() "My wealth is like deep sea ()" Find the latest chapter!The sensation is not just the people on the scene, but also because the media reporters reported the news to the netizens who saw the news on the Internet and the audience watching the live broadcast in the Panda Live Room."Maria Christine, Executive Director of Trasinda Investment Group, Chief Operating Officer of Trasinda Investment Group, and Chairman of MGM Group!" "Cate: Morgan! President of Morgan Stanley Asia!" "Goldman Sachs Bank Vice President Berat Argyle, "Pan Shiyi! Wang Congcong! Lin Qing!" The second leader, Cao Weiwei, and the chairman of Mohang Group, Zhang Enping. "This is Nima, is this too special? The Longhuang Automobile Company's listing conference came with so many cattle!" , Cattle batch! Longhuang Automobile Company cattle batch" "I knew that there will be so many cattle people, I also went to Jinmenwei to participate in the Longhuang Automobile Company's listing conference!" "Don't cry upstairs, I'm in Jindu to Jinmen On the intercity high-speed rail! "Haha, I'm also on the high speed from the capital to Tianjin, and I'm driving there! When I saw so many cattle appearing in the Banyan Tree Hotel Haihe, the Internet exploded completely. No one thought of a listing conference, there would be so many gangsters! This is even more exciting than watching a star’s concert! Moreover, the status and status of the gangsters here Is it that the stars who seem to be glorious, actually have more popularity and wealth than ordinary people are comparable! Any person or person present here can obliterate and crush batches of stars! The same feeling for this scene Also very sensational and shocking are the domestic and foreign car companies that are watching the live broadcast and browsing the news, as well as the CEOs and employees of the fruit car companies."Mary Christine! Carter Morgan! Berat Argyll! Pan Shiyi! Wang Congcong! Lin Qing! Longhuang Automobile Company What are they trying to do!" "This is not a trade fair,

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