My two-dimensional life

My second chapter, Chapter 691

I have read the scriptures in the semi-located, then give the land very detailed, there is no name, according to the reason, this kind of thing is nothing to understand, at least I can't understand, but the devil releases a current, let the depression I realized this meditation in my heart.

"How much?"

After half-section, I asked, there was an unknown and old man: "I understand."

"Hey? Really fake?"

I have got this in myself, I have been trained for many years. I have known many terms and chronicles. It is so much for three months. I don't understand that there is no name for three minutes. There is no name under Luo, which is more detailed than half-hide. Half Tibetan is big, it is undoubtedly, and it has a long time to clean up: "Then you will take it according to it, I will give you a law."

The land is indeed, it is certainly can't wait to practice, even the stone of the belief is forgotten. When you close your eyes, you will be meditated according to the method of the heart. After a few minutes, half-hit is surprised to find that your disciples have entered the status, Dotted the Taoist's deficient zibu caused the realm of the quiet, and his body released the light, forming a spiritual pressure to let him refund a few steps, not the way: "I'm induction of my Chakra? ... so thick, pure attribute water attributes Chakra? Simple sea, the sea is unable ... "

Half Round suddenly felt the self-confidence of the legend of Ninja, this is the horror of the blood? What happened more, there was a radio after the land of the land, just like the Buddha light in the portrait of the Buddha Buddha, half-the body shake: "The local source is the most fascinating machine, round back Book is open ... "

There is an unnamed the heart in the mind in the mind. After entering the realm of inevitable immersion, it is aware that it is the baptism of the Buddha light in order to make a new Buddha, and it has emerged in the mind. Some strange memories seem to be a record of black and hair girls. She lives in a world with a demon, from a small and brutal training, there has been a powerful extensive strength, and they are gently Leave Herch's reputation.

There is no name, and it is very strange, but she doesn't seem to be engraved in his mind in his mind. I don't know how long it is, I'm not named. Many superb and strong tricks and combat experience are so deep in his body, as if human beings will learn, there will be muscle memory will never forget.

There is a unfamiliar jumper, and the four of his instinct seeks what it seems to be looking for. At this time, half-hidden voice sounded: "What are you looking for?"

"Teacher, I am looking for a knife ..."

After the end of the name, I suddenly wake up, I found a wolf in the living room. He looked at half Tibet: "Teacher, what happened?"

The clothes on the semi-tibia have broken a lot, it looks very wolf, let the establishment are very surprised, half hidden, not angry: "It's not your relationship, I will calm down, then I will inspire myself. Chakra didn't say, I got it only to have the advantage of this source of this source. "


"The biggest chances and capabilities of the hidden heart are, which make people have the opportunity to enter the short-term realm, and communicate with Ayee, gain the ability of the predecessor, just like the human reincarnation, I have got it. The opportunity, communication for hundreds of years of martial arts Ben Musash, I received a double-knife knife method of his god, so I gave it a half-hidden name with myself, as the name of my life. I can't think of you first The second practice is successful, and it is also a kind of knife, it's good, it is really good, it seems that we have a teacher. "

I said that there is no name, but there is no opening. He feels that he is not a knife warrior, but it is not like the people of this world. It is said that there is no name, half-Thai Road: "Is it very shocked Ah, in fact, this is nothing, our heart method can only call it a small multiplier, the Mahayana can directly communicate with the existence of non-human level, the legend of Huaxia has passed the martial arts, thus become the people, essentially and holy Zi Zhen knows almost, in fact, some people don't pass the heart, but I can communicate in the past or ancestors. I thought that you can directly communicate the gods directly. It seems that it is not so exaggerated. "

Half hiding slightly putting his apprentice, and I thought I was scared to myself, I nodded, the Lu has a nodded, my heart: "The so-called blood should be the relationship of the devil, I it is ordinary People, all this looks a wonderful misunderstanding, but ... I can't think I really cultivate the power system of the game world, maybe this is the foundation of God. "

Chapter 10 Three Become

"But the skill of get the predecessor is only a small road. The real power is to exercise, and the most powerful place is the most powerful place, and Chakra, which is still cultivated, and the Tibetan Bodhisattva suppressed hell. The same strength of the real Buddha, and most powerful is a person who is suitable for a variety of attributes. Chakra is attribute. It is generally classified according to the five lines of Jinmu Water and Soil. Of course, there is also a variety of wind and lightning. However, no The five lines of range, I have seen your attribute, it is water attribute, which can do both pounding power as the sea, can also be converted to ice attribute, increase the killing. "

"It turned out to be water attributes? So can you do a water in the future? Unfortunately, I still want to do it."

