My wife is from League of Legends

My wife is from League of Legends, Chapter 52.

"Stand up, you shouldn't! "A wisp of celestial music with a hint of concern echoed in Jewel's ears, waking up the confused and chaotic man.

Jewel's wooden gaze looked around and muttered to himself slightly slower, "Isn't this the Void Illusion? How did I get here? "

"Alas! "A sigh of relief hit Baoyu's heart, and the words of the mysterious "Fairy Goddess of Magic" entered his mind, "Idiot, you haven't understood yet, you can't avoid the cycle of life and death in the mortal world. "

The mundane world? A fairy demon? Bao Yu's heart trembled at the words, and a flash of light came to her mind. Don't all immortals know how to bring the dead back to life?

I'm not going to be able to do anything about it, but I'm going to be able to do something about it," she said. You're a fairy, you can do it! "

The Goddess of Mercy, seeing that instead of escaping from the red-earth obscurations, Pao-yü was getting worse and worse, could only clasp his palms together and recite the Buddha's Pure Heart Mantra with supreme power, intending to wash his troubled mind with external force.

"It's not easy to resurrect human life, not even for a Da Luo Jinxian! "The words of the peaceful Buddha's voice brought a moment of peace to Pao-Yü, and the mysterious magic power injected Guanyin's thoughts directly into Pao-Yü's mind, turning it into a subconscious to convince him to give up his attachments.

The death of Jin Kushier is her liberation from the mundane world, and she will be able to leave the secular world and enter the world of Western bliss, where she will be able to live a carefree life amidst the boundless beauty.

Happy blessings are the right thing to do!

The taut body finally returned to its strands of life, and a leisurely smile slowly crept onto his handsome face.

Chapter 101 - Guanyin Style

The first thing I noticed was that there was a lot of people in the world who were not yet aware of this, so I thought it would be a good idea to take a look at them. "

"Kushiro! Kushier... "The emotionally stirred Baoyu couldn't help but extend his arms to embrace the unhappy Kushier, his body flung forward into the air before his eyes, the girl's illusion had disappeared, the ruthless truth then reminded him of that cruel reality, Kushier was dead, and he hadn't changed all that! The next step might be to watch the beautiful women perish one by one, and their souls go back to the Heaven of Regret!

The body shook like a dead tree, and Bao Yu floated slowly and purposelessly forward with her feet in the illusionary territory, "Kushiel isn't happy, she's not happy at all without me! I'm the reason she's dead. What's the point of my rebirth? "

Pao-yü's self-talk grew louder and louder, and finally turned into a roar that shook the heavens and the earth, "God, you turned me into a 'fake' Pao-yü, just to make me suffer alive? If that's the case, I'd rather die than be manipulated by you! "

The idea of self-destruction hovered inexorably in Pao-Yü's mind, and he secretly hated it, No one will play me! Let's see how you can play this game even if it costs you your life!

Guanyin, who understood everything, at the crucial moment, her soft care finally dispelled the darkness in his heart, "Don't give up on yourself, God's will is the fairest of all, and you must give if you want to get it! This is just a small test for you. Everything will be fine when the sun and stars are clear. "

"I don't care! "What about the heavens, what about its greatest," said Pao-Yü's radical finger pointing and angry scolding, "so what if it is the greatest? Can you kill people at will just because you're the biggest? Why did it test me, and who tested it? Damn it, I don't believe in this! Maybe it's you self-righteous immortals who are messing around behind the scenes, do you think you are the sky and that your will is the will of God! "

The more you say, the more outrageous you are, the more you will be delighted, and the more you will be delighted, the more you will be delighted.

Alas! The first thing you need to know is how to get the best out of a person. Even if it's killing and destruction, it's still "love"! Loving thoughts filled the magnificent Guanyin's entire heart, and she secretly sighed a low sigh, for the sake of the little guy himself, help him! If it's against the sky, it's against the sky. Maybe it's the will of God to train him.

"Stop this nonsense! "As if a loving mother chastises her beloved son, Guanyin's words are half-angry, half-reproachful, but then they bring a twist to Pao-yü!

"You silly boy, if you want to resurrect the Golden Kushion, it's not impossible, but if you go against the heavens, you will surely suffer a lot of suffering and will fall into the cycle of reincarnation and never be reincarnated, do you dare to try? "

The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past few years, and the company is now in the process of developing the new product for the future. "

"As long as her body is still intact, the Soul Rejuvenation Technique can bring her back to the sun, but the person who performed the technique has changed her fate and will suffer a heavenly calamity. "Soft words once again reminded Jewel to ponder caution, the holocaust was no joke! Since Pan Gu opened the heavens, countless gods and demons who had cultivated themselves for tens of thousands of years had been reduced to ashes by the Heavenly Tribulation, not to mention the fact that at the moment, Bao Yu was still a mortal! If Guanyin didn't have no other way out, she wouldn't have done this just to arouse Baoyu's fighting spirit!

"Thank you, Fairy Godmother! "Bao Yu was indeed momentarily full of energy and high spirits, "No difficulty will ever stop my determination, and I would like to ask the fairy goddess to teach me how I should save Kushi'er, and whether she should send me to the underworld to rob her! "

When a miracle happens and things take a turn for the better, Pao-Yü is in a good mood, his suppressed nature is restored, and in his mind he imagines himself proudly in the underworld!

"Who says that returning to the sun has to be in hell? "Guanyin knows a thing or two about the temperament of the reincarnated Goku, and to divert his attention, the female Bodhisattva doesn't laugh lightly in a rare tone.

