
Yang Chen crossed a current in his mind for a long while, and then touched his head, giggling: "Really, I have forgotten that we did not get married, hey"

Lin Ruoxi chewed the glutinous rice balls, and he was too lazy to take care of this guy. He could have missed such an important part in his lifelong event.

"But" Yang Chen suddenly realized something was wrong. If he and Lin Ruoxi had a wedding, they would definitely have to invite guests. It ’s easy to manage on their own side, either friends or subordinates, no problem, but if Lin Ruoxi wants to invite, it must include The company and some of her good sisters.

Then the question arises, let Mo Qianni, Liu Mingyu, and Cai's sisters all come to the wedding of the two. How do you face Mo Qianni and other women?

Lin Ruoxi seemed to be seeing Yang Chen's heart disease, and beautiful eyes glanced at him, "Why, are you unwilling?"

Yang Chen shook his head, "Yes, of course! But does it mean that our relationship is open to the public?"

"Of course, do we only marry at home?" Lin Ruoxi said.

Yang Chen thought that this was indeed the case. Lin Ruoxi's move was really a temptation to refuse. He couldn't say that he wouldn't have a wedding with her, but once this wedding was held, everyone knew how they were related to each other. If they had any dealings with other women, even if they were Cheeky, how should other women get along?

Lin Ruoxi continued: "Of course, this thing can't be done at once. I have to see how the gift you prepared. Can you still fool me with glutinous rice balls. Although I like to eat, I don't want to I sold myself to eat glutinous rice balls. "

Yang Chen smiled, thinking that this wife was actually very "cheap" to please, how many cents of glutinous rice balls?But now it seems that if something happens, you have to get real money.

There was a hint of cunning in Lin Ruoxi's eyes, "When I first got married, I thought you were poor, and I didn't expect you to do anything for me, as long as I didn't add chaos to me. But now, I know that you are better than me The money is much higher, and I will raise the demand after that.

Ordinary people have the living methods of ordinary people, and rich people have a life of rich people, just like the clothes I bought for you, not because I am specifically going to find some famous brands for you, but when I go to look at the clothes, it will naturally To choose those famous brands eloquently, the habit has become natural.I'm having a wedding with you. I don't want a simple, sincere wedding.I am not an innocent little girl. Since I have to do it, of course I have to meet my status.

Since you can rest assured of the coquette and go to Hokkaido to make a big effort, I will certainly not be polite.I want both the boundless scenery and the true feelings, you can do it."

Yang Chen only felt that he had fallen into Lin Ruoxi ’s palm and was pinched to death. He could n’t resist with a bit of resistance. Speaking of it, his wife was really not excessive in making this request. How much is it?

"Then we get married, do you want to invite Qian Ni?" Yang Chen asked in a whisper.

Lin Ruoxi nodded without hesitation and said with a smile: "Of course I want it, not only Qian Ni is coming, but also peace of mind, Ming Yu and Rose are coming. By the way, do you have any other lovers? Call it, I want Say hello to them one by one. They will definitely bless us sincerely, are you right? "

Looking at Lin Ruoxi's pair of shining eyes with a frosty cold mane, the smile like a spring flower on his face was particularly chilling.

Yang Chen touched the back of the head embarrassingly. Which one is to "hello"? It is clear that the target has been accurately identified, so that one by one can deal with it slowly.

This topic could not be continued in this way. Yang Chen felt that he was able to figure it out later, so he said instead: "Yes, today I went to Hongyan's house and saw that their family's balls were selling very well, but they had no funds. Make the store bigger. I will discuss with them whether they can invest in their meatballs, help them open chain stores, and invest in shares. "

Lin Ruoxi gave Yang Chen a surprised look, "You can even think of doing business."

Yang Chen looked miserable. Was he so useless? He said: "I see Hongyan paying the more than 1 million medical expenses very hard, I want to help them. Big deal, we don't buy out the ancestral formula of their family, just Help them invest in opening a store, and then get a dividend from it. Are you going to invest in a lot of entertainment and leisure industries? Those resorts and playgrounds always have some snack bars. Is n’t glutinous rice balls a popular snack. "

Lin Ruoxi nodded, "This proposal is good, but it needs to be approved by Mr. Zhao. After all, not everyone can make good glutinous rice balls. It needs professional training, and the taste and taste can have their own characteristics. Unwillingness to partner with others is largely a distrust of those people. Are you sure we can do it? "

"Others may not believe it, but if you are a baby, the sibling of the Hongyan family, if you care about the money of a pill recipe?" Yang Chen laughed.