I heard half-Tibet, I'm a water attribute, and there is a little disappointed with the land, I don't say "Naruto", the problem of weak water is weak, and there is no name, but I have gone through the Naruto to become a shadow. But compare him What more like is a game, disappointment, sweeping, water attribute is also good, at least the ice attack is very powerful in many works, especially the absolute zero, this kind of listening is very high. Things, maybe you can achieve one day.

"Chakra is very important, but it is really powerful or the combat power formed by hard work, you are born, even if you start, Chakra can also be proud of the group, but the skills and physical fitness will gap those from small training. Too much ninja, I will start basic exercise tomorrow. "

Semi-hide as the legendary ninja, I understand the unknown advantages and defects. I have a training program, and then I thought about: "What is your school to step for a year, don't worry about school, I will give you a new school Just waiting for your basic training, you can go, and you will live in my house, you need something to give me a single child, I will prepare. "

Unknown is of course, it doesn't matter. He is just fictional in this world student. Is it true that he would read Japan's high school? Although the real world and the game world have different times, but he doesn't have time to be a waste in the game world. Life, never go back and suddenly gets yourself from the teenager, the big confusion of the land is that the game world will also affect their own life characteristics.

"Okay, thank you teacher."

"Well, there is a room at home to be your bedroom. Oh, right, you next door is my granddaughter's room, have the opportunity to introduce her to meet you, she inherits her mother's excellent bloodline, beautiful and lovely, most The important thing is that the chest is big enough, you will be fascinated by her, so doing the real family is also good. "

Originally, I was very normal. I was very normal. I suddenly said my granddaughter flying birds, rushing to the unknown crowded eyes, and turned from the high people of the fairy tree into a wretched father, let the unknown After the reaction, this is reacted, and the semi-tibied character is a 'color' old man, there is a bit of turtle cactus, and there is a shadow of the unknown heart to go to a skin to sell his granddaughter, but the heart is also expected, it is very expected, The favorite use of "flashing" is the flying bird. If you can encounter live people in the game world, it is the biggest dream of game house.

Time passed, blinking for a few days, no name, I also started to accept half-Tibet training, and I started a few days equivalent to warm up. Some exercise skills. At the same time, he also made him familiar with the 'Seniors' skills you have obtained from the Sports heart. Skills. This means of unnamed Tibetan Heart is similar to that of the famous 3A "Assassin's Creed" series. You can reach the DNA information through the machine to return to the past and the ancestors' awareness. Then the in the future, the primary society learns ancestor strong Skills, from ordinary people jumped for top assassin.

There is no name for half a martial arts. When the high school military training set a simple capture of the prisoners, they made him play the mess, let the instructor gave up, but after communicating the unknown black long-term girl, he changed. It became a master, a wooden knife became powerful in his hands, and there was no name and even a sword with a wooden knife. This is in martial arts movies or some people can do, real world The priest master will use the true knife even if it can do it.

However, there are many skills that have many skills that seem to be implanted, but they can't use it. How do you say it? Just thinking about bicycle skills, the body has muscle memory, but one day he and the detective Conan High school students became a primary school student, then some tall bikes ride to him, but they can't ride because they are not enough, and the legs are too short. If you use Huaxia's old elevated bicycle to metaphor.

For this semi-hidden reason, his physical quality can not reach the height of the 'seniors' of his skills, but don't be deeply accumulated as long as he is accumulating in Chakra, and then the basic tolerance of his training will increase the numerical value of the body. Yes.

Speaking of this endurance's basic training, let the unnamed are very speechless, respectively, the water steps, the sky, the flying treatt, the wind of the wild, very tall, but actually very pothole Water walking is to run in the water. Tian Dog Flying Sheng is jumping box. The last thing is not only speechless, but it is wearing Japanese unique to the cloth running step, and there is a very long leek, to run, let the white belt Floating and not facing the ground.

