Naruto and they have a system

Naruto: They Have System Chapter 548

Hei Jue was supposed to be nailed to the trunk.

But as if that long sword didn't exist, Heijue would jump from the trunk and land on another trunk.

Chapter 546 Xiyan's System

The smile that Yuyue Xiyan had just bloomed stiffened on her face in an instant.

I thought it was a foolproof thing, but if I missed it like this, Uzuki Yuyan was very embarrassed in front of Uchiha.

But now there is no time to be ashamed of myself, the next time he yanked the sword out, and rushed towards that Heijue again.

But the moment was pulled by a force.

Uzuki Yuyan looked back, and it was Uchiha who stretched out and held his arm to stop his movement.

Seeing Uzuki Yuyan's puzzled expression, Uchiha said coldly, "It won't work for you like this!"

Although he was not reconciled, Uzuki Yuyan did not refute this when he heard Uchihain's mouth, but obediently stood by Uchihain's side.

Because she knew very well that what Uchihain was talking about was something, and she really couldn't do any harm to Heizue.

Uchiha's expression on his face was very indifferent when he looked at the Heijue who was running around.

With the palm of his hand, a large piece of thunder and lightning continued to gather in his hand, making a sizzling sound.

The thunder and lightning moved slowly in Uchihain's hands, and the appearance of the teeth and claws seemed very terrifying.

Hei Jue looked at him with a smile, "Don't waste your effort, wood is not conductive!"

Uchihain didn't care about Kazuki's words at all, "I know, but I just want to try it, in case it has a different effect!"

After saying that he moved slightly after losing, the thunder and lightning slowly changed color, with a strong red.

Both people present looked curiously, and they didn't know what was going on.

In fact, Uchiha Ken was just a chakra with fire attributes added to it.

Originally, only thunder and lightning could cause the burning effect, but Hei Jue's words reminded him.

If there is only thunder and lightning, the speed is a bit slow.

So Uchiha Yin simply added the fire-attributed Chakra to it.

In this case, it doesn't take a few seconds to burn directly.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Hidden stretched out his hand, and the thunder and lightning followed up towards the trunk where Kurozue was.

Although Hei Jue was clamoring that it was useless, but the moment he saw the thunder and lightning rushed over, he started to flee in fear.

After all, if you really hurt yourself, I am afraid it will be difficult to repair.

Even if Heijue's speed is fast, it is still not as fast as lightning. Don't catch up with lightning within a few seconds.

He heard a scream, and the tree where Hei Jue was located split instantly, and a raging flame was burning.

But this was not the time to stop, and the lightning caught up without stopping.

The expression on Heijue's face was very frightened for a moment.

Every tree will be chopped off.

Hei Jue had already received lightning strikes several times in just ten seconds.

No matter how strong the defensive ability is, it is still unclear at this time.

Seeing that Uchiha Kimura still didn't mean to stop, he came and took a stern look at Uchiha Kimura with a lightning strike.

Then it slowly disappeared into the mud.

Seeing that the last lightning strike did not bring any unnecessary changes to the land, Uchihain took his hand back.

Uzuki Yuyan, who was standing on the other side, looked at Uchiha's movements with envy all the way.

You must know that the launch of such a large-scale ninjutsu requires a lot of Chakra support.

After Uchiha's use, there is indeed no sign of fatigue. Obviously this amount of Chakra is not a matter to him.

As soon as Uchiha Yin turned his head, he saw Uzuki Yuyan's horrified expression, thinking that he was questioning why he had let him go.

When I was about to explain, I saw Uzue Xiyan looking at her with an expression of admiration.

"Master Yin, you are really amazing, Xi Yan respects you very much!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Ken thought for a moment that he had heard it wrong.

After all, these words are not like what the intellectual and beautiful Uzuki Yuyan can say in the original book.

No matter how she looks at the woman in front of her, she feels like a little nympho.

Uchiha couldn't help but began to wonder if Konoha's Anbe's selection was done in a dark box, how could a person with such a personality enter the Anbe.

Uchiha thought that his surprise was already obvious.

But that Maoyue Xiyan looked unintelligible, still full of stars and eyes.

For a moment, Uchiha Ken felt that he didn't know what kind of expression he should put on facing Uzuki Yuyan.

In the end he smiled and said, "Okay, this is the quotation and so be it, we should go back!"

After speaking, he left without waiting for Yuyue Xiyan's answer, and the speed of travel was very fast.

Uzue Xiyan was not annoyed, she still followed behind with a happy face.

Just as Uzuki Yuyan was about to call Uchiha Hidden, he suddenly heard a voice in his mind.

At that moment, Yuyue Xiyan's original smirk expression disappeared in an instant.

What appeared on the face was an expression of coldness.

"Congratulations, Maoyue Xiyan, become the host!"

The moment this voice sounded, Uzuki Xiyan's face was even more unsightly, because the voice rang directly in her mind.

Among the things she knew, no one could do this except for the ninjutsu of the mountain clan.

But this was obviously not what Yamanaka Kaiichi did, so Uzuki Xiyan was very nervous for a moment.

"Started the only main mission, climbed onto Uchiha's bed!"