My Youth Love Story Sudden Change of Painting Style

My Youth Love Story Sudden Change of Painting Style Chapter 68

She knows most of the things she knows, and there is no need to learn what she doesn't know.

Then the lines need to be revised a bit.

"Ah, teacher, look, this female classmate is alone in such a club, and she will be disbanded soon..."

Yukino's expression tightened.

"Although I don't think I need any help, she is kind after all..."

Sneak-eyed glanced threateningly at the whiteness under the short skirt, and then even a righteous face: "So in return for such a mood, I can help gather some new members."

This hit the pain under the snow.


Back to the classroom for class, at noon, Hachiman-kun Shi Shiran, who usually settles lunch in the classroom, took the lunch box to the ministry of the ministry, opened the door, and Yukoshita was sorting the books he had read today.

The two people meet...

The girl raised her long hair, looking cold as if she had an endocrine disorder: "You have to run over for lunch...Do you want to see me that much?"

Before she finished speaking, the boy slammed the door shut.

He left, his footsteps still so steady.


"I thought there would be an extra clean place for lunch, but I forgot that there wasn't even a ready-made table inside."

He suddenly received a text message while eating.

The letter from you, Fengban Dahe.

"It's Dahe..."

Hachiman-kun, who put down his chopsticks, read the contents carefully and carefully.

Because he is very serious and cautious, he has almost never made any mistakes, so everyone in the SOS team trusts Blind Fisheye.

"This Sunday, I will come to Chief Wu Gao with Shinari and stop by your kennel."

Hey, you, a guy who doesn't work hard and doesn't know what to eat, is still qualified to say that someone else's house is a doghouse?

Thinking of this guy’s house, thinking of visiting her for the first time, tut tut, that scene, the good guy has never seen such a messy home environment. I won’t say anything about garbage, just the sink—I’ll give You speak!

The sink in the animation is all mosaic!

The ghost knows what's inside!

It is estimated that the supervisor would not dare to draw it. That should be a burden that humans cannot bear.

At the beginning, I and Gui could be said to have escaped from the wild, but I still couldn't see it. They called a part-time worker. When the part-time worker saw that room, the eyes looked like a dead father. Anyway, he was asked to double his salary. Hands on.

I heard that I suffered from intensive phobia after I went back, and I am still receiving psychotherapy...

Hachiman-kun frowned and thought about it.

"Is it Sunday? Well, the wig will come on Saturday... In this way, it can be turned off, perfect!"

"Sina Pear, I know that girl, she is very good, she has a sweet smile, and her personality is quite good, but it is a pity that she is crazy..."

The text message also has the following: "Hehehehe, Minari said today that I am one of a thousand beautiful people. We will go to Ginza to buy clothes on Saturday. They are so beautiful and beautiful..."

Hachiman-kun took a bite of the meal, his fingers beating on the phone, and he replied: "beautiful, it is indeed a beauty, I ask myself I have never seen a short beauty like you..."

A few minutes later, expecting that the servant had turned into a little tiger and roared with anger, he continued his efforts: "Honestly, aren't all your clothes custom-made? What are you going to buy? Children's clothing?"

Shut down immediately.

Yes, Aizaka Dahe, who was eating with good friends at a certain school, had already roared just now, and the wooden knife he carried with him also cracked the big tree in front of him.

The energetic girl with short pink hair smiled and watched Dahe whirling.

"I'm so angry that I'm so angry!"

"That blind bastard!"

"Ahhhh, I am going to kill him!"

Shinari smiled suddenly: "Tiger, is that the one you like?"

"certainly not!"

The petite girl couldn't be more petite angrily dropped the wooden knife, calmed down, the phone rang again.

Shinari pointed, "Look, is it an apology from your friend?"

"surely not!"

Although she said this, the girl turned her mobile phone blush, her blushing became more and more.

Not the shy Hongxia, but the angry blood.

"Ahhhhhhh! You bastard! How dare you say I am young!"

"Also said I am wearing children's clothing..."

The energetic girl spread out her hands, saying that she could not hold her friends.

"Obviously, I am a fisheye with facial paralysis, so what right do I have to say I am young!"

As he put the cruel words, Fengban Dahe's voice became less and less emboldened.

Because she was pitted too badly, now she is a little afraid of her big teacher...


I want to be a good person.

Chapter 11 This is the title

The thing is like this, I joined a club.

This society is not well-known and is called the Ministry of Service.

The minister is an outstanding beautiful girl who is well-known throughout Sou Takeo.

Moreover, she is the only person in the entire society.