There is no name for a few days, I finally can't stand it: "Semi-Zhai teacher, what is your helid?" There is no trace of spells! "

"What's wrong? This is the foundation forbearance training. Many regular people's impression can be drifted on the water, flying into the wall, which is like a blast, just in line with these three basic tolerance."

"This kind of pureness that makes me practiced with muscles is not tolerance. Little Chakra's use skills have not taught me, I have reached the three years of the three years of TC Chakra in these days. However, these three smeared me? I was successful? In the water shoes, I fell into the water, and the jump is more speechless. I am not a high jump athlete. As for the wind, is it a sprinter? You told I am a tester? "

"Tian Dog Flying first let the jump a plaid, then two, three slow plus to your jump, do it, the blast of the hundred miles can not be ordinary short run, I teach you very important breathing skills Allow you to produce ordinary people's breathing difficulties and lung pain. As for the water drift, it is exercised your balance and hard skill. Everything is very scientific. "

Half-Tibet explanation makes unnamed crying: "I will not say anything else, I don't say anything else, the water drifting Chatau or special props is not possible. People are not water."

Water is the water spider that ordinary people says, the gitzisiase that floats on the water in the pond or river, half-Zang smiled: "How can I speak science? Water drift is not learning water, you know a kind of Can lizards run two stand-in-one running on the water? "

Chapter 11

"What are you talking about a snake?"

There is an unknown game, but it is also in the high school era of knowledge desire. It has a lot of things. After all, it is an era of information on the information. Some surprised said: "I don't think you really know, It's rare, then why do you know why do you run on the water? "

"Because their speed is very fast, when the paw contacts the water, it can generate air bubbles. Before the bubble crushed, the snake strange lizard was ran forward in the air bubble."

"Well, speed is the key, the lizard's weight is relative to the water, don't know how many times, humans with water shoes and sufficient skills and speed, do nothing to do, it is not impossible, and still stone is still If the skill, the water drift can also be much a lot of truth, the key is what your strength is not enough. "

Although the half-hidden old man, he taught the disciple, but it was very experienced, and he was very patient and the land was not named. In the end, he came to the river: "I will show you, although you are still ordinary People, but already have Chakra, I can feel it. "

Half hide and put on the water shoe jumped into the river and quickly rushed, the ten-meter-wide river, several breathing were taken by him, as half hidden, although there is no name to feel the use of Chakra, half-Tang is purely Relying on your own physical skills, the water stepped, then looked at him, ran from the opposite side, there was no name: "I fell down in the water, I fell into the water, and I watered the water and splash. Can't speed up at all, the teacher, you have not taught me. "

"The skill is very simple, that is, let you take the power, the basal of the water step is two basics, that is, Tian Dog Flying Sheng also has a hundred miles, a workout, a lot of exercise, two combined After you can have the basis of water stepwork. "

When there is no name, it is disconnected: "This is different from the athlete. It is simply meaningless. I clearly have to accumulate the few years of Chakra, but you don't teach my Chakra skills. I only let me exercise. Physical strength is simply wasting my talent. "

The unknown tone has been complained, I feel that I am wasting time, although the game world is not synchronized, but I don't come to do athletes, I thought I had Chakra, I thought I was in the same foot. It can have great power, but I don't think that although he has accumulated Chakra behind him, he did not teach him to use the method of Magou, which is empty. It is not possible to use it.

I can't see the dissatisfaction of the apprentice, when I knew: "I know you are dissatisfied, you are the same character of the sacred blood, if you let you learn the truthful and absolute tricks, a few days of training More than a few years, it is not a few years of mediocrity, but you have a powerful person, but you control it, I will make a metaphor with my thunder, you are now practicing the mental will and the body is not enough. It's just that the hand is hanging on the body. You can only kill yourself. You have to learn to throw it out, the stronger your body and the spirit, the farther you throw, the more the standard strength of the tactical movement is, "

Half-hidden words, the land is not named, indeed the spirit and body are only ordinary people, it is possible to control the powerful tricks of the stem, half-hidden continuation: "Ninja is a combat form, and it is called flash attribute. It is our ordinary state. At this time, we are mainly due to physical strength. Chakra is a supplement, the battle means is mainly martial arts, and there is no way to show spells and the secret law. People's talents are a wooden barrel, one How much water can be installed with a bucket depends on the shortest piece of wood, your physical strength is your short board, only to exercise your physical strength, you will carry your Chakra, your future achievements will be. "

Half hidden words, it is very reasonable to let the unknown words, although there is no name, but it is his greatest advantage, but it is a big heart to cultivate himself, otherwise I will not have the highest meditation law, I will have a complaint when I have a complaint. "I understand, if Chakra is angry, there is a force, the strength is the real power?"

