After returning to Yulan Chujiang, all the bodyguards had already dispersed.

Some went to the house in the building opposite their home,/some went to the house above their house, some went to their house downstairs, and some lived next door to their house.

Protect their home from all directions.

These houses have been bought by Yang Long long ago, and they have already bought them after the establishment of Longhuang Security Company~.

Those bodyguards who protected his parents were also replaced by his own company bodyguards, selected from the 500 bodyguards he initially recruited.

And the number of bodyguards to protect the safety of parents has also increased.

The purpose is to ensure the safety of parents in all aspects.

In Yang Long's hand, he now held the large and small bags he had prepared in Jinmen City, and his other hand rang his doorbell.

"You kid, why do you always spend money and buy so many things!"

"Why are you buying all these things? Your dad and I have enough food and clothing. You still call us so much money every month, and the money can't be used up!"

"Although you are rich now, you can earn money, but the money is not robbed of the bank, nor is it from the qiang, it is all your hard-earned...

The door opened, and what you saw from the room was Tang Qiulian's kindly smiling face and the endless care.

"There is no way to buy anything indiscriminately. It is some wine, skin care products and some winter clothes. They are all things that you and my dad use."

Regarding this, Yang Long just laughed, put on his shoes and walked home.

Mother has always been like this, and she has endless nagging, even if she buys less things, she will feel that she is spending money.He has been used to it since he was a child. This is how his mother cares.

It is also the way of care for many Chinese mothers.

All their thoughts and concerns are placed on the child.

They all just hope that their children can leave money to make their children live better, not to be constrained by their lives, let alone worry about their future lives.

As for themselves, it doesn't matter at all.

This is China's mother.The most ordinary in this world

The greatest mother.

"Hurry up and drink some hot water. Is it very cold outside? Is it freezing outside? The temperature outside today is 5 degrees below zero."

"Why are your hands so cold? Do you want to turn on the air conditioner a few more degrees? Do you want to wear more clothes?"

"Are you hungry? Are you hungry when you catch a plane? What do you want to eat? Mom will make it for you now."

"Mom made you your favorite corn and meat dumplings. Or else eat some dumplings first...'

After pouring Yang Long a glass of water, Tang Qiulian asked again with concern.

"It's not cold, mom, go ahead, I'm not hungry, wait for dinner, by the way, my dad

After taking a sip of hot water, Yang Long smiled and shook his head. At this time, his mother looked very cute to him.

"Your dad, he is still at work. I took time off and got off work early. He also said that he is also going to leave work an hour earlier, and he is going to pick you up at the airport!

Tang Qiulian adjusted the air conditioner and said with a smile.

"Yeah, right now, I can't say he is on the way to the airport. I have to call him quickly!

While speaking, he looked at his watch, gave him a stunned eyes, and then exclaimed that he took out his mobile phone to call Yang Jianghe.

"Hey, Lao Yang, where are you from get off work?"

"Son, go to the airport to pick up your son"

"My son has arrived home, so you still go to the airport to pick him up! The day lilies are cold when you go!

"You said how you became a dad? I don't know what time your son will take the plane back!"

"Hurry back, it's almost the New Year, there are many cars on the road, you should pay attention to driving..."

When Yang Jianghe came back, the family had a reunion dinner in harmony.

During the dinner, Yang Long and Yang Jianghe father and son had another drink.

"Dad, Mom, go home this year for the New Year"

Yang Long's grandpa and grandma still live in the countryside of his hometown.

Yang Jianghe relied on his ability to enter the university, and then walked out of the small village after eating public meals.

In this age when there are so many college students like dogs and graduate students are walking all over the floor, although college students are not worth much, but in the age when Yang Jianghe opened the college entrance examination, the gold content of college students was not bad.

Is very high.

Although Yang Jianghe left the small mountain village, he took root in Chuzhou City.

But Yang Long's grandparents did not follow to live in the city.

It's not that Yang Jianghe is not filial to his parents, but Yang Jianghe, no matter what, Yang Long's grandparents are always reluctant to leave their hometown to live in the city.

The same goes for Yang Long's grandparents.

Except for the birthdays of Yang Long and the Yang family, it is a rare trip to the city from their hometown, and they will return to their hometown after the birthday.

This is the idea of ​​relocation of Anshi that the people of Huaxia have always had. They are reluctant to leave that piece of land, the land they depend on for survival, even if that piece of land can no longer create any wealth for them, but they are still deeply attached to it. That barren land.

That is their root and all their memories in this life, whether they are happy or miserable.

Fortunately, their grandparents are still healthy. Although they don't farm much now, they still grow vegetables, such as cotton and rapeseed, and they can still work in the fields.

In their own words, as long as there is a breath, the land cannot be left unused.

They are people who have come through the years of suffering, and they value the land more than anything.

"Of course I want to go back to the New Year. Your grandpa called here last night and specifically confessed that I should go back to the New Year!"

I thought that I had passed the exam from a small mountain village, and I had risen from the ravine.

Looking at his son who is more promising than himself, Yang Jianghe is even more happy.

As a filial son, he certainly wants to go back.

As a proud father, he has no reason not to go back.

In the past, Yang Jianghe came out of the village as a well-known banquet near the village. Now his son is more talented than him.

Of course, I have to take it back, and let the folks in the village take a good look at how brilliant and brilliant his son is.

I spent a few days at home with my parents and prepared some new year goods. When the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, Yang Long drove back to the countryside with his parents to celebrate the New Year.

There are two cars in total, one is the same type of anti-dan explosion-proof car that Yang Long drove by Yang Long himself, and the other is an Audi A8L that he bought for his father.

As for the bodyguards of Yang Long, some of them have already drove to the front to explore the road, and some of them followed not far behind to protect them.

Yang Long originally wanted to be a driver for his parents and drive a car back to the country.

But Yang Jianghe was not happy.

Although Yang Jianghe didn't say it clearly, he abducted several reasons.

However, Yang Long accidentally knew from the private words of his parents that in fact, his father also had a good face.

Because this car was bought by his son.