"Don't all ghosts report to the underworld? Or was Kushiro kind in life and died in heaven? The fairy godmother didn't ask me to ask God for someone, did she? That's not bad! "The self-talking fellow doesn't wait for an answer from the police illusion fairy, and starts talking to himself in nonsense!

"You brat is all nonsense," Guanyin couldn't help but smile, she was trapped alone within this illusionary realm of nothingness and her heart was lonely and bored, and every time Pao-yü came she would be delighted!

After laughing at their answers, Guanyin turned pale and said solemnly to Pao-Yü, "With your current near-absent magical power, it would undoubtedly be foolhardy to try to save the Golden Chuan'er! "

The mysterious beauty waited quietly for her to reveal the answer.

The Guanyin's deep, beautiful eyes quietly flashed with remembrance, "Only when you retrieve the vase that has been reduced to two halves and restore it to one, and then use it to feed the water of the Spirit River to the Golden Chuan'er's mouth, will you be reborn and return to the sun. "

"Oh! That's it? "Bao Yu subconsciously got off the hook, he had thought it would be either up the mountain of knives or down the frying pan, but he didn't expect it to be about repairing a bottle and filling it with just a little more water!

"That's it! Did you find it easy? "Kannon didn't know whether to laugh or to be angry at the unknowingly stupid kid.

"Is it hard? "Jewel scratched her head in embarrassment, "Why don't I feel that! "

This time Guanyin is really angry, maybe it is trapped in the boundary is really boring, maybe it is in the past time and space to the three worlds of the most beautiful female Bodhisattva lost the peace of the Buddha's heart, for the first time in tens of millions of years she actually angry, dissatisfied white eyes coupled with slightly curled mouth, the irresistible irresistible style is fortunate that no one saw, otherwise this world would have many more lost souls!

Chapter 102 - Sister Fairy

The fairy's voice was not heard for a long time, so he had to take the initiative to ask, "What does the vase look like, Fairy Goddess? Why does that name sound familiar to me? Isn't this thing a little strange? Can I just pick a random one? "

The list of questions goes on and on and on, just missing the point of where the bottle repairer is better at his craft!

"You're not done yet, you bastard! "Guanyin couldn't help but loudly interrupt Pao-Yü's Yellow River overflow, "You think it's a child playing house, just mean it! "

"Heh, heh..." the cheeky fellow laughed happily instead, "That's right, isn't it, what's the point of being ice-cold and not knowing how to be happy or sad, right, fairy godmother! Ha, ha..."

The laughter stopped midway, and before the thoughtful fairy goddess within the boundary could respond, Baoyu suddenly turned pale, and all the nonsense and laughter disappeared. "

The words slightly paused, Bao Yu to the "strange" fairy nun so good intentions can not help but be touched, a ray of warmth instant red eyes, although do not understand the mysterious "police illusory fairy nun" why to themselves so good, but since childhood, he does not want to seek the answer to the loneliness of the lonely, only want to Wholeheartedly enjoy this rare loving gesture.

"May I call you Fairy Sister? "The trembling words reveal a very nervous, apprehensive heart filled with intense anticipation and yearning for the family, although in the Jia Mansion he has a father and a mother, numerous family members, but the spirit and soul has been different "fake" Baoyu but never find the real sense of belonging, in the heart of the heart always regard themselves as. "Fake" Jewel.

Sister? Guanyin's heart room swept with unprecedented and inexplicable sensations, and the calm sea of her heart momentarily plunged into a magical stone, which, though it did not set off the great wolves of the storm, still created ripples of ripples that laid an indelible mark!

The female Bodhisattva's calm words couldn't conceal a trace of excitement, "Calling is just a code name, you can call it whatever you want! "

To save the Golden Chuan, you must keep her body intact, then gather the two halves of the vase and fill it with the water of the Spirit River. "

And then listened to the words of Baoyu no nonsense, honestly pursued the question: "Fairy sister, that 'pure bottle' to find where?

And where is the Ling River? "

"Only the Pure Vase can bring the dead back to life. The water in the Vase can revive a dead tree and change its soul, but I don't know where it is now. "The beautiful eyes of Guanyin, who had lost her freedom, looked at her empty hands, and her eyes flashed gloomily.

"Then what should we do? Where in the world can we find these two halves of a vase? " the precious jade eagerly took off to retort.

Guanyin recovered from her emotion, "As long as you can become one with the 'Psychic Jewel', you will be able to sense where the Pure Vase is! "

What's with the "rock" again? The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past few years, and has been working hard to develop the new product. Please, just tell me! "

"The time has not yet come, you should concentrate on your cultivation! "Kuan Yin rejected the old Jewel question without hesitation.

There's that again! Pao-Yu's mind was muttering to herself, who the hell is this fairy sister? Always playing tricks on a fine young man like me!

He had no choice but to give up when he saw the resolute tone of the Illusionary Fairy Goddess; then he asked, "That 'Spirit River'!

And where is it? How did I not hear of this river? "

"The Spirit River is a place where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth converges, at the foot of the Western Spirit Mountain! "When Guanyin mentioned Spirit Mountain, she wondered in her mind whether the Fullness of Gods and Buddhas were fighting a bitter battle with the demon army. The fate of the three worlds is in the hands of the reincarnated Monkey King, who doesn't know what's going on, but he's so far away from uniting yin and yang!

Bao Yu's astonished words interrupted Guanyin's contemplation, "Sister Fairy, the Spirit Mountain you're talking about wouldn't be the legendary Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, would it! That's Rudraksha's territory! "

"Exactly where my Buddha Rudra is, no nonsense! "The serious rebuke made Bao Yu immediately a face like a bitter, secretly scolded himself why this mouth so fast, disrespect in the heart is, why say it out? You know these immortals are all under Rudra's thumb!