Naruto: I fired my skills to the point

Chapter 43: Twisted Mikoto

You can search for "Naruto: I put my skills on Explosive Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The three rushed directly into the Hokage office, and the three generations were looking out the window anxiously.

Pushing open the door, the three generations looked at Shenye expectantly, only to find that these three little guys had empty hands.

"Didn't those people be brought back?"

"It was escaped by those big guys, but we have other gains."


The three generations showed differences in their eyes, but some ordinary people who were not recorded in the book would have unexpected gains.

From this point of view, the news that the ninjas in front of us had sent back was not very accurate, and there were many things that were not even understood.

Shinya nodded at Lujiu, who took it out of the ninja pocket and disappeared on the table.

The sight of the three generations was instantly attracted by the little stone, frowning from time to time, wondering what they were thinking about.

"There is a very powerful sealing power on this, which is definitely not something ordinary people can accomplish."

"It is because of seeing these things that are wrong that I will bring it back to you."

"You go back and rest first. This task seems to require Zhongren in the village to complete it. There will be some difficulties."

Originally planned to be here to wait for the final result, but Shenye suddenly changed his mind and turned and walked outside.

After listening to the words of the three generations, Shuimen and Lujiu knew that this matter was no longer something they could intervene, and they simply left with Shenye.

At least a few people today have not won a title of mission failure, and everything needs to be considered long-term.

The three people went home in different directions, so they made a difference at the foot of Shadow Rock.

A few hours passed, and the next morning arrived as promised, Shen Ye supported his lazy arms.

"Shenye, you wake up, someone is looking for you outside."

Tsunade appeared in front of Kamiya with a smirk, the expression on his face was very ambiguous.

Kamiya scratched his head questioningly, what is the sacred expression of Tsunade's expression when someone looks for him?

After finishing her clothes, Shen Ye walked out of her room a few steps, and a familiar pretty voice in the living room sat on the sofa and waited.

"It's Mikoto. Is there anything wrong with coming to see me so early?"

"Can we go out and chat?"

Mikoto pointed carefully in the direction of the door, her eyes full of expectation.

This made Kamiya even more puzzled, how arrogant and domineering Uchiha Mikoto seemed to be a different person, she was so timid.

Shenye nodded, took Mikoto and walked out of the room until he reached a hidden corner.

Mikoto lowered her head slightly and stared at her toes, clutching her hands on the corners of her clothes and slowly twisting her body, looking very twisted.

"There is something I can say now, no one else is around."

"Sorry Shenye, I have always blamed you."

"Didn't you have said Qian? And I have never blamed you."


Mikoto's face suddenly turned ruddy, and buried her head deeper, not daring to raise her head and stare at Shenye.

Shenye shook his head helplessly, wondering what was going on.

"Don't continue, but if you have anything, just say it directly, otherwise I will go back." Girls' short novel

"Don't tell me the mark on my butt, okay, this is my secret all along."

Shenye twitched the corners of his mouth twice, thinking it was something important.

Even if Mikoto didn't take the initiative to find herself, she wouldn't publicize such things.

Gentleman's demeanor is the principle that Shinya has always implemented to the end, not to mention Uchiha Mikoto is also a good friend of her in this world.

The betrayal of friends will never be something Shenye can do.

"I promise you."

"Thank you Shenye, I will invite you to have a Le Ramen tonight, okay?"

Shenye nodded, knowing that Mikoto still has important practice, so he didn't want to stay.

Looking at Mikoto's bouncing back, he knew that Mikoto had completely opened a knot in his heart.

Neither of them noticed that there was a small guy hiding at the edge of the corner, and all the conversations between the two were heard in his ears.

Choosing the opposite direction to Mikoto, Shen Ye walked towards Hokage's office.

Although the three generations have ordered more advanced ninjas to perform tasks, Shenye is very curious about that little stone.

Staying down and looking at the office window, it happened to collide with the sight of the third generation.

Sandai smiled, raised his hand and gently opened the window, then walked over to the table sideways.

Shen Ye arched slightly, condensing Chakra under her feet, and after a few consecutive jumps, she fell to the office window.

At this time, there were only three generations of people in the office, and the little stone was still lying on the table.

"Is there anything found in the pebbles?"

Three generations shook their heads, the stone did have a strong sealing power, but it was still an ordinary stone after it was unlocked.

"Perhaps even such a seal is just a blindfold. We have been deceived too much."

"What is going on?"

"Further observation is needed to draw a conclusion. Ninjas have been sent to track down those guys."

Shenye nodded, picked up the stone in his palm and looked at it carefully, indeed he couldn't see anything special.

"I thought there would be a world in a little stone, but that's it."

"Even the first generation dare not say that this can be done easily."

At the same time, the guy who eavesdropped on the conversation between Shinya and Mikoto quickly ran to the Uchiha family, pacing back and forth at the door anxiously waiting.

After a while, Fu Yue slowly walked out the door wearing a brisk cloth clothes.

"Master Fu Yue, you have finally come out. I just overheard the hateful Shenye talking with Mikoto. He actually knew the mark on Ms. Mikoto's ass."

Fu Yue frowned, he didn't even know such a thing.

If it hadn't been for the guy in front of him to speak out at this time, Fuyue had no idea that Mikoto's butt had this natural mark on it.

Fu Yue, who had no affection for Shen Ye, suddenly changed the expression on his face, clenching his fists with both hands.

The guy who made the small report shivered and did not dare to say more, for fear that Fu Yue would act on him in anger.

Working hard to calm his emotions, Fu Yue took a deep breath.

"Thanks to you, this is regarded as a reward for you."

Fu Yue took out a small gray pill from his pocket and handed it to the guy in front of him, who suddenly glowed in his eyes.