Half-section slightly, then said: "This is very good, it seems that you understand that physical strength is extreme, you are not to grow physical strength, but to practice brute force into explosive power, or Living, it is strong, only the strength can cooperate with Chakra, let you get non-human force, although your short board is physical strength, but only need to complete the hundred-day basis, with your Chakra and the seniors that have been obtained. People's combat skills, then you can turn into a flash property, after I am teaching you to endure, I have a series of high-end finishing, etc., is a matter of water to the streak. "

"One hundred days ... Hey, it seems to be able to endure for more than three months."

There is no name, I have to take out myself for a life to pass the "dark soul", my teeth stick, and I started the training of three talents once again.

On the night, I saw something in front of the hot stove, and the opposite is his wife, Xiaoxi. After the little lily, he suddenly opened his mouth: "I am not saying, I am not named is a blood, you use ordinary people's training Exercise he is a waste of time and waste his talent. "

"I know, in fact, Chakra is no hurt, and that the metaphor is lie, but the ninja is three states, flash, Yang, yin, he has no doubt, in the yin and Yang attributes, hered in many endurance On, but the flash property is really his weakness. It is mainly his willpower requires too ordinary, and the talent of physical exercise is only a general person's level. "

"You ask too high, where is the perfect ninja, even if I am the old god, the flash property is not too weak, for the Ninja, as long as I have to bear the secret law, then It can always keep the peak fighting power, and his talent arrives for a long time, and after a gorgeous, it will automatically strengthen the power of other attributes, and you only delay him to become a time. ""

"Little Lily, I sincerely want to cultivate a surrounding god, maybe he can truly become the immortal of the people of the god, but the talent power is important, it is also very important, he has no belief, and Just become the strongest, once it is out of control, I am afraid than the demon terrible. "

"Why are you older? So suspicious? Take out a little confident and inclusive."

"Hey, I am not suspicious, at least let him have a little belief, right, in order to avoid this kind of exercise is too boring, I am going to let the birds come back, anyway, the summer vacation is coming, let the birds and him "

"What ghosts you are fighting, it is difficult to use the beauty to bribery your future, the fairy disciple?"

"Haha men will always burst more powerful strength and fighting spirit, flying birds talent and will are very good, but they are tired of us, she has always worried that their efforts and strength cannot match the legend of Ninja and the grandchildren The blood of the blood, so many years have come to touch, now I don't know the secret reliection method, let her teach her 'brother' to alleviate the pressure in her heart, um, in fact, I am really unknown and flying birds. Thoughts, after all, the blood is also very important for the Ninja. "

Xiao Liao shrugged: "I don't care about the blood, otherwise I will not agree that my daughter marry the flying bird father then an ordinary man, but the Ninja cultivation Chakra is the energy energy, cultivating the high-profile realm will have blood. The descendants have benefited, we are all such realm, so the daughter is extremely high, but the birds have a little bit of the presence of her father. "

"It's not all for blood, but the ninja wants to have a good life is too difficult. I hope they have a fate, but I feel that there is now the name of the Dragon that sneaked into the pond. Now I don't seize the opportunity to cultivate my feelings. When you flew, there was no one to match him. "

"Welvle you, I don't object to this matter, but I am directly, he is not a concentrated man. Of course, there is no use, the existence of the fairy, no young woman can resist her, I already I saw the future of flying birds. "

Chapter 12 Mystery

Time flies is another week.

"Hey, my beliefs are there? I have to go there? I came to this world to digest it. As a result, it didn't see it. If there is it, my physical exercise is not so hard."

Non-name, every cultivation of this source of heart, can feel the growth of Chakrana's day, and the feeling of studying Chakra is very comfortable. It is already over, but the external exercise is very painful, progress Micro, this is still the relationship of the physical fitness of the first-level athlete, if it is the original physical fitness, I can't hold it every day, I have to say that 'Ibeki' even in the game or the anime, the face has become a variety of super What is the ability to spend, the basic training is still in a 'Intraque word.

