Naruto: I fired my skills to the point

Chapter 78: Sudden Battle

You can search for "Naruto: I put my skills on Explosive Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!In fact, even if Mengze didn't explain to the old man Tian, ​​Shenye probably guessed what kind of mission this time was.

Everyone in the world of ninja knows to hide their skills and killers, at least in normal times they will not take them out casually, but for Shinya who knows almost all the moves in the world of Naruto, almost everyone is in front of him transparent.

The Hyuga family is known as Konoha's strongest family, although it was because Konoha later did not have Uchiha, but the ability to cast eyes is undoubtedly incomparable.

The ninja and the ninja of the Inuzuka clan's fighting style can be surprisingly effective most of the time.

However, the two have another feature in common, that is, their ability to detect is very strong. Both the white eyes and the keen sense of smell of the Inuzuka family are very strong detection or counter-reconnaissance methods.

And these two people, coupled with the super fast speed that they showed to the outside world, and the weird sneaking ability of Oshemaru, Shenye can basically determine that this mission should be a sneaking action.

However, Mr. Xiang Tian seemed to be unsatisfied with these eleven or twelve-year-old children. He didn't really want the four to explain anything along the way. He just walked in the forefront with a muffled voice. Only Dashemaru occasionally went up to ask if he needed a rest. Category.

"This old man is really hard to do, so he didn't say what the task was for a long time."

"Don't discuss the client when you are on a mission, it will leave outsiders with bad opinions about Konoha."

Although Hinata Nissa's mouth was to stop Inuzuka's claws, there was a murmur in her heart.After all, until now, except for the Oshe Maru, I don't know what the mission is.

"Kamiya, I heard that you won the singles against Uchiha Fudake. When will you have the opportunity to compete?"

Inuzuka Claw on the side seemed to feel uncomfortable as soon as he was free, and always wanted to stir up the topic, while Hyuga Nissa was a sophisticated look, as if nothing had anything to do with him.

"Don't you need to be vigilant at all times when you go out on missions, and leave energy for enemies who don't know when they will appear?

Although Shenye felt this was very boring, she knew that she had to conserve her strength. After all, the enemies he had to face were not only unknown enemies, but also Oshemaru who didn't know what he was thinking.

On Shenye’s road, he was very nervous, keeping his eyes on the Dashemaru in front of him, while the latter was as leisurely as walking in a vegetable market, and he hadn’t said anything except the two words when he went out so far.

The two people on the side thought that Shenye kept doing this because he was a little nervous on the B-level mission for the first time, so they didn’t ask too much. Only the face of Oshemaru, who was walking in the front, always had a trace of it on his face. Understand the smile.

Shinya’s guard made Oshemaru even more interested. As one of Konoha’s top ninjas, Oshemaru definitely crushes Shinye in strength, but he does not want to take coercive measures on Shinye. As for him Maybe only he knows what he is thinking.

Just when the three were bored, Mengze Xiangtian who was walking in the front suddenly let out a scream, and then there was an explosion.

"what happened!"

Without waiting for a few people to react, many people suddenly appeared around them to surround the three, but at this critical juncture, the Oshe Maru who had been walking in the sight of a few people suddenly disappeared.

Wouldn't it be Oshemaru's people?

It is strange that when Shen Ye faced these people, the first thing he thought of was not how to face it, but what would happen if Oshemaru suddenly raided from the corner.

In fact, I can’t blame Shinya for being so wary of Oshemaru, because Shinya who is familiar with history knows everything that happens in Naruto.000 literature

After the Second Ninja World War, Da She Maru is no longer dedicated to the village. What he thinks every day is how to be immortal, immortal, and also those strange experiments. For those studies, he often I found some ninjas in the village to do experiments, but almost no one survived.

When Shen Ye was thinking about it, the two people beside him had already started to move.

"White eyes!"

"Black pills, let's go!"

The two started fighting separately, only Shenye didn't move, just holding the kunai in the ninja bag in his hands, always preparing to deal with emergencies.

There were not many enemies around, and with the strong fighting power of Hyuga Nissaba and Inuzuka Claw, they soon wiped out all the enemies that came up.

Seeing the enemy troops on the ground, Shinya's stomach was slightly rolling. This kind of thing in the ninja world is absolutely commonplace, but for Shinya, he grew up in a peaceful environment in his previous life, and he has not been so close since he came to Naruto World. Contact with death, at this moment, he just insisted not to spit out breakfast.

"I'll see how Mr. Xiang Tian is going."

Randomly found an excuse, Shen Ye left the bloody combat area, and came to the place where Mengze screamed at Tian just now, but found that there was no one here, only a very serious explosion left on the ground.

Could it be that it was blown to death?But I have never heard that there are mine-like things in the world of Naruto, and why is Oshe Maru missing?

Shenye kept looking around, but there was nothing in front of him except this big pit.

However, just as he moved forward to search for their mission client, his feet suddenly softened, and then a powerful fireball as powerful as Fu Yue's search for a fireball came from under his feet.

There was a bad cry in his heart, and Shen Ye used the technique of Flying Thunder God before he could think about it.


There was another loud noise, and Shen Ye's embarrassed figure rolled and appeared behind Inuzuka Claw.

"What's the matter Shenye?"

At first, Inuzuka Claw was shocked by the loud noise, and then the sudden appearance of Shen Ye from behind made her heart beat suddenly.

Shenye got up and patted the ashes on his body and said, "There are explosives in front of them. They should be the ones buried underneath. As long as they go up, they will explode. If it weren't for the special kunai I gave to you two before, I guess I'm taking a break now."

The Hyuga Nissa on the side tied up the few survivors and walked towards Shinya, "Doesn’t that mean that the client has already..."

Shenye also nodded helplessly. According to the current situation, it seems to be like this, but the explosion just now is quite far away from Oshemaru. Besides, with his strength, it is not difficult to escape from the center of the explosion. How could it disappear?

Just as the three of them were puzzled, a familiar gloomy voice sounded from the top of everyone's heads.

"Mr. Xiang Tian can trust the strength of these little guys now."

As soon as the three of them looked up, they found that Da She Maru was standing on the big tree beside him, looking down at a few people, and the one beside him was not Mengze Xiangtian.