() You can search "My Fortune Like Sea and Deep ()" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Mr. Yang, I don’t think so. Although our company’s product technology is better than the same type and class of cars, we are a new brand. We lack a considerable brand effect. The price is still slightly lower than foreign cars. , Between 250,000 and 350,000, such a price not only guarantees our positioning is equal to each other, but also has our price advantage. "Yes, I also agree with this view of President Zhou, BBA people Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi is considered by the majority of consumers as the current top three luxury cars in China. Even if other car companies have comparable car prices and better configurations, consumers in our country will basically prefer to buy BBA cars because they symbolize their identity in China. And status is, in the final analysis, platooning."Yes, consumers in our country are very concerned about the face-to-face problem. The brand effect is a great advantage for these car companies, and this is exactly what we are."I don't think so, I support General Jian's point of view, and there are many people who would prefer to buy foreign cars at a higher price because the previous car made cars did not struggle, buy interior car delivery.Because of the lack of core technology, people would rather spend a high price to buy an engine to deliver cars. BBA's mid-range models, you also know that there are a lot of plastic interiors.There is a row outside, but in fact the pain in my heart, every 237 people who buy BBA vehicles are not stupid, they are all clear in their hearts.And our Tang Tang Guobin is not lacking in core technology, I admit that the brand effect is indeed inferior to them, but we also have our advantages! We have been on the LongTV broadcast, we broke the technical blockade of foreign car companies, we are the pride of the nation ! Even if they are set at the same price, we still have the feelings of home country, technical hardship and generous interior appearance that they do not have. These three points do not have the conditions!" On the issue of price, high-level leaders have their own opinions, but basically The above is divided into two schools based on the views of Jian Yanbin and Zhou Fangming. One side believes that while maintaining brand-level type pricing, at the same time, appropriately reduce pricing to obtain price advantages and make up for the lack of brand effect. Take the market. On the other side, the advantage of Guo Tang in the Tang Dynasty is also very obvious,

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