My Wife, King Arthur

Chapter 602 West (second sentence)

Chapter 624: West

“Interesting.” Kerall picked up the rifle from Elusia's hand and knew the secret of the rifle as soon as he touched it along its body.

Knight Vodka's face was ridiculous, she didn't talk, and her rifle wasn't that good.

Keiral looked at her, shook her head and smiled, this proud woman, isn't that a spinning code?

This long gun needs to be held with both hands and has a rotatable lock at one third and two thirds of the gun's body. This long gun does not mean that the shape can be changed directly at the handle of the lock. Now this long gun can only be held as it was before it was defeated, that is, the most basic "iron gun”, before the card lock needs to be rotated to achieve a change of shape.

Kerall twisted the lock a lap, about 20 times, and the two upper and lower locks 40 times, but if it's not the correct password, say 3 laps up and 15 laps down, then you have to go from 1X1, 1X2, 1X3 to 1X20.

This is a very laborious thing, and if the other person doesn't give the password on their own initiative, it's basically impossible to reverse all the forms of this long gun.

So Night Vodka gave a sarcastic look, clearly saying that Kerall didn't know the sky was thick.

This mathematical topic is presumably incomprehensible to indigenous peoples.

But for Kerall, it's just the basis of ordinary people's calculations.

1: 1,1: 2,1: 3… Kerall has managed the first change in his hands just a couple of dozen times.

I just saw a change in the head. The gun Kerall had just seen. Turning his head, Kerall looked at Knightwockawn and smiled. “I think that was the blast gun you just called? ”

Knight Vodka's face is ugly, she doesn't say a word. When people see this thing, they don't say how to change the shape, they don't know how to use it, but it's easy to change the shape in Kerall's hands. When looking at Kerall's extra blade attitude, she knows not to say how to use it. The other party is probably familiar with the shape of this gun, right?

She had some regrets that the Decalogue had just been used with impunity, and if she knew that the Decalogue had been used but still could not win, her escape or concealment of the Decalogue would have been much better than the current situation in which the other party was in complete control of the weapon.

The other side held a decathlon.

You don't even need another Elusia who looks exactly like you, you just need to find someone who can fight as well as she does, and the other side adds a huge amount of fighting power.

This is outrageous!

But if the Ten Commandments don't go all out, how can she not go all out to fight and run?

Now he's caught directly by the other side, and the weapon is under their control, too, Elusia? The intestines of Knight Vodka are green.

“Elusia, with what you know about yourself, if you were caught, would you give in after torture?” Instead of asking Knight Vodka, Kerall turned to Elusia? Scarlett asked.

“Absolutely not.” Elusia snapped the iron and answered.

And then everybody understood what Kerall was trying to say.

Despite almost the opposite of character and worldly life, Elusia is still Elusha, and that hasn't changed a bit.

That stubbornness was definitely why Elusia couldn't give in, not to mention that Elusia was the leader of an army with more dignity, so everyone looked at Kerall and didn't know what he wanted to do.

“Here's my plan now.” Keiral shrugged, went over everything in his head, and slowly said, "You go into the King's City and lurk in the King's City under the leadership of Elusia and Mirajane, and if you can disguise yourself and imitate the nature and character of Knight Vodka, then it's not necessarily possible to mix up with the Kingdom Council. ”

Keiral's words widened Knight Vodka's eyes, and he immediately understood Keiral's thoughts.

This guy, that's horrible!

Luckily this guy is one of us! The fairy's tails were sweating cold inside, watching Kerall straighten out.

Think about it, a Knight Vodka would have been the leader of the King's Army. He must have been familiar with the tail incident against the other fairy, and it would have been easy for Elusia to save them if she had mixed in with the King's Army.

Moreover, being able to possess the power of a national army is naturally much easier for those searching for their own guild.

You usually only see the one in front, the one in the back that few people can understand.

But if you don't win first, you have to lose first, which means don't think about how many benefits and benefits you can afford to win before the war, but think about whether you can afford to lose after it.

A lot of people had YY before the war and how much stuff they could get after winning, but few thought about what it would cost if they lost.

So when Elusia clapped her hands, she thought, "If it's exposed, you can kill a blood path with my power. ”

“Haha, I will take Night Vodka away, without Night Vodka, in terms of her status and status as the top five of the King's Army, even if someone perceives something wrong, they will never dare say anything, because the reason for the status is too high, if there is her injection ask why you have been wrong lately, let me tell you, you can blush a little, just shut up.” Kerall ran wildly, smiling.

His speech sounded creepy in Knight Vodka, so much admiration in the hearts of others, Keiral has always been the Speaker of Parliament, far from the tails of the fairies, and his ability to perform has always been: powerful magic, incomparable rights and powerful means of governance, but Keiral's first demonstration of his wisdom was amazing, and Rabbi's eyes were spilling admiration!

But C.C. knew Kerall very well, so when she heard Kerall, she felt something was wrong, and she said, "Where are you taking this woman? ”

“I'm going west.” Kerall smiled softly, one sentence making C.C. sweat up his back.

Of course the west is not the west side of this continent, not even the West Sea, but the west, the Knights!!

Will there be a Knightland in this world!! When I think of two Kerals, C.C. has some soft legs.

“I'm sure I'll be back at a critical time, but C.C., I have a mission for you.” Kerall smiled lightly, not much, but spoke to C.C.