The unknown exhausted river is climbed on the shore, but fortunately he is from small to big, in addition to playing the game, the only exercise is going to the waterfront to swim, there is a water-resistant, it is not surprising, of course, Half hidden is secretly protected, and he is drowned. There is no name that is very memorable. If there is anything, it is impossible to change into the 'male god' state, but the increase in physical fitness is the real existence.

"Forget it, I am too greedy. I am more than that of Chakra's progress has exceeded the world's heroine and other female protagonists. It can't be craving. I'm still dreaming, I am, I am not really true. The blood of the blood. "

Unknown hands lying on the shore don't touch their left arms, the demon above is excluding mysterious shiny in the sun, saying that there is no name, but if it is exhausted, it is very dangerous. But I don't know if it is an illusion. He feels that you have a feeling of water in the water, even if it is exhausted, you can easily swim back to the shore.

"Is it the relationship between water attendance Chakra? Yes, a real world of ordinary humans must be in Chakra, the blood, Chakra is the devil's engraving, although the devil seems to be There is no way to transform me, but it is not as obvious as the stone of the belief, but a deeper transformation. "

I believe that I have been valued by half, and there is also a surprise that I met Nirton in the superior yuan. It comes from the devil's engraving. The real one is just an ordinary person. If there is no devil, even if you can inadvertently cross Going to a game world, I can't learn any of the world's skills, whether it is martial arts game of martial arts games, the ninja game's tester or other magical.

"Yes, I don't know if the devil is engaged in energy. If so, how should I give him a supplement? Chakra does not work?"

The unknown sudden suddenly thought, I thought of one of his confused to the devil. The devil is engraved into the world of the game. It is certainly not understanding that he must not understand, but it seems to be launched. ? Does anything need energy for science or magic? The unknown unknown unknown is gathering to control his own Chakra into the devil.

The flash of the world ninja is not a worldview, but Chakra is still divided into two parts as the Ninja of the Naruto World, the first is through the body energy extracted from 130 megabits of the human body, second It is the spiritual energy that has experienced many cultivation accumulation and exercise. This is the so-called strength and heart, both of which cannot be considered by the true Chakra only after the punching is purified. It is the life energy Chakra.

The unknown confusion is that half-hidden did not teach his ninja spells and hand-print synthetic real Chakra, so he will still belong to ordinary people a day, but the power of unknown heart and body, it has reached this world in just a few days. The level of endure, this speed is half-hidden, but it is horrified.

The sparkling world and the ninja rating of the fire is different. There are still many levels on the top, but it is so that ordinary people do the Ninja for a lifetime. So the real ninja elite deals with the Ninja of ordinary people training. With an enemy, it is like mowing the grass, not so difficult to understand, everything that can not bear to turn around, can only be a , of course, such a miscellaneous soldier is also an ordinary man is difficult to understand. .

I want to do it. The only energy that can be controlled now is the spiritual energy. It is the same as ordinary people who have a feeling of enthusiasm in some part. The spiritual power can be slightly controlled. It takes special training, unnuity to bring their own ideas in the devil's mortuary, and there is a wonderful reaction in the moment. The devil is instantly fever. It seems that the soldering iron is the same, the only difference is that there is no burning pain, he I feel that my spiritual power is inhaled by the black hole whirl. At the same time, I can only feel the energy of the body that cannot be controlled is also like a vortex absorption. This speed is too fast, so that there is no name to produce a mid-end. It is not easy, and the whole body energy is exhausted, and the exhausted fatigue that is far greater than the training is produced.

Finally, when the unknown to be mandatory, a magical power returned from the devil, turned into his body, and the unknown consciousness became awake and did not say, but also felt the body every muscle. A skeletal gluten is like a sea, and the greed has absorbed this energy. Then the unnamed can feel the strength of his body, which is slowly strong. This process is similar to the reinforcement process of absorbing the stone of beliefs, but There are some different.

"Is this true Chakra? The devil is absorbed by my mental strength and physical effort. It is given to Chakra feedback to me?"

Just when the land was unknown, the devil was engraved once again released some information into his mind, so that he instantly understood some doubts. It turned out that the devil is also needed. Its energy source is the power of faith, come to himself This world's loss of belief is to be an energy being absorbed by it. Of course, even if there is no belief, there is no name, but you don't need to worry about its energy source, because it will absorb a sense of belief in the name of a real world. Force to charge, this devil is the original state that is not like this. It is the unlimited look of the last owner. It has strengthened the transformation of the devil.

