My Wealth is like a Deep Sea

Chapter 793 Ubiquitous

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At the same time, the really good things at this level cannot be measured by spirit stones, because most of them have spiritual veins.

Only, the transformation of these inferior spiritual veins into top-grade spirit stones will reach 350 billion.

This is a huge amount of money that I don't even dare to think about. Even a large family can't give that much at once.

In addition to the low-grade spirit veins, there were 210 medium-grade spirit veins and four top-grade spirit veins.

Four of them were contributed by the three Immortals.

In addition, the Ten Thousand Year Immortality Pill, the One Hundred Thousand Year Immortality Pill, the Best Spiritual Artifacts, the Ordinary Spiritual Artifacts, the Magic of Skill

A large number of treasures were piled up, common, unusual, and ubiquitous.

Finally, there were numerous spirit stones, all of which were of intermediate grade and above, and numbered over a hundred billion.

There was money!

That's really rich!

In the case of the ancient Xuanxing, for example, robbing a large gate is not much.

This kind of wealth, as long as he was willing, he could pull up a big door anytime, anywhere.

Of course, at present, he didn't have this idea.

These things were originally for his own use, and according to the current situation, they probably wouldn't last long.

At the moment, he himself felt a bit bad, because the resources needed for promotion were so poor.

He had just been promoted to mid-transition, and now what?


With one punch, he didn't push. A monster on a par with the Mahayana cultivation was exploded by a direct hit.

Little Blood was a little confused.

Lin Hao himself was a bit confused as well.

But he soon regained consciousness and muttered to himself, "We should have this kind of power.

If it's impossible for even one monster to die with a single punch, it would be a pity to spend so many resources."

The power was terrible.

Not a fairy, better than a fairy.

Now when he squeezed his fist hard, his fist would ripple around it, a clear indication that he had reached the critical mass of power that this space could withstand.

This means that he now has the power of a fairy.

In a place like this, with so much power, he felt he should go down and take a look.

As far as he knew, since the opening of the Ten Thousand Abyss Grotto, the human monks' footprints had reached up to the fifth floor at most.

This is how it is to live.

People on the sixth floor would not come back down, but they would not go down again.

Over time, it seemed that everyone could enter the Wan Yao Cave, but in reality, the sixth and seventh floors were forbidden areas.

For Lin Hao, the forbidden area was the best.

A forbidden area was a place where few people could enter or where no one could tread. In such a place, there were many things that had been buried and accumulated over the years.

The so-called virgin land, in fact, is a place that is dangerous, but also comes with a bumper crop.

But before we can do that, we must let this little bit of blood improve.

The little blood sleep has also improved stamina, but the speed is still a bit too slow compared to his frantic devouring and plundering.

The fastest way for the Blood Unicorn to improve his strength is to fight.

Right now, Littleblood is transforming God. In terms of regular combat, it can fight monsters in the early or even middle stages of traversing the loot.

It happened that there were many monsters during the loot besides the behemoths on the fifth floor, which was a treasure trove for rapidly increasing combat strength.

So, under his leadership, Snow was quickly on the path to rapid advancement.

From the beginning of the heist, to the middle, and then to the end.

Every time we win, we are greatly strengthened. Every time we are wounded, we are nourished by the blood of the defeated.

He fought all the way to support the war. However, within a short period of time, Yuki was equal to him and reached the ultimate level of the Flower God.

At this point, the ordinary monsters of the Great Multiplication were no longer his opponents.

Seeing that it was almost time, there was no point in continuing the fight. One man and one beast returned to the entrance of the sixth floor.

Three days after entering, a few monks came to the door.

There weren't many, but everyone was no ordinary person.

These people were from the ancient Xuan Holy Land. One of them was an ancient Xuan Sheng Son, whose status was equal to that of the Spiritual Moon Fairy. The others were true immortals who had suppressed their cultivation and stayed in the lower realm.

After all, things were exposed.

On the Ancient Xuan Tablet outside the largest city of Guxuan, the names of a large number of heavenly pride disappeared like the night without a trace. At the same time, the circular plaques left by these people in their respective clans were also broken, and their downfall could not be concealed.

After a series of signs, it was almost certain that everything was a hoax.

In the current situation, due to outside pressure and anger at the fairies for not knowing the big picture, the fairies have been locked up.

Currently, these people are here to arrest and punish Lin Hao, just because of the delay.

But it was not a big problem.

A month later, a reclusive fairy said, "Go back!

No one who enters the sixth floor of the Wan Yao Grotto has ever come back alive, not even the immortals.

He must not have died in January."

Lead the way.

After that, several immortals escaped the light and fled.

Gu Xuanzi looked at the doorway of the forest, not daring to go down. He snorted, "You are lucky.

This time, you'll be cheap. Otherwise, the Son of God would have made your life worse than death."


Lin Hao didn't know what was going on outside. It was an interesting place to be on the sixth floor.

Originally, he thought there must be poor mountains and beasts. But in fact, it was beautiful and full of spirits. It was like heaven and wonderland on earth.

Of course, the danger was real.

Even a bouncing rabbit often had a strength comparable to that of a great cultivator, enough to keep Little Blood busy for half a day.

And those fairies flying among the flowers, majestic, have long since shed their bodies and become true demons.

Such a place, plus there seemed to be no traps.

Inside the cave, surrounded by flower beds, the atmosphere was filled with sadness.

At a certain moment, Little Blood turned to me and asked, "Boss, do you have a way to wake up this sister?"

"They all miss her and they all hope she wakes up soon," he added.

Words fell, chattered, and small animals nodded their heads.

Lin Hao thought for a moment, but didn't answer. He asked, "Can you tell me what happened?"


They seem to be communicating in private. Snowy said, "Snowy was a good partner for them growing up. Later, they sacrificed themselves to defend this place ......"

In Snow's account, the woman's body was a wonderful flower of heaven and earth, the first spiritual body in this space.

Under her protection, this place became the most peaceful paradise, where killing and bloodshed were completely wiped out.

But then, with the discovery of the human monks, everything was different.

For those invading human monks, she did not choose to kill them at first, but sent them out after defeating them.

The source of the disaster was buried.

As more and more people became aware of the place, and more and more powerful monks coveted the treasure, she was forced to fight for survival and protection.

They were outnumbered, however, and eventually continued to retreat in defeat.

In fact, she finally had a chance to leave.

After nine natural disasters, she was finally able to soar with the supremacy of the Dala Golden Immortals, and thus have a brighter future.

But for the sake of the land and the creatures on it, she gave up.

At the cost of her life, she sealed up the whole space and divided it into seven pieces. Since then, the so-called Ten Thousand Kiln Grotto has appeared.

The space in front was used to resist the greed of the monks.

Only the sixth floor is the real eternal paradise.

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