() "My wealth is like deep sea ()" Find the latest chapter!"Yang, congratulations, you have finally waited until this moment!" "Yang, the Sheng Tang Guobin you gave me is so handsome, it is no different from the sedan!" "Mr. Yang, I represent the Goldman Sachs Group, Congratulations to you on behalf of Mr. Laurder!" "Dragon brother, my panda bear live broadcast number has exceeded 30 million people watched online! Your listing conference has exploded this time, "Dragon brother, I opened a few days ago I don’t know how happy it was when the car you sent me to and they were racing on the Sheshan side!" "Dear Yang, you are a surprising business wizard! Why did you just make it so quietly?" Here comes a car that is so proud of the people! "Mr. Yang, congratulations, we Jinmenwei are proud of your excellent enterprise!" "Mr. Yang, on behalf of our Modu City and Elder Tang, I congratulate you!. "Mr. Yang, I represent our demon capital seng...." Under the guidance and escort of Jian Yanbin and Zhou Fangming, Yang Long is receiving these dignitaries from all walks of life.'Yang, Mr. Yang' Mr. Yang ','Old Brother Yang' and'Brother Long' have different names, but everyone is congratulating Yang Long with their own name and heart. Yang Long also greeted each other with gratitude and expressed their gratitude and welcome for their arrival Yang Long is completely imaginable about Wang Congcong’s live broadcast number and the fact that Shang Zhu has been a sensation since the press conference. The guests he invited came from, the one who was not at home or abroad stomped. Stomping can have far-reaching influences. Are the identities of these characters comparable to the celebrity spokespersons and star guests invited by the general listing conference! Moreover, the media resources he put in the media will be Longhuang Fund's media resources are invested in Longhuang Automobile Company. Using world-class media resources in a company that has just started in China,

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