Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love
Chapter 126 is not enough IQ.
A group of people in the night, a group of people came in, and the face changed.
This ward is simply like the Presidential Suite, which is large and spacious, and the decoration is luxurious than the night.
There are four rooms inside, all are empty!
They squeezed yesterday, they almost played, slept back pain, and the result was such a person to sleep such a big room.
There is a bed with a room, you won't ask them to take a break.
"Sister, you know how this big room is not called us, there is no room, uncle, the brother is sleeping on the hallway."
Night Wei's eyebrows, my heart is dead, last night she squeezed a bed with the night, and the night is still snoring, she didn't sleep well.
She has to squeeze my meal with my aunt, but the night of this soil bag is a person sleeping in the presidential suit.
The night is innocent: "I don't know if you have no room, our night is so rich, it is impossible to have no room."
Nightwei: "..."
"You can really, we are squeezed on the stool, cold and black, you fell, a person sleeps such a big room!" A cousin is very angry.
I can't let go of such a big room, they are squeezed in the corridor, it is a big silly X.
"I don't mean, you haven't slept last night, just take a rest, I will keep my grandfather today."
I have already appreciated their angry expressions and I left the next sentence.
Nightwei felt wrong, she and Du Lijuan said: "Mom, the True Taiwan is clearly said that all the rooms are booked, how can I come in?"
Du Lijuan thought: "It is estimated that the small means of mixing with the small mix in her is open, and these people stealing the dogs will do."
So open the door is normal.
On the night, I don't care what they think. She returned to the night father's ward to hand to the housekeeper: "I made people have a western lake powder, and people who are sick can also drink."
The housekeeper took a channel: "The big lady has a heart."
"Hey, just a barrel of flour? Even a chicken soup is not affordable, your husband is not very powerful, how can you have a money?" Night Shumei came in, full face.
At night, she took her: "Aunt, this is Grandpa Ward, I don't want to quarrel with you."
Night Smell, I still want to say anything, I have seen the three gold behind my eyes, I have to close my mouth.
The night is always guarded in the afternoon, the father woke up.
Although the old man woke up, but it is still not convenient to talk, the ventilator is very difficult, but it is more difficult to see the night fall.
I know that I am sure that Sun Lianying and Du Lijuan have said that she called people in front of him, and the father has commented on her.
So wait until the father is asleep, and the hospital will go out at night.
Anyway, there is a pile of people to take care of the night.
She took a good shower and took a bathout with fragrant Darkrose, and her mood was good.
I have to start school after tomorrow, she wants to call to the teacher, she wants to turn professional.
She pulled the teacher's phone, explaining the situation, she wants to go to the Chinese language and literature.
The teacher checked her achievements hesitation: "Night classmates, you have a zero every subject in the test, you are sure you want to go to the Chinese language and literature?"
Students who score zero can study the language? Is Issue not good enough?
"Teacher, I am sure."
The teacher did not leave her. After all, she walked such a useless student, and it was a great thing to them.