"Relax, I will make them unable to walk around!"

Ding Wenyu laughed.

The market value has shrunk by nearly 10 billion yuan, and he also has a share. How can this matter be forgotten?

Even though Zhao Wenbo helped Yang Long in the back, the stock market played finance, but he wasn't able to blend in with Zhao Lao.

By then, even if the kid was crying, Lao Zhao couldn't help him.

If this is not the case this time, will Ding Wenyu not be a joke in the entire China Business District?


in the afternoon.

As soon as the stock market opened, the opening price of Fu'an Jewelry increased by HK$0.5 per share to HK$33.44.

"Huge lows open high?"

Yang Long narrowed his eyes.

There are usually two possible reasons for the huge low and high opening:

One is the performance of the market energy gathering. After the stock price has fallen sharply, it has reached the range that the market thinks it is underestimated. Therefore, a scale-up phenomenon has occurred, indicating that the market is optimistic about the stock market and is a signal that the stock price is actively going up.

The other one may be the surprise action made by the main force in order to open positions and pull up.

The main reason to increase the stock price is to attract popularity and prepare for shipping sets/cash.

However, Yang Long does not agree that this is a spontaneous performance of the market. How long has it been since then?Is it too early to copy the bottom right now?

It is even more impossible to ship the set/now, and Fuan Jewelry cannot set/the current self-destructed by its own stock.

This can only be a counterattack made by Fuan Jewelry against their sniper stocks.

"Want to pull back the stock price, how can it be so easy!"

Looking at the screen admiration in front of him, Yang Long chuckled and then told the traders who were already ready to go.

"Out of stock, short sale!"

Soon, under the pressure of a few heavy empty plates, Fu'an Jewelry's stock price had just risen a little, and it began to fall again.

"Damn, this kid really started sniping again!"

Looking at the new computer screen, there was another green column pulling down, and Chen Fuan's face also turned green.

He gritted his teeth and said to the secretary: "Tell the people in the finance department that they must resist, we must not lose!"

With the order of Chen Fuan, the replenishing funds were injected into the stock market again.

In the stock market, you buy and sell two forces, you build me and you start a fierce battle.

However, in view of the impact of the morning and the fact that Fu'an Jewelry opened high in the afternoon, but it soon became green, many retail investors still lack confidence in Fu'an Jewelry.

Although the two sides have a difficult time, the share price is still going deeper because of the selling of many retail investors.

"Boss, the funds prepared by the other party are huge, and many retail investors are still following suit. We have burned more than one billion yuan. What should we do?"

Seeing the money flowing out like flowing water quickly, the financial director was so distressed that he anxiously called Chen Fuan to report, "Are we temporarily stopping the repurchase?"

Such a large outflow of funds stabilizes the stock market and will also have a large impact on the company's operations over a period of time.

"Can't stop, never stop!"

Chen Fuan gritted his teeth and said, "Persevere, how could Chen Fuan lose to this kid? It is absolutely impossible to lose. You can rest assured that he will soon have no money and our reinforcements will arrive soon. Hold on again!"

How much liquidity can a young person have?

Even if it is the richest and second generation of China, it will be more than a billion.

Chen Fuan could not believe how much money Yang Long could have.

However, as the time between the two sides increased, the amount of large positions was getting less and less, and the stock price began to climb gradually.

"Haha, let me just say, how much can this kid have? I have to teach them a lesson today!"

Seeing the stock price slowly rising after winning through the sawing strategy, Chen Fuan shouted in excitement, "Let the people of the Ministry of Finance repurchase me, and today I will pull back to a city to stabilize the stock price, look at that What did the kid use to compensate the borrowed stock!"

The stock price, which had turned green because of several huge short selling, rose like chicken blood.


One point, two points, three points...

Yang Long smiled and squinted at the Fu'an jewelry stocks, which had risen four points in a long time.

The fish is on the net!

At the moment, Yang Long motioned to Lin Hong: "It's your turn!"

After throwing away nearly a billion of stocks, Yang Long didn't make any shots, he just waited for this opportunity!

Demonstrating weakness, and then coming up!

"Got it, Brother Dragon!"

Lin Hongxin smiled with understanding and turned to the traders to order, "Change into the company's account and get out of the warehouse!"

Soon, several consecutive short sales hit the growing Fu'an jewelry stocks.

The stocks that had been climbing up and down suddenly stopped again.


Somewhere in Singapore.

In a securities group, more than a dozen traders are also watching the computer screen attentively, ready to go.

A trader at the top of the position said to the person in charge: "Manager, the position of Shengshi Securities has been out of stock/cash!"

The head of the head staring at the screen was radiant, and quickly ordered: "We are also out of the warehouse, the speed should be fast, and it must not be lowered by other securities companies."


The same is Singapore.

Within another securities group.

"Classes often, four of Shengshi, Weilinda, Damao, Fusheng have begun to sell out/cash out!"

"Quick, we are out of the warehouse too, we can't let them take the lead!"



China Capital Group.

Seeing that besides himself, there were still many big orders going out, Lin Hong quickly reported to Yang Long.

"Brother Long, besides us, there are many big orders in the empty market!"

"Sure enough, the cats caught up with the smell of fish!"

The corner of Yang Longzui raised a person's radian, and Cheng Zhu was in the chest. "Intensify, how much of the stock of Fu'an Jewelry held under your name, how much to throw, despite throwing away!"

"Okay, Long Brother!" Lin Hong smiled and immediately began to operate.


Seeing the stocks that had risen to 4 points, there was a stagnation, and they began to turn down sharply. Several big orders were smashed on the stock market, and Chen Fuan was stunned.

"How is it possible? Isn't that kid stopped? How could there be such a huge short sale? Who is sniping our company's stock?"

Chen Fuan squeezed the phone resentfully and questioned the financial director.

"Chairman, yes, yes..."

The financial director over the phone panicked and said, "Many, there are Prosperity Securities, Wellinda Struggle, Damao Bank, and ... Fusheng Trust!"

"Prosperity? Weilinda? Da Mao? Fusheng?"

Chen Fu'an's eyes widened in disbelief. "Isn't these securities and investment banks holding a lot of our company's shares?"


Listening to the financial director’s lack of confidence, Chen Fuan was angry and scolded: "The damn vampires are actually withdrawing their funds at this time. King Bastard! It’s really a dog*!"

Chen Fuan understands that these securities companies and investment banks are waiting for him to buy back stocks and leave the market.

"What should I do? Boss?"

The financial director over the phone was in a panic. "Otherwise we should stop buying back?"

The ghost knows how many stocks are ready to cash out, and once the amount is greater than the funds prepared by their company, it is a big disaster.

"Support me, you must support it! No matter how much you spend, you have to support me!"

Chen Fuan had bloodshot eyes and gritted his teeth. He knew that once he could not stop the offensive, the stock market would be in a desperate situation.