If there is an unknown popularity, there is a strong concern, which will also be turned into the evil engraving. This kind of charging action from him will let the devil give feedback to him, one is just now The energy that is quenching his own cultivation is just the most inconspicuous function. It is really incredible that the devil can deprive a game world's protagonist to give him a power of angry, let him have a powerful ability. , Gather together 10,000 protagonist air transport and strength, breaking the truth and fantasy, the legend and myth, helping him to ignite the fire, achieve the gods.

Chapter 13 Reconstruction

"Should there be such a simple thing?"

The information passed by the devil made the land of the famous spirit, but the land is not name never, what is the character of the kind of person who believes, and I have encountered the difficulties, some people have a so-called perfect Raiders, but he does not think That is the best way, although there are other carriers such as animations, comics, there are other carriers, the owner of the game is a lot, but it is still a lot of luck, but it is still more amazing. If you can bring together It's a gratian, not to say that ACG does not share a lot of movies, comics, animation, what is likely to adapt to games, such as Dragon Ball, One Piece, Nights, and so on.

The biggest role of unnowning the devil is still in the hollow, and let him cultivate the god of the game world. This is the road to the gods. The ability to plunder the replication game protagonist must have a lot of drawbacks. Like the Dafa, after absorbing a chaos and seven-eight-piece ability, it will only be conflict. The most important thing is that the power of the devil needs to get it is not so easy.

With this thought, I asked the devil, once again got information, the gathering of the power of faith only needed to be eye-catching in reality, but the human life of the game world is born in the fantasy, their belief Very weak, there is no name to condense the stone of beliefs that condense a non-belief, at least, there is a proliferation of a country, that is, he needs to make the sentient beings can do it for the god.

"Sure enough, I know that there is not so simple thing, otherwise, the former demon is unlimited, but it is failed, and it is said that this devil is a 'second-hand goods' pointing. I still believe that my intuitive judgment is good. "

Although I feel that there is no white lunch in the world, but still ready to use this feature, as for the reason is very simple, the stone of faith has been swallowed, and the most important thing is to engrave, and the most important thing is to play the stars, he also Not the kind of master that needs to be scattered, just from the unsuccessful cultivation, there is no shortcomings, and if you choose a little less, avoid the ability to conflict, you can really produce the accumulation.

"Choose the ability to fit the game protagonist now."

Have to say that although the devil is not intelligent, but the unknown idea and instructions can quickly feedback, and there is no more information in my mind. It is some of the information of some game characters. It is surprised that there is no name. A very conforming to his current state, because it is a game role from the "Naruto" series. It is not a nun, but the four generations of beauty, there is her character selection.

Unknown is a game house, but also people chasing "Naruto". Some people have seen martial arts fantasy to learn Jiuyang God's work, Xiao Li, the martial arts, the martial arts, naturally have many people to see Ninja comics want to become ninja What is more appropriate than the power of "Naruto" world movie character? Although it is not one of the strongest roles in many strong people in Naruto, she has water, fire, soil three Chakra attribute blood, "dissolution" and "boiling", is the only one A ninja with two blood sunset boundaries.

The unknown heart hop, although the two games world ninja world views and strength settings don't understand, the Chakra setting is connected, so that you can make a master of shadow? Even if the power has been weakened because of the difference in the worldview, it is the existence of the film-level ninja in the "flashing god".

Finally, I finally pressed this idea. I have a so-called 'God Blood' physique. Chakra is like a sea. It belongs to a humanoid, but it seems to have a shortcoming, he only has a pure water attribute Chakra Most of the Ninja "Naruto World" have a variety of attributes Chakra, as a shadow is the same, the unnamed instinctive feels have copied her ability, although the strength is soared, but her fire , Soil, and even hidden Torque Chakra will definitely become the 'exotic gas' in his body, and give a great hidden danger.

"The blood sustain of the Ninja World has a variety of famous , and the flash of the sound is to pursue the power of single attribute. Since I have chosen this world cultivation, I have to comply with this. Guidelines.

