Soon, under the direction of Yang Long, the traders of Longhuang Fund and other joint short-selling institutions began to buy the stock of Fengtian Group with all their strength.It will be reduced to zero, which will not affect Fengtian Group's share price.

Under the circumstances, the stock of Fengtian Group was bought in large quantities.

At a time when everyone was selling a lot of Fengtian Group shares, Yang Long easily bought a large number of Fengtian Group shares.

Although Fengtian Group's stock price is still falling sharply, the value of the stocks they buy is still shrinking as the stock price falls.

And as the number of stocks they buy increases, so does the loss.

However, this is only temporary.

Just as they shorted the stock market before and sold a large number of stocks and lost money, this is only temporary.

When the stocks that were previously sold/cashing out were all used up, and then more stocks were returned to him.

Yang Long smiled easily: "It is now on holiday. As long as you don't leave the company, everyone can play any way now."

"It's finally on holiday!"

"I'm tired of me these days, I have a good rest!"

"I also have to hurry up and make up for it!"

"I'll take care of it first. Staying up late these days, the skin quality is really bad!

At this moment, all the traders in the trading room cheered.

Since the Fengtian Group announced the rescue of 1800 billion yuan, they have not taken a good rest.Continuously in the two markets of the island stock market and the rice guo stock market, shorting the Fengtian Group.

Since Yang Long ordered the repurchase of stocks, they turned around day and night and repurchased a large number of stocks in succession in the two cities.

Now that day and night continue, there is no day or night work, and finally came to an end.

And during Yang Long's break, Fengtian Group's stock price began to change.

The stock price, which was still falling continuously, saw the stock price about to fall into the abyss, and suddenly turned around!

A huge amount and a large number of long orders, violently suppress those short orders in the stock market, and raise the stock price all the way up!

This violent and powerful fund has swept the stocks on the stock market in a frantic manner, making a large number of people who are still selling Fengtian Group stocks frightened!

Just here, the government of the island issued a statement that it would inject 300 million yen to stabilize Fengtian Group's share price and help Fengtian Group overcome the difficulties.

At the same time, the local government's Daji News also made a long-form report for the first time, reporting on the contribution of Fengtian Group to the island and the people of the island over the years.

And urge the people on the island to treat the current affairs rationally, and not to be excessive, so as not to damage their own interests and those of their compatriots, and to do things that the relatives hurt the enemy.

At the same time, Fengtian Group also held a press conference.

The newly appointed President of Fengtian Group Fengtian Ben'an first appeared in the public eye

"I am Fengtian Ben'an, the new president of Fengtian Group. On behalf of Fengtian Group, I apologize to the government and the public. We Fengtian Group accept the regret...

Feng Tian Ben'an sincerely bowed to the local government and the public at the press conference to apologize.

However, after the apology, Feng Tianben immediately stood tall and impressed.

"Those short-selling institutions, professional speculators, speculators and speculators who are ups and downs on our Fengtian Group's stock market, I tell you, your good days are coming, you will surely usher in a heavy blow to our Fengtian Group! "

It is indeed a good day.

Before the press conference was over, the Fengtian Group has already acted again and again, swallowing up a large number of stocks sold on the stock market through the huge funds borrowed from the local government.

The Fengtian Group's stock price has also begun to rise, and it has fallen but the total market value of 40 billion US dollars has soared back to 60 billion US dollars.

And it's still constantly hitting upwards.

Meanwhile, a large number of local island banks also released news as soon as possible, announcing cooperation with Fengtian Group.

At the same time, they secretly repurchased Fengtian Group's shares in large quantities,

Seeing the reversal of momentum, a large number of professional speculators also turned around at the moment, buying back stocks and bargaining.

Ordinary investors, under the guidance of the local government and major media, and under the strong financial strength demonstrated by Fengtian Group at the moment, no longer sell stocks.

Even some stockholders with a little financial common sense followed the buying of Fengtian Group's stock to make up positions to stop losses, and even fight for more income.

Seeing the sharp rise in stock prices, Fengtian Group's stocks, which were originally sold as junk stocks, immediately became the top-performing stocks that everyone sought after.

Everyone is gathering firewood and the flames are high. Under the joint repurchase of major forces, Fengtian Group's stock price has been rising, all the way...

The direct soaring broke through the total market value of hundreds of billions of dollars.Moreover, it still maintains the momentum of a substantial increase!

One hundred and ten billion dollars!

$120 billion!

"Sell stocks!

Looking at the Fengtian Group, which has rebounded to a market value of more than 30 billion US dollars, Yang Long said, "We have turned to zero, and we have begun to set off."

Although the stock price is still rising, he is very clear that Fengtian Group will not let the market value return to its peak in such a short time.

In that case, it is them who suffer the losses, because a large number of long investors will set off/cash out.

Even soon after, in order to prevent so many people from leaving the market, Fengtian Group once again caused losses to the stock market, they may take the initiative to close their positions.

The traders who have rested for a few days have carried out Yang Long's commands with great spirit and spirit, and quickly operated on the keyboard.UU reading

They not only recover the spirit, but also stimulate the huge rewards that will come soon.

After the wool is finished, the obvious is the distribution.

They will also reap the glittering bonuses that they have worked hard during this time!

Under Yang Long's dispatch and command, all the stocks in the trading room were sold off and all funds were collected in Yang Long's account.

"29, 142. 857,000! 29.14 billion!

Counting the amount on the screen, Colin stared at the screen and shouted excitedly.

29.14 billion!

It's USD!

It's USD!

"Our entrance capital is 8 billion US dollars, and the exit capital is 29.14 billion US dollars! We made more than 20 billion yuan! Doubled! More than doubled. Colin has been completely mad by the numbers on the screen, screaming ecstatically The eyes are full of worship of Yang Long.

"Mr. Yang, you are simply a genius! A genius born for finance."

This is just their Goldman Sachs and Longhuang Funds. The profits of the other three companies are not theirs, otherwise the word count may only be more frightening!

"Got it! 20 billion dollars!"

"Gosh, 20 billion, we actually made so much"

"It's too much to earn, can't imagine

The entire trading room suddenly boiled, resounding with joy and excitement.

As short-selling institutions such as Longhuang Fund left and watched Fengtian Group's stock price rise, it was almost at a critical point. Professional speculators and financial institutions who smelled banknotes also slowly withdrew from Fengtian Group.

With the withdrawal of Longhuang Fund, professional speculators and financial institutions, the storm of Fengtian Group's stock market that shocked the world finally finally subsided.