My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

1603 Sky-shattering plan

Speaking of Lanlan, Wang Ma clapped her hands, crying and laughing, saying: "It's not the Jade Girl and their sisters. They said they would go to other countries around to take a look. Lanlan walked very close with them, and they followed. No, I'm not allowed to call you. I thought that Jade Girls were so powerful that they wouldn't have an accident with Blue Lan, so I agreed. "

Ever since Yang Chen agreed to look after the women on the island, Yulan Ting and three other demon-door masters have not said anything. Except for returning to the Honghuang Gate in the middle, they almost spent the island.

Yang Chen didn't return. Although they felt puzzled, they didn't think anyone could defeat Yang Chen in the illusion, so they waited patiently.

For these demon races who lived for thousands of years, these months have passed in a blink of an eye, and it is not a problem at all.

It happened that when Lin Ruoxi went to the country, he didn't take Xiaofei Niu back with his busy work, and Xiaofei Niu simply played with the three beautiful foxes.

Knowing that it was Yang Chen's biological daughter, and looked so flattering again, the master of Yumen said he liked it very much, so he walked around with the blue sky in a hug.

This flower world is not interesting in Honghuangmen. Yulan Ting and other fox monsters are very interested in various human civilizations outside. After seeing it for more than two months, nothing happens. The people in the illusion are overwhelmed and relax Go to other countries.

Although all parts of Europe are frozen, relatively speaking, heating equipment and infrastructure are relatively complete, and some places with low latitudes can barely live normally.

Lin Ruoxi frowned slightly, and Mo Qianni said with a smile, "Don't worry about Ruoxi, who wants to bully Blue, it's good if you don't get bullied, let alone the Lord Yumen."

"You misunderstood what I meant," Lin Ruoxi quietly sighed: "I'm not afraid of the blue accident, I'm worried that she's going crazy and bullying others."

While the women were talking, the phone in the room rang.

Mother Wang answered the phone and called Ron.

"Mr. Ron, what's the matter?"

"Ms. Wang, is your wife back?" Ron asked Lin Ruoxi naturally.

Mother Wang responded, "I just came back, you have something to talk about, just come here, everyone is there."

"No," Ron said with a smile: "This is the case. The chief commander of the ghost fleet that we are guarding, Brewster, has returned news that a large number of regular military fleets of Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain have appeared in our It ’s against the common sense around the archipelago ’s waters, and I want to ask my wife if I should take action. ”

Mother Wang was stunned, she couldn't figure out the matter, and quickly handed the phone to Lin Ruoxi.

Yang Chen was not on the island, and Ron and others regarded Lin Ruoxi as an object of allegiance by default. Naturally, they reported to Lin Ruoxi.

After listening to Lin Ruoxi, he lowered his head and thought for a while, and said, "Mr. Ron, their goal is not us, but Jane. You just let Brewster stay on the ground."

"Princess Jane?" Ron was a little surprised, but he didn't doubt, and responded respectfully.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Ruoxi asked Mother Wang: "Is Jane back?"

"I'm back early. After returning from England last week, I was in a bad mood and never came out in the laboratory," said the mother.

The women looked at each other in confusion for a few moments, not understanding what happened.

"Ruoxi, why do you say they came to Jane?" Cai Yan asked.

Lin Ruoxi looked at the peace of mind and said, "You should be able to guess how much."

A bit of wry smile appeared on Anxinqiao's face and nodded, "It should be that thing ..."

"Don't sell the customs, what's wrong?" Cai Yan became more and more curious and couldn't do it.

"Let Jane talk about it, those fleets should also let her handle it," Lin Ruoxi said, dialing a phone from Jane's laboratory.

Within a minute, Jane came into the room, her white coat was not taken off, and her beautiful amber hair was a little messy. Obviously, she didn't take a rest for several days and had been doing research.

As soon as she knew what had happened, when she sat down, her face was a little ugly, with a bit of resentment, and said: "They really dare to come here, I have clearly refused, are they crazy?"

"At this juncture of life and death, they will not be afraid of taking risks, and they will not give up any hope, and you, in their view, are the last life-saving straw." Lin Ruoxi took a cup of warm tea from Wang Ma and smiled slightly. Road.

The women listened to them playing puzzles, all inexplicably.

Jane looked at the other sisters all confused, smiled briefly, and briefly talked about the cause of the matter ... It turned out that it all started from an international security high-level meeting she attended half a month ago.

By the joint invitation of the British MI6 and the Royal Academy of Sciences, Jane attended a summit meeting with all developed countries and several important developing countries in the world.

Also attending were some super consortia and families in the world. The Rothschild family bears the brunt. Consortiums such as Morgan and Rockefeller are also on the list.

There are also ace national security organizations in various countries, as well as scientists in some cutting-edge fields of various countries, and there are many hidden scientific research geniuses that do not appear at all.

