My Wealth is like a Deep Sea

Chapter 463 Uneasy

() You can search "My Fortune Like Sea and Deep ()" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!According to the treaty of the Ward Top Ten Selection Conference, as long as the highest configuration car of Sheng Tang Guobin does not exceed the price of 60,000 US dollars, it can meet the standard.Longhuang Automobile Co., Ltd. will not compete with them for the domestic low-end market for a while, which makes them slightly appease their uneasy hearts.And the branches of the world's major car manufacturers in Huaxia are also holding an emergency meeting at the moment.Because Longhuang Automobile Co., Ltd. was born, their technical blockade in Huaxia has been broken! At the same time, the technical advantage of their products in the Huaxia market has also been broken! And, this car launched by Longhuang Automobile Company , The first to suffer the impact is their mid-to-high-end car market! According to the results of the Ward's top ten selection meeting, the latest car they launched, compared with the other's products, whether it is interior, appearance or core technology There is no advantage at all, and even these are the other party's advantages! And because Huaxia's protection of car companies, they have no price advantage at Huaxia! The only advantage they still have is the brand effect! That is they The brand influence that Huaxia has built up, but now Long TV broadcasts and the programs launched by Long TV, but it has pushed Longhuang Automobile Company to the peak of the pride of Huaxia national car companies! In terms of contact, such an influence is extremely huge! Especially this is a country with a very high sense of national honor and national feelings! This makes them feel particularly depressed.... But it is not only that that distressed them Only Longshi News related to this evening.The next morning, when they turned on their mobile phones or read newspapers, it was not only Longshi Broadcast that helped Longhuang Automobile Company to crush them outside, but also Longhuang Automobile Company conducted them internally. Crushed, just last night, Longhuang Automobile Company held a grand celebration party at the Weihaihe Yuebangzhuang Hotel in Jinmen.The cost of the celebration is as high as 30 million Huadong cloth! At the celebration,

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