() You can search "My Fortune Like Sea and Deep ()" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Moreover, he wants to expand the market steadily and quickly, and lay a solid user base for the continued promotion of various types of black technology automotive products in the future.Therefore, the user's experience and reputation are extremely important to him.Whether it is based on the present or looking into the future, he can not lose the hearts of users.Even if he offended the dealer, he did not hesitate.Moreover, when the dealer is bigger, there will be a situation where the customer is bullied.For example, many foreign auto companies have their main distributors in Huaxia, and they even have a large scale and even own the shares of foreign auto companies in Huaxia Branch.As a result, the parent company's correct strategy was difficult to implement in the branch, and the parent company's power was overridden in terms of sales. There have even been cases of bullying others to bully other dealers.Yang Long will never allow this kind of thing to happen to himself.He must absolutely control these dealers and can take these dealers on his own express, but he must never let these guys ride on his neck.Therefore, before cooperating with these guys, we must put a tight spell on these guys' heads to prevent these guys from doing wrong, or even committing the following crimes.Of course, even if he offends the dealer, he has his own reliance and strategy.The most basic is that they have their own sales company and sales channel.Even without the support of this generation of dealers, he can also play around.As long as the temporary start is in sight, and after the company has achieved fame, he believes that more dealers will come to him to cooperate with him.Moreover, he is not without giving dealers considerable room for benefits.Even if the current cooperation was not initiated by him, these dealers took the initiative to come to the door.Even if some guys are stubborn, and finally give up cooperation, the morality of cooperation is also on his side.And those dealers who have given up cooperation will inevitably regret their choice.First salute, then soldiers,

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