The media around the world did not report this meeting because it was a secret facing most human beings, and countries controlled the media in a tacit understanding.

The theme of the meeting was naturally the continued global cooling, and what should humans do.

As a result, after many discussions and assumptions, the final customized plan made Jane feel incredible!

After voting, the leaders of all countries decided to implement a plan-"Noah's Ark Plan" except for a few abstentions!

Countries intend to combine the financial and material resources of all parties and strive to build at least ten super-refuge fortress battleships within half a year.

With the current scientific and technological means of mankind, it is not possible to avoid the space station in the outer orbit of the earth.

The only chance is to use the world's nuclear energy, as well as hydrogen, solar and other energy sources to build a huge steel fortress to survive in the future glacier ocean or under the sea.

According to the calculations of scientists from various countries, the temperature in Antarctica will be reduced by more than ten degrees below the current minimum temperature at the rate of continuous accelerated cooling.

By then, the world's true, will usher in the fifth glacial period of the earth!

The land area will expand with the freezing of the ocean, but it will lead to the extinction of species, and it is difficult for humans to survive.

In order to preserve humankind's fire and civilization, all countries plan to build ten fortress battleships and let young women, girls, elites from all walks of life, cutting-edge scientists and craftsmen wait on board to avoid this disaster and wait for the future recovery of the earth.

Of course, to build these steel behemoths, not only the technology, but also a lot of capital and materials are needed without the support of the rich.

The richest people in the world will be eligible for priority boarding ... Listening to Jane ’s narrative, the women present are silent. This seems to be a matter of science fiction movies in the doomsday theme, but ... Reality!

"I rejected this proposal because I think that without taking fundamental measures, even if I can actually design and build the Noah's Ark, it will not help ... If nothing unexpected happens, the gods will dominate everything, only to stop them Only after planning, could it be possible to save humanity, "Jane sighed in frustration:" Unfortunately ... countries do not agree with my ideas, nor do they think that humans can contend with the gods. Now the gods have disappeared and disappeared. , It ’s impossible to find out. "

"Obviously, even if they knew it was the cause of the gods, there was nothing to do," Lin Ruoxi said slightly, "You haven't talked to some countries in Britain and the United States before. It is likely that the starting point for solar energy interception is near the Arctic ice sheet. Later Did they reply to you? "

"This is the most troublesome issue now. The elite naval forces sent by the United States, Russia, and Canada lost contact not long after they were close to the North Pole. Dozens of warships, all of which were sunk to the bottom of the sea, have not survived, and ... "Jane bit her lip."

"Is it really that the Protoss are making troubles in the Arctic? The heart of Gaia that Athena has tried in every way, really wants to cool the world and exterminate humans?" Zhen Xiu's eyes flashed with fear.

"In any case, such a huge loss has occurred, and those countries are definitely not willing to go to the Arctic to explore, so they choose to deceive themselves to build Noah's Ark, at least there is a silver lining, it is not incomprehensible," Lin Ruoxi said.

Jane nodded, "I think so too, so I have been hesitant to fly to the North Pole to see, but ... if I find out that it is the gods, then our power is too small, and going there will only cause bad things and cause trouble. Dangerous, it won't change anything at all. "

"Don't go anymore, it's too dangerous", Rose said with a lingering fear: "Last time everyone saw it, Apollo's strength was so perverted, and her husband said that the gods are constantly getting stronger. At that time, we will not sell our faces at all, and we will die even if we go. "

"In this way ... Ruoxi, you are at ease because you are counted as a world-renowned rich man, so you received an invitation from the country to invest in Noah's Ark program?" Mo Qianni asked.

Lin Ruoxi said indifferently: "Yes, but I refused. In fact, compared with the hidden predators, my money is not particularly valued by them, but there is a shipbuilding industry in Anjia.

Anxin immediately shook his head, "I also refused, it doesn't make sense at all, eh ... By the way, don't you get the contact, Sister Tang Wan? Shouldn't the Tanglin's Fenglin Group get more attention? Are you doing military business what."

"They will not contact the Tang family," Lin Ruoxi answered for Tang Wan.

Tang Wan also nodded and smiled helplessly.

"Why?" Confused.

"Because China is the only big country that is not invited to participate in the plan, and the Tang family has a national background in China, other countries want to have a clear relationship with China," Jane said.

"Such a big thing, our country did not participate?" Wang Ma asked in surprise.

Lin Ruoxi's beautiful eyes flashed a bit of complicated thoughts, and whispered: "Isn't this obvious, other countries are not stupid, Huaxia and the gods are feuds, even if they don't know Hongmeng well, they also understand Huaxia The situation is different.

If China can defeat the gods, then they will naturally be happy, but if China fails, as long as they have a clear relationship with China, at least there is a ray of life.

What's more, China's population accounts for a quarter of the world, which is a heavy burden for the end. They can't wait for the Chinese people to die more so that they can get more food reserves."