine, not the way:

"It's too far away, should you be connected?"

"If you work hard, you can still turn it on."

"Yes, is it? ..."

"Ah, You Jun, let's exchange the phone number, although you can't send an email, but you can call, you will need to contact you for a while."

"Well, ok."

Have a phone number with the Tianda, saying that Guo Huang this mobile phone doesn't have much contact. It is almost no use here, and the quarter is always used to go online. Even if you communicate with the leaves, you will never use your mobile phone. After the number of the celestial girl, put the mobile phone, the girl laughed:

"You Jun is thirsty, I will give you a cup of tea."

Guo Huang is about to nod. At this time, I'm looking for it.

"Female, the water, I burned it, just give you some tea, the more you need to add heat."


The celestial girl will run in and busy, and the Eight of Iraq is looking for it and not happy:

"Isn't you let you not be wrapped? Your guy."

"Hey, I just came to help."

"Hey, I said, don't be so enthusiastic about anyone, especially the girl, the gentleness of the half-hang is most annoying."

I'm looking for an inexplicable anger, pulling Guo Huang's clothes, almost put him up, but Guo Huang's weight is more than her arm and estimates, so there is no success, and the Eubei eight is still wearing. The army's vest, although it looks so lazy or often homestead, but the body is still very good, it seems that all excess fat flocks to the chest and hips, regardless of Guo Huang's figure in this town. The best woman.

"Too close, Miss Iraq."

Guo Huang can clearly feel that her breathing is still a faint body, especially her chest is almost posted with Guo Huang. Originally, someone who is not convinced to raise Guo Huang to find two people really test. It's too close, and I quickly pushed him, and there was a shame on the pretty face.

"Everyone has waited."

The celestial glance came out with a tray, and the Eight of Iraq had a cough, and a few old people said:

"Hard work ... I have to take care of this guy."

After that, I mentioned the Tianda to mention myself, and I really had a lot of skill.


The celestial gods were shocked, and they made an , this is probably what she learned to learn 'master'.

"No, no, there are eight findings, Xiaoyu can be here."

"The two people are like my granddaughter, most of them are very cute."

"Well, I am not the age of granddaughter. I took some snacks."

Although the mouth said, I was very happy, and I stood together with the smile, it looked really like a sister.


The day and women are happy, and they ran into the store, and several elderly people continue to discuss:

"The kids like the child, can still raise such a good fortune, all the blessings of the Toward."

"I am just a halfway, you can be your credit for your grandfather."

These people really know that the people who have the world of the world, Guo Huang has no jack, just listening quietly, one of the grandfather:

"There is no thing, when the child is the most difficult, we have a few old bones can't help it."

"I am unemployed. I only returned to my hometown, my grandmother like her ..."

"Come, grandfather, there is a mother-in-law, Xianbei, peanuts are delicious, it is recommended."

The celestial girl came again, and several old people were smiling and said:

"In this case, then take a break."

Several old people began to rest around the sky, Guo Huang found, whether it is in the children, or the old man, and the girl seems to be in the center.

"The guy is so cheerful, it seems to be able to live well anywhere."

I was as confident, Guo Huang smiled:

"This is not, the girl has no adulthood, Miss Iraqi wants to leave the guardian career for two years early."

"Hey, I really do, I don't mean, I am saying that the girl is that kind of person who can laugh from here, it is terrible."


Guo Huang looked at the people who smiled in the crowd, the same nod, the Eval eight came over, the small voice:

"When her grandfather died, everyone used her as a trouble to push, but she ... clearly it is something that decides her fate, she smiled, I have a cool back, I thought she didn't understand this. It's a matter of matter, but later I know, the age of age is understanding, she knows that she is completely incompetent. "

"It's really can't see it, both sides are, so I can live like a store of my grandmother, and there is no relationship with a person."

"Sure enough, Miss Iraq, you are a gentle person."

"Stupid, fool! Say this kind of person is shy, be careful, I am."

When Guo Huang, I found out that I was a person who was shy, I couldn't help but laugh, this is the voice of Tianwei:

"What's wrong, eight sister?"

"Noisy, give you ice cream, cool!"

"Thank you! You Jun, let's half."

"It's really, he, you will come one."

"Oh, can you? Thank you."

"Wow! Ice cream, ice cream."

There is a good time, and it is very exciting to see it. It is very exciting to see the ice cream. The answer is: poor chement is hungry!


I couldn't help but laugh, but I heard the Eight of Iraq:

"Hey, you, twenty-sixth yen."

"Isn't it asking me?"

"That is of course, are you not a guest?"


I will know that it will be like this, Guo Huang has only saved money. After the rest, continue to work, the time unconsciously passed, the day passed, finally decorative shrine's big standard has been completed, Guo Huang could not help but call out:

"I have forgotten a time, but I can make me accidents so soon. Is this year??"

"Well, every year after harvest, you have to use straw to make a decoration. In order to report to God, it is also very good for this year, and then praying more better next year."

"The original summer sacrifice is a festival praying for harvest. If there is no heaven and earth?"

"Various things can be, You Jun has troubles can also be used to complain to the fork."

"Hey, will it be punished by God?"

"It doesn't matter! There may be a good thing. I have a lot of wishes every year, so I don't have the relationship."

Hey, then you need a holy cup to be, the god will not see the spirit, Guo Huang smiled and spit, stretched a waist, and the life of Ohm is really peaceful.

Chapter 063 Xiao Yanzi

"Xiaoxi, the jewelry will be transported to the warehouse."

"Well, thank you, grandfather, I will go!"

Thank you for your words, Guo Huang also went to the front:

"Or let me come, my strength is big."

Then in the eyes of everyone, one person picks up all the straw icons, moved to the warehouse, and several old people could not help but:

"It's a strong man."

"In that hard age, such a young man is a good labor."

Guo Huang listened sweat, like the Chinese elderly, carrying out the icon, after sending a few old people, Guo Huang helped the sky to clean the rest of the straw.

"Hard work, Jun."

The celestial girl smiled and said that Guo Huang did not matter:

"Nothing, idle is also idle, but I should know that I am suitable for physical labor, this skillful job, it is really worried that the gods can't see it."