The unknown brief light from the "Nang Shadow" series of characters, muttered: "I am just physical strength, give me a good role of a physical strength, I can't interfere with the cultivation progress of my nipworking and In the future achievements. "

After the devil has received the unnamed instruction, the information in the brain is suddenly becoming less. Finally, the unnowned accidental discovery of the information of several games, this thought that there would be a fight or ACT action game of the ACT action game, but I didn't expect it to be unexpectedly, two 'ordinary people' these two people are all popular, one of which is estimated that people who don't play games have also heard the name, that is, Larac, "Tomb Raise" series Actress. There is also a person who is later ranked with a fairly fairly equivalent to the "Mysterious Sea" series of male protagonal inner Nevrek.

"Why is they stayed?"

After a nameless surprise, I took a breath after I got the skill option: "It turns out that I thought that the ability to get the protagonist is some of them being given by the authors, such as martial arts, magical blood, what is the original The game itself is also the ability of the protagonist! "

What is the ability to set the game itself? Such as blood bar, small map, backpack space, skill trees, such as eating food plus blood, etc. Many are countless! Although Laura is 'ordinary human', it is unlimited, and all kinds of climbing capabilities represent her explosive power. The most important thing is that she does not have a blood bar setting, as long as the injury It is not immediately dead, she can slowly recover, which is called breathing back to the Dafa by many players, as for other language talents, decryption capacity is secondary.

Because of the language, ordinary people who have a variety of archaeological skills can take time to do, but this kind of setting, anti-day physical strength, unbelievable breathing and blood practice is really like hanging. The ability, as the protagonist of an adventure game, you can't let them and real humans, I will fall to a high place, and I will fall to the ground. This is the biggest difference between games and reality.

"It is no wonder that Laura and Nevuse's ability value is a beliefant crystal! You can follow the Ninja, which is in Naruto, and even the water shadow."

The unnamed self-proclaimed language, and finally chose Nnemdrek's ability to use it, just in the moment he chose, the devil released the light, forming only the mysterious magic of him. In the array, it has formed a vortex, the vortex has emerged, and there is no name. It is clear that it is flying into his body. When you instantly, you will feel that your whole cell is expanding, and the whole body is twisted. It seems to be invisible. The giant took himself as a plasticine to rebuilt into new works, and there was no name to persistence. After a while, I woke up again, and I woke up again. I have dizzy, even the strength of the shout, I want to die. After the second, the transformation is finally completed, all the pain is like a retired hour, after the rest of the born, the same time, the same time, everything is an amazing force of each of themselves.

Chapter 14 flying birds arrived

The river bank standing in the hands, holding a wooden knife in his hand, and it is like there is no moment, and the river is refreshed with his shadow. The ordinary face seems to be a bit very unique, he seems to be a knife of Wangjiang Zen It can't be linked to a normal high school.

One month!

It's just a month, and I have completed sharp change. Now he don't say the real world, no matter whether it is not a weak, it is not a honest, and it is really a place, such as a relative rabbit. For a black wind wave, a breathing time will come to the other side of the cross-country river, and then the white oak wood knife is like a lightning, and the power of the sky is swaying to the shore.

The elderly eat the barbecue string in the leisurely, see that the clenked knife is revealed: "The good knife is dazzled."

He picked up the chicken skewers, even with bamboo sticks, the unnamed wooden knife was lowered, and he wanted to know that there was no name, it was really like a thunder, although it was just a wooden knife, but it was enough to cut the hundred years old tree This is the level of martial arts masters in martial arts, but the old man is easy to resist with bamboo sticks, and the unknown feelings seem to be in the middle of the mud cow into the sea. When the heart is anxious, the spiritual power is a clear flow from the mind In the arm, the body energy in the arm is fused. The attack power is incremented, and the old face is slightly moved. His feet are squeezed by the mysterious power, so that the old man is shorter. Number.

"it is good."

After the elderly praised a sentence, his face was flash, and a piece of power was thrown out. When the moment, the unnamed bouquet was flying, and finally transferred into the river. When the unknown festive, the old man Thirteen the meat bamboo sticks after the hand, the stone triple shot into a stone by the river.

"Non name, your power of your flash property is good, but still only just fierce is not soft, if you don't practice the justified realm, you still have a lot of flaws."

Unknown deep breath: "Teacher, you can clearly said, my flash property yourself understand the spirit and body energy combination, I will teach me to turn, why do you want me to win you? Even I don't think I can win you. "