Lin Ruoxi nodded, thoughtfully.

Yang Chen continued to incite, and said with longing: "Ruoxi, think about it, wait for the future, every Yulei International's leisure place will open your favorite glutinous rice ball shop. You are all in the store. Decorated with pink and warm colors, pictures of Hello Kitty are everywhere on the walls, two large plasma wall-mounted TVs on the walls, your favorite Korean drama all day long, the whole store It ’s all in Korean like 'Sarang Hanyu', 'Oh'! It's determined to only show Korean dramas! No music!

No matter where you go to inspect, you can go directly to the Maruko shop and eat a variety of colorful and fresh glutinous rice balls. The taste is still your favorite Zhaojiadian.And as the president, you also go to eat glutinous rice balls with everyone. You can see how close you are to the people. Everyone will say that you are approachable and you can do more in one fell swoop. "

Speaking of which, Lin Ruoxi has forgotten to bite the glutinous rice balls in his hand, and his watery eyes are full of starry lights, and the yearning meaning is self-evident.

After a while, Lin Ruoxi realized that he was a little sick, cleared his cough, and his face was slightly red. He said, "It's my business to decorate the store. Don't think you know more about me. I am a businessman, as long as it is legal If you make money, I certainly know that I have to do it without having to worry about it. "

Yang Chen knew that Lin Ruoxi had already moved, so he nodded and said, "Of course, I will also make comments, the main work still depends on how your president, Master, thinks."

Lin Ruoxi said: "I will send Mingyu to talk with Mr. Zhao's family in the past. If it is done, I will simulate the feasibility and do market research. If there is no problem, I will recruit people for training and try to open a chain store."

"If it can be successful, Hongyan's more than 1 million yuan, I don't think it's easy. The family is not easy. It's just to buy their signature funds," Yang Chen suggested.

Lin Ruoxi vetoed directly, saying: "Debt is debt. If it is so easy to find a way to erase it from scratch, it is disrespect to Hongyan. It must be paid off, and no less than one point. For other acquisition funds, We will give another. "

Yang Chen pouted, it is not a result at the end, but Lin Ruoxi will be principled, it is right if the six relatives do not recognize it.

This series of conversations finally wiped out the gap between the two again. Yang Chen also breathed a sigh of relief. After a few days, it was almost time to tell Cai Yan to go to Yanjing, so he proposed: "Ruoxi , I might go to Yanjing in two days, do something, and tell you in advance. "

Lin Ruoxi asked, "Yanjing? Are you going home?"

Yang Chen was stunned. What Lin Ruoxi said was naturally the Yang family, frowning. "No, there is something else to do."

Lin Ruoxi “Oh,” silently continued to eat meatballs.

"You don't want to know who I am going to Yanjing with?" Yang Chen asked curiously.

Lin Ruoxi shook his head, "If you know it, you'll be upset. You might as well not know. Anyway, I tell you not to go, and you won't listen to me."

Yang Chen smiled, "How come suddenly so generous."

Lin Ruoxi squinted the man, "Let you live a few days in comfort, and wait for the agreed one-year period to pass, you will know how generous I am."

Yang Chen's back was cold, and it turned out that the "article" he had set had saved himself.

It was early in the morning, and Lin Ruoxi hadn't rested yet. Yang Chen didn't dare to forcefully interrupt the work schedule of this girl. He was planning to lie down on a sofa, but found his mobile phone vibrated.

Yang Chen wondered, who would call himself so late, could it be abroad?

But after taking a look at it, Yang Chen was surprised. It turned out to be a sugar number. Didn't the girl go back to Yanjing Tang's home with her mother Tang Wan?

"Girl, what kind of nerve is so late?" Yang Chen asked.

On the other end of the phone, Tangtang's voice was very soft, even with a slight crying voice, "Uncle Woo mother mom she was poisoned"

Tang Wan is poisoned!

Yang Chen's head seemed to explode with a thunder, and his face sank. "What is the situation? Make it clear."

Lin Ruoxi looked aside suspiciously, and saw Yang Chen's face suddenly become very grim, revealing a trace of worry.